Page 12 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 12

BV96 pg10-13 wayward sons_BV96 pg12  06/03/2018  16:30  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 12

              this’, we’d have been able to do it, and we  something for another release, which will co-  even discussing the reality of where those
              shot all four of those videos over just two  incide with our first headline tour, which is  difficulties are. The whole nature of the im-
              days. It was fun. We thought it was a good  going to be some unreleased music which is  migration  debate  across  the  globe  ab-
              idea and it seems to have worked.”  going to be in a particular type of format. You  solutely boils my piss because people don’t
                While Wayward Sons are not the first to  see, I come from the era of the Little Angels  even stop to think about what they are talk-
              link multiple music videos in this manner,  where it was all about formatting, where you  ing about, they don’t really have a clue about
              and unlikely to be the last, it’s not something  put out CDs in boxes made out of wood and  the real politics of it all and how people are
              we see that often and so we asked Toby if he  in all kinds of shit, and I would like to try and  suffering and if it was your family you would
              felt  projects  like  this  are  something  rock  bring a little bit of that back again.”  do exactly the same. So I have very strong
              music may benefit from, to which he says,  One of the immediate things you will no-  opinions about that, I’m inherently a believer
              “Yeah, maybe. This is what I wanted to do  tice when you see a copy of ‘Ghosts Of Yet  in  humanity  and  in  humanity  in  people.  I
              and certainly with social media the way it is,  To  Come’  is  the  striking  artwork  of  the  think if I saw the ghost of yet to come I would
              content is everything, you need to have as  album;  a  comic  book-style  scene  of  the  hope it is a lot brighter than it is now, and if
              much content as possible, because people  Statue of Liberty being tortured or experi-  it was the ghost of the past I’d kick his arse
              need to be kept interested, and for me it’s re-  mented on by some mad scientists. It’s likely  out  of  the  room!  Actually,  no,  I  probably
              ally important. Other people just make stan-  to come as a shock to learn that this is not  wouldn’t, I’d probably say let’s take all of hu-
              dard,  in-the-studio  videos,  but  I’m  not  just some random picture, but that there is  manity back to the start of these periods of
              interested in that. I’ve been in this game for  deeper meaning behind the image.  terrible intense British history, we were some
              30 years and I’ve seen every side of it and all  Toby says, “The album artwork is mainly  of the biggest terrorists in the world and we
              I know is the more you can draw your audi-  the  fulcrum  of  which  the  whole  album  choose to forget that when we try to decide
              ence in, the more you can include them, the  swings  around.  Album  artwork  has  been  we are not a mongrel race, and talk about it.”
              more you give them something interesting to  badly degraded over the last few years in my
              look at, the more they will stay around. I just  opinion. There hasn’t been that attention to  n the space of our time together it is
              don’t want to be that run-of-the-mill thing.”  detail. There hasn’t been that wonderful op-  Imore than evident that Toby has great
                                                 portunity vinyl albums give to bands to ex-  conviction in his beliefs, something he said
                    nother interesting release from the  plore, so I thought, I’m going to go back to  before when he said, “My intention is very
                Aband  is  a  comic  book,  also  called  that. I got to work with a fantastic designer  simple, I want to sing about what makes me
              ‘Ghosts Of Yet To Come’. It tells the same  who I used to work with in Little Angels. I  tick, about what I believe in and hopefully
              story as in the four music videos.   read him chapter and verse of my idea. As  you will believe in it too.” With this in mind
                He says, “I had a desire, and still do have  you can tell I’m a man of many words and I  we highlight some of the lyrics contained on
              a desire, to get into creative writing, whether  had him on the phone for about an hour just  the  new  album,  “the  ones  who  shout  the
              it  was  for  comic  books  or  for  film,  I  ab-  talking through my whole concept lyrically,  loudest do the least” and “what if I said that
              solutely will do that before I pop my clogs,  about what the record meant to me from a  nervous wreck is only living in your head”
              so I think really I’ve been able to bring all the  subject matter type of view; the overall view  from ‘Alive’ and from ‘Ghost’ “and we still
              passions I have together for this project and  of  the  record.  I  explained  the  idea  of  the  celebrate the deranged” and ask if these are
              the only reason I could do that was because  comic, the idea of making the videos. I talked  good examples of his beliefs.
              Frontiers,  the                                     about the things this  Toby quickly agrees they are “good ex-
              record   label,  “Social media has been an incred-  record  represented  amples” of what makes him tick. “I get sick
              gave me that li-                                    and I just left him to  to death of people, everyone in modern life,
              cense, they al- ible factor in people’s mental health  it.  I  did  give  some  partially because of the internet and social
              lowed us to do  deterioration, I believe. It’s a disease.  ideas,  like  I  wanted  media, thinks they have a soap box, every-
              what     we                                         mad  professors.  I  one thinks they are right, inherently one of
              wanted  to  do I  use  social  media  like  every  band  gave him some point-  the biggest, terrible problems in all human
              and  that  was  does in the world as a marketing tool  ers  and  some  refer-  beings is that we all believe we know better
              wonderful.  To                                      ences,  but  he  came  than  everybody  else  without  listening  to
              get the chance and yes, I get drawn into the Face-  back  with  that  piece  everybody else. We’re great talkers, but we
              to write the di-  book nonsense like we all do, but it’s  of artwork almost as  are not great listeners, and I think there is a
              alogue  for  a                                      you  see  it  the  first  lot of problems with that, and that then goes
              comic   book become an epidemic.” - Toby Jepson     time  he  did  it  and  I  right through to the controlling elements of
              using    the                                        was like “that’s fuck-  the world; from the politicians, to pop stars
              shots from the film was brilliant fun and it  ing  cool!”  I  loved  it.  So  everything  I  feel  and movie stars. And I include myself in that
              was all out of my stupid head!”    about this album is contained in that album  bracket of people who have that platform,
                Again, Wayward Sons are not the first to  sleeve and the back of it as well!”  which is maybe a little above normal street
              do this, but this remains something of a rar-  But  interestingly,  despite  Toby  saying  life, so you have to be very, very, very careful
              ity in rock and again Toby feels having more  the album artwork sums up his feelings for  about what you say and how you articulate
              things  like  this  can  benefit  the  music.  He  the album and his love for zombie and horror  that. As a songwriter I believe I have a re-
              tells Black Velvet, “All these mediums and  films the question of whether he believes in  sponsibility to talk about things that are hap-
              media are available so why not? When I was  ghosts is met with an immediate “no”.   pening to us. I’m not a “Yeah baby, baby, let’s
              a kid my favourite thing was to put a vinyl                            get pissed and fuck in the back of the car”
              record on while reading a comic book and                               kind of guy. Well, only on a Saturday! But
              having the TV on at the same time. That was  espite  the  album  being  entitled  what I do believe is, now I’ve crossed that
              always my kind of thing. You can tell a story  D‘Ghosts Of Yet To Come’, Toby says  threshold into my 50s, I’ve always been a
              through a song, you can tell a story through  he doesn’t believe in ghosts. “I don’t believe  supporter of the underdog. If you listen to
              a book, you can tell a story through a video  in ghosts, but the idea of ‘Ghosts Of Yet To  the Little Angels lyrics, they were all songs
              so  it’s  all  a  great  opportunity  to  tell  your  Come’ was to represent the concept that we  that supported the underdog. But the char-
              story.”                            are paranoid. Social media has been an in-  acter in those songs was me, a little kid try-
                And the comic book isn’t likely to be the  credible factor in people’s mental health de-  ing to get out of a little seaside town in North
              last unique idea to come from Toby and the  terioration,  I  believe.  It’s  a  disease.  I  use  Yorkshire and trying to get into the big wide
              Sons  as  when  asked  if  he  has  any  more  social  media  like  every  band  does  in  the  world, so all those characters really were me
              ideas for projects which may be described  world  as  a  marketing  tool  and  yes,  I  get  talking about myself because that is what
              as a little different, he quickly replies with a  drawn into the Facebook nonsense like we  you have to do; you’ve got to go from per-
              big  grin  that  he  has  “Loads.  Too  many  all do, but it’s become an epidemic. And this  sonal experience.
              ideas!” He adds, “I will continue the themes  whole concept of fake news and post-truth,  “So  the  line  “the  ones  who  shout  the
              of this album into the next one. I will con-  it’s  such  a  damaging  process,  it’s  such  a  loudest  do  the  least”  is  my  anger  at  the
              tinue the story. It won’t be about zombies,  damaging idea to us as a community and I  Trumps  of  this  world,  the  Farages  of  this
              but I want to keep the artwork very similar  find that abhorrent. So the idea of the album  world  because  you  know  darn  well  those
              and  develop  a  vibe  which  surrounds  this  was to say we’re fearing things that haven’t  motherfuckers, when it all comes down, they
              band. We’re looking at all kinds of merchan-  even happened yet because we’ve already  won’t be there anymore. Trump will pack up
              dise opportunities but you have to do that  decided they have happened. We are hating  his fucking circus and his money and his
              when the time is right. We’re looking at doing  people for the sake of hating people without  people and will get out of dodge as quick as
                WAYWARD SONS
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