Page 8 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 8

BV110 pg 04-09 Kris Barras Band Interview.qxp_BV110 pg08  12/06/2024  21:54  Page 5

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              That’s the first thing that we do. So, there’ll al-  oing back to ‘Halo Effect’, there’s some   he idea for ‘Unbreakable’ came from
              ways be an element of that, but, deeper than   Gquite heavy subject matter on the   Tcertain setbacks, but rising up again. It
              that, I definitely think we can be kinder to people   album. In ‘Secrets’, Kris sings ‘I want to run   is one of the more positive songs on the album,
              in more situations of need. And, yeah, maybe   away, a never-ending pain’.  The singer, who   with Kris singing, ‘I’ve risen from the dead’, ‘I’m
              there’ll be a change up in government soon and   wrote all the lyrics, says ‘Secrets’ is a song   taking back control’ and ‘Now I’ve become un-
              we’ll start to see it. Who knows.”    about someone putting a burden on you, and   breakable’. As humans, we go through experi-
                                                  the burden becoming your burden. “The song   ences that help us grow and become stronger.
                   here’s a familiar quote, ‘Never look down   uses the idea that it’s a secret. Someone’s told   “It’s not always as easy as that, obviously, de-
                 Ton someone unless you’re helping them   you a secret and you can’t tell anyone. That kind   pending on what you go through,” Kris says,
              up’, which we think more people should live by.   of idea, but it might not be that clear-cut and that   “but, I think that’s always the aim, to take these
              It leads us nicely to how Kris has been helping   black and white, like a direct secret, but it can   setbacks. ‘Unbreakable’ is a song that’s about,
              out others in need. Recently, the musician has   be just a burden that someone has put on you   yeah, you’ve been put down, you’ve been set
              donated a signed guitar to raise funds for Matt   and has put you in a situation, and you’re strug-  back, you’ve been knocked back. It’s about
              Long of blues rock band Catfish’s cancer treat-  gling to feel like you can’t get out of it without   coming back and being, ‘Well, actually, none of
              ment. The band are also playing a show, ‘Stand   compromising the other person.”   that stuff bothers me anymore. I’m unbreakable
              Together Against Cancer –  The Concert For   Are you good at keeping secrets? we ask   now, so you can say what you want about me.
              Matt Long’.                         Kris.                              It’s not going to affect me. I’m moving on regard-
                 Kris tells us, “Matt’s a great guy. Seeing   ”Yeah, probably… I think so,” he replies.    less’.”
              what’s happened to him, it’s absolutely terrible.
              He’s a lot younger than me, he’s a young lad. I   he lyrics and subject matter on the   andslide’, in complete contrast, is the
              don’t know if he’s 30 yet. It’s terrible. He’s in a   Talbum relate to a variety of other topics,   ‘Lclosest to a ballad on the album and is
              situation where his chances of surviving are ex-  such as a failed relationship, being stuck in a   one song that Kris thinks listeners may find in-
              tremely slim, especially if he stays in the UK. So,   toxic relationship, mental health battles, and   spiration from. “That’s a song that’s really about
              it’s a big push to raise some money so he can   more. On the subject of mental health battles,   mental health struggles and feeling like you’re
              get treatment that’s not available on the NHS,   Kris thinks that music helps mental health   slipping away. Maybe more in the form of a re-
              but it’s available in the States. But, as most peo-  tremendously.     lationship, where you know when your be-
              ple will know, medication and things in the   “I’m never happier than when I’m stood on   haviour is being really destructive to the
              States is not free. It’s definitely very, very expen-  a stage playing music,” Kris says, “That’s the   relationship, but you can’t help it. You feel like,
              sive. It’s big business in the States. So, yeah,   reason I started the band in the first place. So   every time you take a step forward, you take two
              there’s been a big push. I’ve done something   yeah, that, for me, personally, is one of the best   steps back. And again, I think a lot of people
              very, very small. There are a lot of people that   things that I can do in my life. But, music in gen-  have kind of been in that kind of scenario, where
              are doing things to raise some money. They had   eral, yeah, for people that love music, it’s such   you’ve got things going on in your life, and
              a very successful GoFundMe, I can’t remember   an emotional thing, right? I’m a music fan, first   you’re having a tough time and you feel like
              what the final amount was. The last time I saw   and foremost. I wouldn’t have chosen to make   you’re slipping away, and you can’t quite get to
              it, it was £75,000. A lot of the blues and the rock   music my career if I didn’t love it so much and   grips with things, and, every time you come
              community and the guitar community have ral-  the effect that music and songs can have on   close, you just end up slipping back. And that’s
              lied around and raised a lot of money. Me do-  you. If you’re having a bit of a crappy day and   what ‘Landslide’’s about.”
              nating one of my personal guitars that I wrote a   you whack on some tunes, it can make you feel   ‘Landslide’, and others on the album, have
              lot of the earlier albums on, it’s the least I could   better. I’m not sure it can cure deeper forms of   become firm favourites with fans. And Kris loves
              do, really, in that situation.”     depression, but it can certainly help lift your   when people can relate to them. “If people con-
                 Another cause that Kris has supported is   mood on a down day.”     nect with the lyrics, that’s amazing to me.” Fans
              The Booking Hall in Dover, a live music venue   We ask if he ever has a day when he’s not   find their own meaning in the lyrics. “What a
              set in a former train station, which is under threat   working on music.   song means to someone, individually, is pretty
              of closure. Kris Barras Band have previous   “Yeah, of course,” he replies. “I’m a normal   cool. I see stuff online, people writing in our fan
              played a sold-out show there, and have a one-  person,” he laughs. “I have things to do. There   group and stuff, about different songs and how
              off show booked to support the venue.   are days where I won’t be playing. Sometimes,   much it means to them, and they’ll put up some
                 While Kris can’t help everyone and every   I can go a couple of weeks without playing or   stuff, and I’m ‘Well, I didn’t really write it to mean
              cause, he says, “I’m not in a huge position of   doing anything like that, depending on what’s   that, but if they’ve taken that, then that’s great.’
              power or wealth, but, yeah, something like this,   going on in my life, at that time. I’ve just got back   And, if the song helps them in some way or in-
              helping a grassroots venue, is something that   off holiday. I didn’t play for a week, but I’ve just   spires them, then that’s fantastic. I don’t set out
              we can do. We had a great show there last year.   spent the past two days doing a lot of guitar   to do anything like that, that’s not really what I
              It was sold out. Bands need these venues. It’s   playing. But, yeah, I think I probably listen to   see my role as. It’s not what I try to do. But, if
              tough. We could talk about reasons why all day   music every day. I can’t imagine there being a   that’s what happens, then great. I write songs
              long, but music venues are struggling, particu-  day go by where I don’t listen to music.”   that I want to write. I write stuff that means
              larly at a grassroots level. Bands coming   He does say that he can come up with ideas   something to me. And, if people connect with
              through, every arena band you see, was a grass   for songs while he’s on holiday. “Definitely. I’m   that, then that’s a double bonus for me. I don’t
              roots artist at some point, pretty much. Maybe   always getting little ideas and things coming up   set out and think, ‘Ah yeah, I’ll write this because
              some of the pop acts weren’t. Guitar bands, rock   all the time. Yeah. I’ve got quite a hyperactive   people will feel this,’ do you know what I mean?
              bands, they were touring around the country in   mind, so I’m not very good at relaxing, so I’ve al-  It’s just not what I’m like or what I wanna do. So
              a beat-up old van, sleeping in the van, playing   ways got something going on. And, actually, a   yeah, but it’s great to see people connecting
              to 50 people in the arse end of nowhere, doing   holiday, where I’m just sat down, lounging by the   with it. ‘Landslide’, that’s probably the one that
              that for years before they made it. I’ve been   pool or whatever, that’s actually not a time   I’ve seen the most comments about online that
              through all that and, whilst I’m a long way off   where I relax, that’s not a relaxing situation for   people have connected with. We did a piano
              headlining arenas, I have moved up to a bigger   me. That’s normally a time where I’ll be going   version, Josiah and I, and that one, I don’t know
              stage than some of the smaller grassroots   through lots of different things in my head and   if it quite went viral, but it had a lot of views on
              venues… mid-sized, grassroots venues. Yeah,   trying to come up with different plans and   Facebook, more than our other stuff, and
              so it’s cool. It’s great to go back to somewhere   schemes and ideas and whatever else I’ve got   seemed to attract a lot of new fans, and it was
              like that and try and raise some money. I know   going on. So, yeah, I’m always coming up with   really nice seeing all the comments that people
              Steve Harris from Iron Maiden has done it first.   little melodies and little ideas and little lyrics and   related with in that song. As I said, I don’t ever
              I did announce mine first, so maybe he copied   stuff, and I’ll jot them down in my Voice Memos   write a song thinking, ‘Oh yeah, people will re-
              me!” he laughs. “He saw that I was doing it, so   or write them in my Notes in my phone. That’s   late to this,’ I don’t think that’s a good viewpoint
              he thought, ‘That’s a good idea,’ and decided to   always been the case for me. And then, what I   to have, I think it’s not sincere. I try to write stuff
              jump on. He sold his out quicker than mine.   kind of do is when it gets closer to the time of   that means something to me and if people con-
              Mine’s got about 20 tickets left, but it’s very close   thinking about getting back writing properly and   nect with it,then great.”
              to selling out, it’s not there yet. But he has just   collating things together to start putting an album   One of Kris’s most personal songs was
              sold it out. But he is in probably the biggest   together, that’s when I kind of get all of these   ‘Watching Over Me’, from 2018’s ‘The Divine
              metal band in the world, so it’s hard to compete   notes and different ideas together and try and   and Dirty’ album. It was the first song Kris wrote
              with that!”                         form them into songs.”             when he started the band. He wrote it about los-
                                                                                     ing his dad, who had also been his guitar
                                                                                     teacher and inspiration for music. “The amount
                KRIS BARRAS BAND
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