Page 16 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 16

BV96 pg14-17 RavenEye_BV96 pg16  06/03/2018  21:50  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 16
              our main focus.”                   be what you will then see at the live shows.”  all things and it was just devastating for our
                Adam  offers  his  thoughts  on  playing  Adam’s importance as a part of Raven-  family. It was really weird and then Aaron and
              Reading  and  Leeds,  saying,  “Funnily  Eye was highlighted shortly before we spoke  I were sat on a couch and we said we needed
              enough,  with  those  two  shows,  because  with the band as on his birthday he was de-  a ballad for the record and we just started
              we’d never played Reading or Leeds before,  scribed on their Facebook page as ‘an es-  just  venting  out  lines  and  there  were  so
              we were thinking the same thing. Because it  sential  part  of  the  RavenEye  band  of  many lines and we just pieced them all to-
              is such a broad festival with dance stages  brotherhood’.              gether and it took no time to write.
              and stuff but still they were two of our best  Oli says, “It’s a family, it’s a lifestyle. We  “All of a sudden we had the whole story
              shows. The tents were full both times and  live and breathe this band. It’s not just the  of the song and originally it was a lot more
              while I could see people in AC/DC shirts I  music, it’s video editing or getting stuff for  sinister. There was a chorus we wrote for it
              could also see teenagers rocking out which  the app, the next podcast, getting stuff to-  which  was  about  death,  the  Grim  Reaper
              was awesome.”                      gether to constantly push the band and get  coming for you and kind of obsessing over
                Of course the experiences that the band  ourselves out there.        taking someone’s life. Then we took the first
              has enjoyed in recent times do not just help  “We are all focused and dedicated. We’re  chorus out because we didn’t feel it worked
              them prepare for the bigger stages in rock  not drinkers on tour, we don’t party on tour.  and the second chorus we sung in the stu-
              but they have also had an impact on how  It’s super lame, but at the end of the day the  dio. Our producer, he muted the last chorus
              they go about their own headline shows and  show is the most important thing. We don’t  so you can just hear the breath and then it
              Aaron is quick to tell Black Velvet of some of  like to be hungover for shows, don’t want to  goes to the guitar solo part and that was just
              the  lessons  they  have  learnt  on  the  road  drink before or after shows, we care about  a  complete  fluke.  So  that  song  came  to-
              which  they  now  harness  into  a  RavenEye  this and our lives are on the line for this band  gether in such a strange way.”
              gig. He says, “I think we’ve realised we need  and we all respect that and we respect each
              to include more of the carnage! We love to  other; it’s wicked.             he band are fresh from the launch of
              just get loose and ramp up the energy and  “When we were looking for a new drum-  Ttheir new RavenEye app, something
              jump around and have fun and get the crowd  mer we had to find someone who could deal  the trio showed immense excitement and en-
              into it. I think we’ve realised that is essential  with what we have to deal with on the road.  thusiasm for when they announced it with a
              to a RavenEye show.                We know it’s not easy. We know the way we  special video on their website.
                “I think from playing the shorter support  tour we are very DIY. We do a lot of it and or-  Aaron tells us, “I think we have always
              sets we just want it to be slamming, every-  ganise  a  lot  of  it  ourselves.  We  needed  been pretty social media-aware so we built
              thing  slamming.  But  then,  the  great  thing  someone who could keep up, so we thought  RavenEye as a brand through social media,
              about our longer sets is we can add different  it would be hard. But it was actually really  through Facebook, through Instagram and
              colours and different shades to it. We can  easy  because  we  had  one  rehearsal  with  Twitter.  We’ve  done  crowdfunding  cam-
              bring the mood down, maybe go acoustic  Adam and we knew he was the guy! It’s more  paigns where we have raised money for tour-
              which we’ve done on this tour. We’ve devel-  than just music at that point, it’s the connec-  ing and the app was just another way of this.
              oped our show just from playing so much to-  tion.”                    Everything is in your hand these days, every-
              gether.  The  headline  shows  we  did  in  the                        one is on their phones. I think it’s like 60 per
              U.S.,  we  learned  a  lot  about  bringing  the  n the subject of a connection, very  cent of the people who come to our website
              vibe, bringing a great show and bringing a  Ooften song lyrics offer a connection  come using their phones. So we sort of fig-
              great time for everybody; us and the audi-  between the band and the listener offering  ured the app was the next step, I think it’s the
              ence.”                             an insight into their thoughts, beliefs and ex-  next step for every band to be honest.
                                                 periences and a shining example of this on  “We  were  approached  by  a  company
                     ith their second full-length album  ‘Nova’ is in ‘Madeline’ where Oli sings ‘You  called Gigrev, who are developing their own
                Won the horizon we ask if their trav-  reap what you sow, you pay what you owe,  version of a band app and so we looked at
              els have played any role in helping to shape  it  breaks,  it  takes,  it  rules  you,’  and  Oli  what they were providing and liked what they
              their next record. Almost simultaneously and  wastes no time in confirming the importance  were doing so we made a deal with them to
              in  near-complete  unison  Oli  and  Aaron  of their song lyrics, highlighting that they are  launch this app and it gives us access to our
              quickly say, “No, I don’t think so.”  always more than simple words.   fans directly. So we’re not competing with
                Oli  continues,                                  “Everything we write we  Facebook who will only let you promote if
              “I think playing to-  “It’s a family, it’s a    really believe in. It’s all very  you pay them and all that kind of bullshit. We
              gether  has  solidi-                            personal to us. ‘Madeline’ is  can speak directly to fans, they get a notifi-
              fied our sound a bit  lifestyle. We live and    about a self-destructive re-  cation when we go live, they can see material
              more, so when we                                lationship where you know  that is exclusive just to the app, we’ve got
              go  for  a  song  we breathe  this  band.”  -   you love each other but no  acoustic tracks, we’ve got audio video. All
              have a bit more of a                            matter  what,  you  are  still  this stuff goes straight to the app now so if
              brutal approach to Oli Brown                    brutally cruel to each other.  you want the best of us, you need to go to
              things but we just                              You know the shit you can  the app. We see it as kind of moving into the
              write;  there  is  no                           come out with to the person  modern age.”
              point waiting for inspiration to come. If inspi-  you love is also the worst thing that you can  Our  time  with  RavenEye  is  only  a  few
              ration  comes  on  the  way  then  that  is  a  come  out  with.  And  that’s  it,  the  song  is  weeks after their app was launched so the
              bonus,  but  in  that  part,  no,  nothing  has  about the consequences of the things you  timing is perfect to ask what the initial re-
              shaped the song writing at all.”   say to your partner or the person you love  sponse to it has been like. Adam tells Black
                Something which is set to have an influ-  and that is where that vibe came from for  Velvet, “It’s been a great response so far,
              ence on the new record is the addition of  ‘Madeline’.”                we’ve over 600 users now!”
              Adam to the ranks as he was not present  Sticking  with  the  importance  of  their  Oli takes over the conversation, saying,
              when ‘Nova’ was written, and this is a factor  lyrics, ‘Eternity’ features the lines ‘today is  “It’s been wicked, it’s like our own little pri-
              which  Oli  believes  will  help  make  the  the day you leave this world behind’ and ‘for-  vate community. It’s been amazing. We al-
              process easier for the group. He tells us, “It  ever is waiting for you’, examples of what is  ways felt the app had the potential to grow,
              makes us more of a unit and more of a band.  clearly a highly emotional song from their  so we didn’t want to ram it in everyone’s face
              I love ‘Nova’, it’s tattooed on my knuckles so  album and one the band are happy to speak  every day that we’ve got an app. We always
              I’m proud of the record, but it’s going to be  about, so much so that Aaron cannot wait to  mention it at the live shows, but we want this
              amazing to make a record where it’s three  share his favourite line from the track as well  app  to  be  something  that  is  sustainable
              guys that have put their lives into this band  which he tells us is ‘close your eyes and see  rather than something where everyone goes
              and Adam has put his own sound into the  the light’.                   on, checks it out and then gets rid of it. Every
              new songs. It’s a real together effort, we’re  Discussing the story behind the song,  week we are putting new content up and new
              just writing together and have real passion  Oli says, “I’d just lost a family friend who  things.”
              for the songs and you are going to hear it.  was very close to our family for a while and,  One  of  the  features  the  app  promises
              It’s going to sound more like a unit. The guy  I dunno, I guess it was about dealing with the  going  forward  is  live  streams  from  their
              who played on the album to fill in on drums  consequences of not being able to speak to  shows  and  live  acoustic  performances.
              did a wicked job, he was amazing, but it is  someone again. I saw him about a year be-  Given  that  many  will  tell  you  that  the
              going to be exciting to do it as this three-  fore and he had a weird twinge in his knee  lifeblood of any band is their live shows and
              piece and for what you hear on the record to  and it proved to be cancer, throat cancer of  attracting fans to pay to see these shows we
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