Page 18 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 18

BV96 pg18-21 don broco_BV96 pg18  06/03/2018  22:44  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 18

                   Another Piece                                                                                              Of T he Puzzle

                        n February 5th, Don Broco                ith  the  majority  of  the  world  cial media channel you use or put up a
                                                             Wbeing  on  at  least  one  social  few  statuses,  thoughts  and  feelings,
                   Oreleased  their  third  full-         network site, our own lives see us view-  but it’s only little glimpses into your life,
                length album.  Entitled 'Technol-         ing both friends' and strangers' lives  and people and relationships and lives
                                                          and habits on a daily basis. The mem-  in general are just so complex and com-
                ogy', it naturally saw frontman Rob       bers  of  Don  Broco  (Rob  is  joined  by  plicated, that you could never ever put
                Damiani mulling over the power of         drummer  Matt  Donnelly,  bassist  Tom  that across, I don’t think, with a social
                                                          Doyle and guitarist Si Delaney) can eas-  media account. I do think it’s inevitable
                social  media  and  the  internet.        ily be found tweeting on Twitter, upload-  that  what  you  see  when  you  look  at
                That's not all it focused on though;      ing photos to Instagram and scrolling  someone online and what you get are
                                                                                          two very different things. But that’s not
                                                          through  and  posting  on  Facebook.
                Rob wrote about what's been going         While Rob sings about his experience  always in a bad way, obviously. It’s just
                on in the world, what's been going        witnessing friends’ posts, Black Velvet  far too complicated a message for that
                                                          asks Rob and drummer Matt Donnelly
                on  in  the  band's  own  lives  and      whether they think, as individuals, they  He  adds  that  “our  lives  have  be-
                                                          come across differently online to the  come so symbiotic with technology. We
                much  more.  Black  Velvet  caught        real them.                      rely on it, almost the world would end
                up with the band on their ensuing            "I think that’s an inevitability of so-  with it, and it’s very interesting to exam-
                                                          cial  media,  because  it’s  only  ever  a  ine  the  benefits  and  the  negative  im-
                sold out UK tour to discuss some          snapshot, isn’t it, of someone’s life?"  pacts of technology. Because there are
                of what's been going on and just          says Matt. "It’s not the full, gory details  undoubtedly benefits to technological
                                                          or the full, honest truth. You’re always  advancement, but it’s just such an in-
                how worthwhile it’s all been.             posting a few photos on whatever so-  teresting topic to get your teeth into.”

                DON BROCO
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