Page 21 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 21
BV96 pg18-21 don broco_BV96 pg21 13/03/2018 19:55 Page 4
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we’ll meet fans after the show, always have work. They might not have even been able to cause they don’t know every little bit that’s
done. That sort of seems to be more an go on that tour because financially they going in to everything that’s going on, but
American-influenced idea, it seems more might not be able to make ends meet. So it’s something like that, everyone can appreci-
common in the States,” says Rob. They also a tricky one. But at the same time, you’ve got ate. You can say to your nan, “We had a Top
say they don’t know how other bands man- to appreciate that people have limited re- 5 album,” and that’s amazing, but on a day-
age to fit meet and greets into their days as sources and if people are buying tickets to to-day level, that itself, no, it probably
they’re always busy on show days. your show, buying merch, it’s not a bottom- doesn’t change anything. You just hope it’s
One song on the album, ‘¥’, relates to the less wallet at the end of the day. So as long a very small part of a bigger puzzle and all
cost of being in a band. Inspired by their trip as people are being offered value for money, the pieces come together hopefully to ele-
to Japan, it compares the expensive touring if you believe you’re offering value for vate you. You don’t get a top 5 album and
lifestyle with the experience it brings. And money, and the person buying whatever then rest on your laurels. You have to con-
with less rock fans buying music, obviously they’re buying believes they’re getting value tinue to work hard. If anything you need to
meet and greets is one way some bands do for money, then it should be great.” work harder.”
make ends meet. Rob concludes, “It’s kind of just the start
“It’s a symptom of the industry as a on Broco’s previous album, ‘Auto- really. It just kicks off the album and it’s al-
whole in that bands are going to have to con- Dmatic’, saw the band entering the top most something that is a badge of honour,
tinue to find other revenue schemes to bring 10 for the first time. With ‘Technology’, they but I guess when you’re competing against
in money, in sometimes great ways, by mak- stepped things up and reached No. 5. De- so much of everything, not even just within
ing great collectibles or very desirable spite being a huge achievement, it doesn’t music, you’re putting yourself out and your
merch, putting on a great show, stuff like change much for the band. music as something that people should lis-
that. But it is very difficult for bands to make Rob says it “didn’t matter as much as ten to, and people who haven’t necessarily
money. It’s something that we’ve been open last time.” heard your music, if they think ‘Oh ok, well,
about. It’s a constant state of reinvestment Matt adds, “It’s definitely an achieve- I’ll give those guys a listen, because they got
when you’re in a band. If you’re lucky ment, something off your bucketlist, almost. a top 5 album,’ rather than ‘Who’s this band
enough to make a little bit of money on one One of the best things about it is your I’ve never heard of? Nah!’ Even that can
tour, you can bet your bottom dollar you’re friends and family can really appreciate it. make someone switch on, and give you guys
going to have to cover your losses to try and Sometimes, being in a band, it’s difficult to a chance, then that’s enough to make it
break into new markets or visit new places. communicate to your parents, “Oh, we went worthwhile.”
It’s a very difficult subject. You can totally and did this thing,” or “We did this festival
understand why some bands have to do the somewhere that you’ve never heard of,” and Visit for more info.
VIP packages because sometimes there’s the achievements and the milestones, they
absolutely no other way to make that tour don’t always get to enjoy and share in, be- Words by Shari Black Velvet