Page 12 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 12

BV110 pg 10-13 Nothing More Interview.qxp_BV110 pg 13  15/06/2024  23:29  Page 3

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              we also are guilty and, unfortunately, also par-  Mark confirms that he inspires him with his   want to elaborate, when you said alcohol, and
              ticipate in those thoughts a lot of the times. I   gymnastics. “I can’t do any of that stuff. His ded-  the lyric being a little bit heavenly and a little bit
              have dark thoughts. And I have so much to live   ication to those things and his need and persist-  sick in the song ‘Spirits’, and in the album, and
              for. I continually, when I wake up, do my grati-  ence to get better and keep working on his form   it’s comical almost, it comes from the idea that
              tude list and I really think of what I have to be   and learning these new, very scary, skills, they   alcohol is the solution and the… what’s the big
              thankful for. All these positive words that I wear   require so much strength, it’s definitely some-  phrase? It’s the cause and the solution to all the
              on these shirts are not just a message to others,   thing I’m super proud of and is very inspiring in   world’s problems. That’s what they say alcohol
              but to myself, really just reminding me of how   ways I look at the guitar or songwriting, and I’m   is, because it does give you that life, that energy,
              important life is.”                 persistent to keep getting better, and keep hon-  that bond, when you have a drinking buddy or
                 He confirms that writing a gratitude list really   ing my skills, as well as he’s just a ray of hope.   whatever. But, then, it goes too far and, yeah, it
              helps him every morning, and makes you feel   A ray of sunshine. He has this level of innocence   causes problems. It causes people to do things
              better.  This is something that you may have   and empathy that, even at 11 years old, he is   that they would not normally do. It’s kind of why
              seen others do online. One musician who we’ve   just a very good listener and he feels with every-  they call it spirits. You’re almost possessed by
              seen writing a gratitude list is Jacoby Shaddix of   thing in his body. I’m so proud of him and can’t   another spirit. I think the word comes from alco-
              Papa Roach, who Nothing More have been out   wait to, day by day, watch him grow up, and see   hol, I can’t remember the origin of it, it means
              on tour with.                       the man he becomes and how he will affect the   spirit. It kind of overtakes you. It’s interesting.”
                 Mark says, “And that is more, that’s some-  world.”                    We tell Mark that we’ve never drank,
              thing that comes from being in the program,                            smoked or taken any drugs in our life. We’d like
              from AA or SLAA, or SAA, or anything like that.   rior to new album, ‘Carnal’, Nothing   people to know that they can be unique, and
              A lot of those twelve-step programs, there are a   PMore released ‘Spirits’ in October 2022.   don’t need to do anything to fit in like drinking or
              lot of great things and great habits to put out   The band spoke about the title of that album,   taking drugs. And, thinking about it, we do think
              there. Even if you’re not in a twelve-step pro-  and its title track, commenting on how we give   it’s quite a shame that it’s not more popular for
              gram, we absolutely should be grateful and just   the same name to something holy as well as   music venues to sell healthier drinks – maybe
              remember that we have so much to be thankful   something wholly intoxicating.   smoothies, iced coffee, green juices (don’t
              to be alive for.”                     Spirits is a term for liquor, which contains   laugh) and maybe an all-round healthier range
                 We definitely love the idea of gratitude and   more alcohol than other alcoholic drinks. Exam-  of drinks. The World Health Organization esti-
              believe that the more gratitude you put out into   ples of spirits include vodka, rum, gin and   mates that alcohol kills three million people
              the world, the more good things will come back   tequila. Spirits, and alcohol in general, are obvi-  throughout the world every year. We think ven-
              to you. The law of attraction talks about how we   ously something that a lot of people drink. It   ues could be doing more to inspire people to try
              manifest what we think in our life. When we think   seems to be synonymous with rock ‘n’ roll, with   healthy alternatives when they’re enjoying them-
              positive, we are more likely to manifest positive   venues selling a lot of alcohol and spirits at their   selves at a show. We think people can still enjoy
              things. Some of us focus on negativity, but, by   bars. Rock music seems infused with alcohol,   themselves without needing to drink. You don’t
              trying to be grateful for the good things in our   as various festivals are sponsored by brands   need to have a drink to have a good time. One
              life, we can attract more good things. Journaling   such as Jagermeister although too much of a   of the tricks is to not feel like you need to do the
              helps to reinforce the positivity.   good thing is not always a good thing, after all.   same as everyone else, and just be you, be
                 Mark agrees, “I think going through the mo-  Various musicians have revealed their addic-  unique, and not cave into what everyone else is
              tions a lot of the times gets you into that gear   tions to alcohol, some being able to beat their   doing.
              and into that headspace, or heart space, if you   addiction and becoming sober. Musicians such   Mark replies, “I think that’s awesome. I’m all
              will, and it does kind of charge you, even if you   as Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx and Justin Hawkins   about you being you and having that individual-
              don’t feel like doing it. Once you start, a lot of   of The Darkness are just two musicians who   ity. I know I didn’t start drinking until I was 26/27
              the times, it’s like ‘OK, yeah, I’m really glad I did   have been sober for a very long time, with Justin   or so, and the drinking age in America is 21 still.
              that.”                                                                             So, yeah, lots of my friends and
                                        “We tend to have that be a practice in our song-         even the other guys in the band
                     hile frontman Jonny                                                         were all participating and it was
                 Wis probably more  writing and ask ourselves, ‘Is this doing it for us          really important to me, and part
              often in the spotlight, Mark, too,   yet? Is this giving me chills? Is this making the   of my identity, that I was
              deserves some attention. He                                                        straight edge. I really do think
              posted last  August that he  hairs stand up on the back of my neck? Can I lose     that that shaped a lot of who I
              knows he has ‘a voice in this   myself in the music and really feel every lyric? Is   am in a lot of ways. And there
              loud toxic world… and it’s a                                                       are other scientific reasons of
              voice that longs to be a light of  it as good as it can get?’ And I think it’s pretty   how alcohol affects the brain
              hope for those that need it   damn good. I’m excited for everyone to hear and      and your fight-or-flight decision
              through my music with my                                                           and whatnot in men up until
              brothers.’ He said he wants to  feel all of it.” - Mark Vollelunga                 they’re 26 or something like
              remind people to smile and                                                         that.  That’s not why I started
              snarf drink out of their nose because of hilarity,   talking in depth, fairly recently, on his ‘Justin   drinking at 26!” he laughs. “I decided to, actually,
              but also to have meaningful, life-changing con-  Hawkins Rides Again’ podcast about his alco-  because of the connection. After being around
              versations. So, has he had any life-changing   holism.                 it, seeing lots of people do very stupid things,
              conversations?                        Mark thinks that people in general like to let   there was also this very synergistic thing that I
                 “Oh, of course, absolutely,” he replies.   their hair down by drinking. “Yes, historically, you   was missing out on. And other people are so im-
              “Every time I’m out here on the road. Every time,   can look at plenty of musicians that struggle with   portant to me, just through empathy, through
              honestly, wherever I am, I tend to seek out those   these problems. That’s mainly because our time   going through stuff together, so that’s why I
              things. Almost like you’re saying the law of at-  to work is everyone else’s time to party. We have   chose to.”
              traction, it’s through those conversations and   to put on a mask, put on a face, get ready for   But going back to the question, Mark contin-
              that bonding that you kind of connect to another   what we do, put on a uniform, if you will, like   ues, “I do think that it’s possible that people can
              soul, and you really get to know somebody,   anybody does for another job, and go to work.   choose to be different and not participate in
              whether it’s through an experience or through a   You do what you need to do to get into that   something like that, like yourself. That’s awe-
              conversation, and, I guess, to me, music has   headspace, that heart space, and you do it, and   some, and it should be something that we ap-
              changed me, it’s changed my life. There are   sometimes a little liquid courage can help. It’s   plaud, for sure.”
              songs that have helped me through dark times,   hard, you’ve got to ride that line, and some peo-
              those bands who have been a light of hope, and,   ple do have that chemical imbalance or just can’t   ew album, ‘Carnal’, saw the band enter
              if anything, it’s me wanting to give back in grati-  just have one, and I can empathize completely.   Nthe studio with Grammy-nominated pro-
              tude and being thankful to those bands, to those   I know there have been times, definitely, when I   ducer WZRD BLD (AKA Drew Fulk), based in
              songwriters who’ve helped me, if I can give   have overdone it and participated too heavily in   Los Angeles, who has worked with Disturbed,
              somebody else that help then I’m set. That’s   something, and made mistakes. Fortunately, I’m   Motionless In White, Ice Nine Kills and A Day To
              what I want.”                       not an alcoholic, and I do not struggle with those   Remember, to name just four, with mixing and
                 One of those that inspires him – and whose   things, but I am able to be a believer in moder-  mastering completed by Zakk Cervini (Limp
              polaroid he has in his bunk – is his son, Fenix.   ation, but I know a lot of people can’t say that.   Bizkit, MGK, Bring Me  The Horizon).  Jonny
              Mark is very proud of him and has posted videos   That’s a very difficult to talk about too, it’s not   wrote about working on the intro to the album
              of Fenix in action, doing gymnastics.   something you can talk about quickly. I do also   and how it gave him chills. We ask Mark if he
                NOTHING MORE
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