Page 16 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 16

BV110 pg 14-17 The Warning.qxp_BV110 pg 16  15/06/2024  23:26  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 16
              consumed with what they want, rather than just   they are doing something they enjoy or love, but,   without being recognised sometimes and, over
              what they need.                     in turn, it is causing them pain.    time, I guess we lost our youth as well. Because
                 "Finding the balance between wants and   Ale takes her turn to offer her thoughts. "Try   we were working. For sure. But you put it in a
              needs is tricky," Dany tells us, words which are   and make it as painless as you can. As we keep   balance, you weigh it out and you see the way
              met with instant agreement. "It's one that we try   touring, we keep finding ways to make it as pain-  you are living and what we're able to do with our
              to find in our everyday lives, because it is chal-  less as we can. I know that is our situation and   music and our art and what we're sharing and
              lenging to find, sometimes, what we need to do,   it's a very specific one, but I feel like, first of all,   it's worth it. But it's a give and take, sometimes."
              rather than what we want to."       listen to your gut. If it's something where you   We ask if they can tell us more about being
                 Ale leans in to say, "I feel like ego is such a   shouldn't be there, then don't. But, if it is, then   recognised at home. Ale is happy to do so. "It's
              big problem with stuff like this.                                                   not like we have paparazzi
              But, I feel like, especially with   “We love being on stage. We love visiting all these   waiting outside our homes or
              our jobs, we know what we want                                                      anything like that, but, if we go
              and we know what we need to   different places that we have never been to before and   on an outing, every time there
              get what we want, and we also  being received by such incredible people who are     is someone who recognises
              know that, sometimes, what we   singing our songs and enjoying along with us. And, at   you and might ask for a pho-
              want is not necessarily what we                                                     tograph, or something like
              all need, as a project, as a  the same time, we are living in a bus! And we might   that. And it's really nice, but it
              group, as a team, and that kind   not be able to have a shower every day. There are a lot   is a part of the freedom that
              of balances things out for us,   of physical expenses to touring. You get sick, you don't   you lose because you go out
              most of the time."                                                                  and realise, ‘Oh my god, I've
                 We ask how they deal with  sleep, you don't eat. At the end of the tour, you are just   become a public figure!’ It's
              not being able to have things   dying.” - Daniela Villareal Velez                   such a strange feeling, I
              that they want to have.                                                             mean, we don't have photog-
                 Sitting between her siblings,                                                    raphers or anyone following
              Pau tells Black Velvet, "I don't know if this is   try to find ways to make it balance, so you can   us around, we're not that successful, but there
              going to sound conceited, but it's very rare, at   do the things which you love without it having   is a realisation that I have become some kind of
              least, for me, that, in our careers and in our jobs   such a big expense in your life."   figure here and I am representing, not only my-
              and what we do, where I have ever felt disap-  Dany adds, "I think sharing is important. Be-  self, but also my sisters, every time I go out.
              pointed.                            cause, once you are inside your own mind, you   What you say and how you look. It's not like, in
                 "It's like all the steps we have taken have   can get unbalanced and drown in your own   a stressful do-or-die kinda way, just an ‘Oh my
              just been so amazing. And, yes, it has been little   world, so sharing that with someone and letting   god! I'm being perceived all the time.’"
              by little, but you always feel so grateful about   them show it to you from another perspective
              what's going on that it is very hard to ever feel   can really help. And, of course, listening to our   e ask The Warning about the recent
              disappointed about things that aren't going as   songs as well and letting it all out. That helps   Wimprovements around the world in var-
              well."                                                                             ious freedoms which people
                 Encouraged by her sisters                                                       have been able to enjoy and,
              offering possible suggestions                                                      in particular, the improved free-
              for disappointments in their                                                       doms which have been af-
              lives, she adds, "Like, a flight                                                   forded to the fairer sex,
              got pushed back two hours,                                                         especially as they have been
              like, maybe if one of us gets                                                      blessed to be touring the world
              sick, something like that could                                                    and having the potential to see
              be disappointing, but, truly, if                                                   such things first-hand.
              there is something we all                                                             Dany replies, "Well, you
              want, we know we just have to                                                      know, we've been doing this
              keep working hard to get it."                                                      since we were very, very
                                                                                                 young and I am so happy to
                     ell You  Call  A                                                            say that, in those years, all the
                 ‘HDream’ is a particu-                                                          festivals we have participated
              lar favourite with us, and we’d                                                    in, the women's bathroom is no
              argue that it is their finest work                                                 longer just our private bath-
              to date. In the song, we’re                                                        room, because there are now
              told, ‘I've been invaded by the                                                    so many women backstage
              need to stay inside this cage.                                                     and on stage, which is just
              Day after day, I'm hurting, but                                                    amazing to see, so that's a
              I choose to stay this way.’                                                        good thing."
                 Dany tells us, "We wrote                                                           This tour is an example of
              that song about touring. It's                                                      this. Not only is The Warning
              something we love to do. We                                                        an all-female line-up, but, so
              love being on stage. We love                                                       too, is the band who have
              visiting all these different                                                       been supporting them, former
              places that we have never                                                          Black Velvet interviewees,
              been to before and being re-                                                       Conquer  Divide.  Subse-
              ceived by such incredible peo-                                                     quently, all eight performers of
              ple who are singing our songs                                                      these 19 shows have been
              and enjoying along with us.                                                        women.
              And, at the same time, we are                                                         Keen to offer her input, Ale
              living in a bus! And we might                                                      jumps into the conversation. "I
              not be able to have a shower every day. There   too!"                  feel that, more than anything, music nowadays
              are a lot of physical expenses to touring. You get   The band definitely love travelling the world,   is opening up as a space for really complete
              sick, you don't sleep, you don't eat. At the end   despite the inconveniences of not always being   freedom of sharing. Of sharing these experi-
              of the tour, you are just dying. So, I know that   able to shower, sleep or eat. Ale tells us, "We   ences and these feelings that, sometimes, you
              there are ways where this kind of life, physically   are doing things which bands from our country   don't have the space in your everyday life, your
              and emotionally, hurts me, but there are just   have never done before. We are travelling all   workspace, your family, whatever, to do that. It
              such strong emotional rewards to this, that I   over the place and meeting new people and   is very lovely to participate in opening up those
              know I want to stay here. Even though it can be   there is such a freedom to experiencing that.   spaces of freedom which are very accessible for
              a bitch!"                           Seeing new cultures, sharing your culture with   everyone."
                 With the lyric about hurting, we ask if they   new people. That is incredibly freeing."   We ask if there is anyone in particular who
              can offer any advice or guidance to anyone else   On the subject of freedom, one they’ve lost,   has inspired them to do their bit to work for these
              who is going through something similar, where   Dany says, is, "at home, we can't really go out   freedoms that they have enjoyed.
                THE WARNING
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