Page 9 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 9

BV110 pg 04-09 Kris Barras Band Interview.qxp_BV110 pg09  12/06/2024  22:07  Page 6

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              of people that connected with that, because so   the album came out, people started listening to   “Who knows? I’m a fairly impulsive person.
              many people have lost a parent or loved one,”   it and sharing it, the buzz online just went crazy   There might come a day when I decide I’ve had
              he says. “I lost him to a really short battle with   and it was just amazing to see. We were watch-  enough, but I do this because I enjoy it. When
              cancer and I think cancer has affected pretty   ing it there in real time. And yeah, it was just in-  the day comes when I no longer enjoy it, that’s
              much everyone in some way, shape or form, and   credible. And then, obviously, we went in at No.   when I’m going to stop. It’s a very, very tough in-
              a lot of people can relate to that. I definitely like   4 in the midweek charts. But then, that gets an-  dustry. It’s very tough on a lot of levels… per-
              writing songs that people can relate to. I just   nounced on the Monday and the official charts   sonal level, it’s such an intimate thing, writing
              don’t take the viewpoint of that’s what I’m setting   are on the Friday, but then the streams get   songs and putting them out in the world. It’s a
              out to do. I do this because I love it, and people   added as the week goes on, so you get the big   very, very personal thing, so you’ve got that as-
              connect with that, and that’s great. That’s a dou-  artists, it’s really hard to compete with them be-  pect to it. So, if, maybe, you do get any knock-
              ble bonus for me. And that feels more sincere   cause they get so many streams. You get Olivia   backs or whatever, it does always feel a lot more
              that way. I think people, hopefully, they think I   Rodrigo and The Weekend, every week, they’re   personal than, maybe, other stuff. And, also, fi-
              come across as very real and very honest. I   around 5, 6, 7 in the charts for albums that are,   nancially. It’s very, very tricky to make it work fi-
              think, sometimes, I’m too honest, the stuff I write   like, two years old. Because they get so many   nancially. We’ve all got to do other things
              online, but yeah, if I can inspire anyone, great.”   streams, they’re still up there. There’s kind of a   alongside the music to try and keep it going,
                 It's a shame that Kris’s father is not around   benchmark to get into the top 5, you’ve got to   even at the level I’m at now. Sell 800-1000 tick-
              to witness some of the magical experiences and   beat those two – which we managed to do.   ets around the country, different venues and
              achievements that are starting to come in for   Yeah, it was amazing. We got number 5 and it’s   stuff, and I still have to work alongside it. That’s
              Kris, not least reaching number 5 in the UK   absolutely mind-blowing. I never, ever thought   not enough to be able to support me full-time.
              charts, battling it out with the likes of Beyonce   we could achieve anything like that. So, yeah, it   But, like I said, I still enjoy it. Once it gets to the
              and Linkin Park.                    was great. Watching everyone, like I say, rally   stage that I don’t enjoy it anymore, then I’ll move
                 “It’s incredible,” says Kris, when he thinks of   behind it. You get the midweek position, but it’s   on and do something else.”
              the chart position. “We kind of had our fingers   really hard to stay there, to get the daily sales to   Well, we hope that Kris keeps on loving
              crossed for a top 10. That was the silent aim be-  stay up there, but to see everyone rally behind   what he’s doing – because we definitely do, and
              hind the scenes: ‘We really need to push for a   it online, sharing it, was great.”   hope that he continues for a long, long time to
              top 10 on this album.’ It kind of got to a couple                      come.
              of weeks before the release and we weren’t sure   oing back to ‘Fall To Fly’, Kris sings ‘Did
              we were going to do it. But, then, once the   Gyou think I would just give up?’. We end   Visit for more info.
              album came out, things just kind of went crazy.   by asking if his plan now is to continue writing
              We were judging it off the pre-orders, which   and performing music and never giving up when   Words By Shari Black Velvet
              were decent, but weren’t putting us in that kind   it comes to music.
              of position for a high chart position. I think, once   “I won’t say I’ll never give up,” Kris replies.   Photos By Dean Chalkley

                                                                                                     KRIS BARRAS BAND
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