Page 10 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 10

BV110 pg 10-13 Nothing More Interview.qxp_BV110 pg 10  15/06/2024  16:01  Page 1

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                     une 2024 saw the release of Nothing More’s fifth studio album, ‘Carnal’, the follow-up
                 Jto 2022’s ‘Spirits’. ‘Carnal’ is another outstanding release by the Texan band (com-
              prised of Jonny Hawkins on vocals, Mark Vollelunga on guitar, Daniel Oliver on bass and Ben
              Anderson on drums), which shows the four-piece continuing to push musical boundaries and
              being creatively and artistically on fire, as always. A few months prior to the release, Black
              Velvet caught up with guitarist Mark Vollelunga in Birmingham, where we dived down into
              a rabbit hole of toxicity, gratitude, liquid courage and chills.

                     hen Nothing More released ‘If It Does-  proud of. And it’s sort of like the fight-or-flight   he older we get, the more likely we are
                 Wn’t Hurt’, the first single from ‘Carnal’,   type of thing, you know; what are you willing to   Tto have known someone who is toxic.
              in January, they wrote, ‘To the Unsettled –   do, to say, to somebody to, ‘don’t leave, don’t   But what makes someone toxic – or, as Mark
              Gaslighting, manipulation, narcissistic deceit   leave’, and it’s not an easy thing. Love is hard,   suggests, do we all have some toxicity in us?
              and betrayal… this song was written while   you know. And, right there, is that toxic side of   “I think we’re all capable of amazing things
              trapped, and is sung now while free. If you’re in   things where it can be really unhealthy, and you   and awful things,” Mark says. “We’re all human.
              a toxic relationship and are waiting for a sign to   will do things that the normal you, the sort of   We’re all people, you know what I mean? So,
              get out… This is it’. Black Velvet begins by ask-  subconscious, greater you, isn’t OK with a lot of   yeah, I think we all have, yeah, terrible toxicity
              ing Mark if he thinks that many people manipu-  times. And you really have to have good people   in us, and it is the experiences that we’ve been
              late others while in a relationship, and is it   around you, I would say, that really keep you in   through, growing up, the people around you,
              always hard to get out?             check. And listen to other people; if everyone’s   your father figure, all of those that really impact
                 “Yeah… I think yes to both of those things,”   saying the same thing, and then, you’re the only   who you become, and who you are.”
              he replies. “Unfortunately, I feel like we’ve all   one that’s thinking something different, or saying   Many fans posted comments in relation to
              sort of, maybe, been a part of both sides of   something different, maybe something’s wrong.”   the song, ‘If It Doesn’t Hurt’, some revealing that
              those things. At times, we’ve all been stuck. And                      they had been in a toxic relationship. One com-
              we’ve all maybe done things that we’re not                             ment read, ‘Does anyone else find it strange

                NOTHING MORE
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