Page 11 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 11

BV96 pg10-13 wayward sons_BV96 pg11  06/03/2018  16:25  Page 2

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 11


              in this way Toby tells Black Velvet, “It was re-  at the system at a very difficult time.   these kind of like schlocky horror movies but
              ally my own desire to try and do things a lit-  “Because  we  are  now  living  in  a  very  they were also making a point”.
              tle  bit  differently  to  how  I  had  done  them  similar period in my opinion with the Trump  Toby  continues,  “These  movies  were
              before. I’m a massive film fan and I had such  in  the  White  House  and  Farage  and  his  ways of talking about the difficulties in soci-
              a concept of the album and a lot of it came  cronies on the warpath, I believe we are re-  ety at the time without actually saying any-
              from the artwork of the album and from my  visiting that sort of sense of paranoia in the  thing  too  political,  so  that  to  me  was  the
              thought process for the album.     world at the moment, so the whole record is  draw. And zombies are just cool! Zombies
                “To cut a long story short, I used to col-  really written about that. The album sleeve is  are  stupid!  Because  we  had  such  a  low
              lect comics as a kid, but they were very spe-  about that and so, to me I wanted to find a  budget for the videos, I sat down with the di-
              cialist comics. They were repos from 1950s  way to talk about that, pictorially and from a  rector Jay, who is a brilliant young lad, and I
              American  comics  which  were  things  like  visual point of view and again because I’m  said I wanted to make four and he said, “Re-
              Amazing Tales, Weird Stories, these kind of  such a huge movie fan, I looked at the films  ally? OK, let’s go! They’re going to be great”.
              things.  They  were  at  the  period  of  one  of  like ‘Night Of The Dead’ and I just thought  He is just one of those guys who wants to do
              America’s most difficult times. It was post-  ‘that’s cool’. I love zombies so I’ll just tell my  anything he can. It was a bunch of clothes
              war, it was the McCarthy era, it was all that  story through that, so it’s 50 per cent fun, but  from second hand stores, it was a brilliant
              house  of  un-American  activities  etc,  etc.  it’s also 50 per cent very serious in the sense  stage set because it was set in an area of in-
              Those comics were used by and large by, I  of what it’s about.”        dustrial dereliction in Leicester which was
              guess, left-wing commentators because you  Given that none of the aforementioned  about to be completely knocked down. We
              could be arrested for even having any kind  four songs, on the surface at least, cry out  got there about a month before they started
              of social view of America at that time, cer-  ‘zombie film’, Toby admitted the inspiration  knocking  it  down  and  they  had  already
              tainly from a left-wing point of view, so those  for the theme of the videos came very much  started partially knocking it down, so all the
              comics became incredibly popular because  from his “utter love of b-movies and my utter  ducks kind of lined up in a row for us. I don’t
              the powers that be could not put a comic in  love of film-makers like George Romero and  think if we hadn’t had that location, if we had-
              jail, so they represented people kicking back  John Carpenter and these guys who made  n’t had a director who was so ‘we can do

                                                                                               WAYWARD SONS
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