Page 17 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 17
BV96 pg14-17 RavenEye_BV96 pg17 06/03/2018 21:48 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 17
ask RavenEye if there is any concern hav- wicked vibe and such a wicked thing, but “Well, we’re definitely still scratching!”
ing this feature on their app could prove they don’t do any social media. When they More laughter follows as the alternative in-
detrimental to their live attendances. finished their first album they kind of dis- terpretation of his comment sinks in with
With zero hesitation a hugely confident appeared. On Facebook they didn’t type a Adam and Aaron prompting Oli to add, “I
Aaron dismisses any concerns of this. He thing for about a year and a half, so I think mean, I think we are still digging our way
says, “I don’t think so. What the app pro- it depends on what kind of band you want out. We’ve got a big, big truck that is shov-
vides is the behind the scenes, us being id- to be at the end of the day. You can’t be who elling the shit away and we’re getting out
iots, us in the studio, us playing acoustic you’re not. We want to be a very transpar- there.”
tracks, us doing different things. Nothing ent band. The smoke and mirrors thing is Aaron adds, “I think we have a very
can really make up for the live experience kinda cool, but for us, what we love is our clear idea of where we want to go and the
and I think that the one thing the app can- community and our Ravens and the way it sound in our heads that we are going to
not cover is the live experience, the ‘in the builds up, and I think it works to our advan- work on and get out. We still have a long
club’ or ‘in the arena’, depending on where tage to be the way we are. Like I said, way to go, just searching our own souls for
we are playing, experience. You can’t sub- you’ve got to be who you are at the end of the sounds which we want to put into the
stitute that and we work so hard to have an the day and that is what people believe. If world so in that sense we are still just
undeniable live show so I don’t think the you are the mysterious asshole, maybe scratching the surface because there is so
live shows and the app will really cross some people enjoy that, but it’s not us.” much more to come.”
over.” And the promise of much more to come
The app, of course, promises much ith ‘Nova’, RavenEye have already is a very promising and exciting one be-
more besides this with their announcement Wachieved great things, the likes of cause RavenEye have already achieved so
video saying it will have a daily news feed, which many of their counterparts could much in a relatively short space of time,
weekly podcasts with a more serious edge, only dream of experiencing, but especially you can only wonder what a now-settled
more of their ‘Van-hangs’ videos which in with the success of their recent UK head- line-up, increased experience and sky-high
contrast are a lot less serious but all help line tour you cannot fail to feel that even confidence can bring for them in the future
their aforementioned ambition to increase bigger things are yet to come, something and it looks like we won’t have to wait very
communication with their fans, so we ask perhaps predicted in ‘Come With Me’, long to find out.
the trio why having such direct levels of which boasts the line ‘come with me, break
communication with their audience is so out’ and so we conclude our conversation Visit for
important in 2018 and do they think it’s im- by asking them if they feel with ‘Nova’ they more info.
portant for all bands to have this. have truly broken out or are they still just
A thoughtful Oli offers his input and scratching the surface of their potential. Words by Michael Coventry
says, “I don’t know. I think it depends on For the first time, a question is met with
what type of band you want to be at the end a pause as the guys look at each other to Photos By Rob Blackham
of the day. Some bands, they have the ponder their answer. The brief silence is
songs. Take Royal Blood, they have such a broken by laughter when Oli suggests,