Page 19 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 19
BV96 pg18-21 don broco_BV96 pg19 06/03/2018 22:51 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19
Of T he Puzzle
In 2017, the phrase ‘fake news’ was don’t really look into it. To really under- forward, they’re more often than not com-
bandied about. It’s been a term used often stand anything you’ve got to look at where pletely made up. Yeah, you’ve just got to
by Donald Trump against opinion he op- it came from. Look at the sources. See who look into this. Before you make a decision
poses. Fake news comes in many forms wrote it. Do some digging. People don’t and start telling other people about it, kind
though. We’ve seen of people being de- have time for that. We live in a world where of do your research first, take the time to
clared dead when they’re still alive, for ex- you’ve got a three-second attention span. look into it.”
ample. We’re informed of other happenings Nothing shocks you anymore as well. You Don Broco themselves are guilty of
that have been fabricated too, and all too see horrific things on the news every day being sneaky though, telling everyone on
often hoaxes get shared. and you might not even really look into it. the internet that Tom Doyle was getting
Rob says he thinks we have all become You just hear about it, think ‘that’s bad’, married and it would be broadcast on the
quite gullible to believe whatever is posted move on with the rest of your life. Unless internet. It turned out to be their video for
online. you’re really getting to grips with these sto- ‘Pretty’, but they had many fans fooled, en-
“Even me, myself,” he says. “Some- ries, you literally can’t believe anything you ticing them to tune in at a certain time for
times you find yourself reading a story or read, and that’s an age-old, probably since the wedding ceremony.
something on… Facebook’s probably the the dawn of time, since printed press I “Yeah, we were subject to our own fake
worst culprit for it where people are reshar- guess, in a big way, when news was dis- news in a way!” Rob laughs.
ing and reblogging all these stories and it seminated on a larger scale. People said “It was probably the most successful
looks like it’s coming from a reputable “You can’t believe what you read,” but I feel prank we’ve ever pulled, put it that way,”
news site and you might only look at it for that now there’s so much more of it on so- adds Matt. “It seemed to have a lot of peo-
a second and think, “Wow, that’s crazy! cial media, it’s so easy for something to ple convinced on a big scale that we were
Check that out! Can you believe that hap- gather wind, gather retweets or shares or a telling the truth, which just made it quite
pened? Wow, isn’t that terrible?” and you popular hashtag or slogan to kind of move fun. It was a white lie.”