Page 17 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 17

BV110 pg 14-17 The Warning.qxp_BV110 pg 17  15/05/2024  21:27  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -  17
                 "I'm going to be really cheesy", says Dany,   "Because it's such a short, fleeting time for   their chance to meet the band. We use the last
              "but, my mom".                      us all. We're born, we live a little and then we're   of our time to mention 'MORE', which, when re-
                 With a huge smile, Ale agrees, "I was going   all going to die. So, use that time that you have   leased last year, was the first taste of what we
              to say the same thing".             to really live the happiest and most fulfilling life   could expect from 'Keep Me Fed'.
                 Pau nods in universal support.   that you can possibly have."          "It's about just that, wanting more from life,"
                 Ale is more than happy to tell Black Velvet   Dany adds, "And remember that it's not al-  says Dany.
              about their mom. "My                                                      So, is there any more that the band want?
              mum is a housewife and                                                    Ale tells us, "What we want right now, as a
              then, suddenly her life                                                band, is just accepting what we are doing now.
              got turned around, be-                                                 Like, we are in London. And we've sold out a
              cause she supported our                                                venue that has a 2,400 capacity. That's insane!
              passion. She's just this                                               We're taking these very big steps. Back at
              incredibly strong woman                                                home, we've just sold out a venue with a 10,000
              who knows how to keep                                                  capacity and we are taking these steps and
              a business in check,                                                   that's what we want.”
              which is crazy, because                                                   And, what the band want right now is, "Just
              it's not like she wasn't                                               to release this music and have it reach other
              doing that in our house,                                               people in, hopefully, bigger numbers and, hope-
              but, now, she is doing it                                              fully, it will bring us more people listening to our
              at such a different level.                                             music. That's what we want in life. Exactly this.
                 "It's not only us, her                                              We are living the dream and we've worked so
              children, but with a whole                                             hard for this, so it just goes hand in hand with
              team and she takes care                                                what we are doing."
              of everyone, but in such
              a responsible and re-                                                        nd with that, our time draws to an end.
              spectful way."                                                            AWe say our goodbyes.  The girls are
                 Keen to praise her                                                  every bit as polite and humble as they were
              mom as well, Dany adds,                                                when they introduced themselves. Taking the
              "with so much patience                                                 time to say thank you individually, knowing their
              and cheerfulness."                                                     time is precious and they are urgently needed
                 Continuing, Ale says,                                               elsewhere, but they never make you feel like
              "And it shows you that                                                 you are keeping them. It is clear, they love every
              you can be a confident                                                 element of what they are doing. From the media
              woman  who   knows                                                     time, to the travelling and, especially, to meeting
              boundaries and knows                                                   their fans and, most of all, performing on stage.
              what to do with her life                                               As Ale said, they are living the dream and they
              and knows how to push                                                  are also an inspiration to others who have a
              certain areas without los-                                             dream that, if you give it your all, you too can
              ing that integral part of us                                           achieve it. And, in the meantime, these sisters
              being human and having                                                 are poised to take over the rock world and, if
              that understanding and                                                 you're not on the bandwagon yet, you're missing
              connection with each                                                   out. Don't say we didn't warn you.
              other.  And my mom is
              just brilliant at doing that."      ways going to be like that. Life doesn't have to   Visit for more
                                                  be perfect all the time, and that's OK."   info.
                    nother standout track on ‘Keep Me Fed’
                 Ais 'S!CK', a song which boasts some of   ut of the corner of our eye, we can see   Words By Michael Coventry
              their most interesting lyrics; ‘Help me now   Opreparations are being made to com-
              'cause I only debase. When I see the problem   mence today's meet and greet and excited fans   Live Photo By Shari Black Velvet
              staring straight at my face,’ ‘Bleeding just to feel   are starting to wait patiently inside the Forum for
              alive. I'm rotting in my place. Life is nothing
              more than passing time,’ and, maybe, most in-
              teresting of all, ‘I wanna make mistakes and
              live in regret.’
                 On the surface, these words may seem
              quite negative, but Pau jumps at the opportu-
              nity to reveal the true meaning to Black Velvet,
              "I think it's a lot about the freedom we have
              been talking about and wanting to live your
              life. Even if that maybe means making tons of
              mistakes and you're just not thinking about
              that, just about what you want to do."
                 Ale adds, "It's about wanting to have that
              liberty. To live life to the fullest until it makes
              you sick. Like actively searching for things
              which may hurt you, but will also make you
              feel alive. But, remember you have the liberty
              to do what you want with your life. You might
              mess it up or it might be ok. but it is also part
              of life to live those feelings."
                 It will likely come as little surprise that it's
              a mantra which all three encourage others to
              live by as well.
                 Ale shares, "I have this wonderful phrase,
              that is, ‘My liberty starts and ends where other
              people's liberty starts and ends.’ I can only do
              so much with my freedom and whatever with-
              out disrespecting someone else's freedom.
              So, it's all about doing things respectfully, but,
              for sure, doing what you want with your life.
                                                                                                   THE WARNING
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