Page 11 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 11
BV110 pg 10-13 Nothing More Interview.qxp_BV110 pg 11 15/06/2024 16:03 Page 2
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that this is happening to a whole lot of people people are trapped every day and struggle to think that life’s a game or a test, just me, per-
all at once?’ We ask if Mark thinks that more and free themselves.’ This made us think of other sonally, but I can see, if that’s your perspective,
more people are becoming toxic? Is it society things that people become trapped in, like jobs then, yeah, absolutely. It is what you make of it,
today with social media, or has it always been and addictions.... and whether a song like ‘If It I guess, if that makes sense.”
going on? Doesn’t Hurt’ can help free people from anything
“I tend to think that technology has brought bad that they’re trapped in. eptember 10th is World Suicide Preven-
it out more, in a way of, like, we’re just able to Mark thinks it can. “That is the beautiful Stion Day. It is something that Mark drew
see it more now,” he replies. “I think it’s always thing about music. People, myself included, we attention to on social media. In 2023, he posted
been that way, but I think there’s this new av- tend to personalise things and make it about our a photo of polaroids in his bunk on the band’s
enue that we haven’t totally, fully, figured out yet, own situation to help us get through something. tour bus, saying he needs them to remind him
in regards to the cancel culture side of things. I love that about music. It is the supernatural, of the people in his life that love him and need
I’d say, yes, people should be held accountable spiritual type of therapeutic healing that it has.” him. He said that he was in his head for the first
for doing awful things. Whatever you do, you Lead singer Jonny Hawkins wrote in No- half of the show that evening and couldn’t get
should pay the consequence for. That’s how vember on Instagram that ‘Every trial in life is out of a mental block. He tells us that happens
things go. But, there’s more of a spotlight on it preparation for the next level.’ We have watched a lot on tour. “And that’s a first world problem,
now, because everybody can see and every- a video on YouTube that said that, as humans, me playing a show, being in my head. Of
body has access. Everybody can screenshot we go through different sets of tests throughout course, I want to lose myself to the music and
anything now and put it online. It’s easy to take our life. After we have gone through some tests feel every song, feel every lyric, and connect
things out of context, there are just more things and passed them, we may go to the next level with the people there that truly care about the
that you can put a spotlight on, I guess, to take and get more tests. music and those lyrics that are affecting them,
out of context. So, I don’t think people have nec- On the subject of whether life is a series of but really, the more important part of World Sui-
essarily changed. I just think the world we live tests, Mark says, “I think, if you think it is, then, cide Prevention Day and that whole month is,
in today is just more exposed. Maybe you do yes. I think it’s foolish to make the same mis- we struggle with dark thoughts and it’s hard, es-
need to be more careful. Really, you just need takes. They say the definition of insanity is doing pecially being away from the ones you love, and
to be a good person.” the same thing expecting different results, so really remembering what you have to live for. I
yeah, if you continually make the same mis- talk a lot about mental health and we partner
nother fan wrote a comment, saying, takes, then, yeah, you don’t learn from that trial, with To Write Love On Her Arms and The Jed
A‘This song is a hymn to freedom.. Many so I would agree with that statement. I don’t Foundation and organisations like that, because