Page 13 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 13

BV96 pg10-13 wayward sons_BV96 pg13  13/03/2018  02:43  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 13

              he can because he gives not one shit about  that guy manage to somehow get the sup-  You’ve not walked a mile in that guy’s shoes.
              anybody and that’s the fucking truth. And it’s  porting and backing of a population of peo-  I  think  if  we  were  all  a  little  more  sympa-
              the same with Farage. That squeaky clean,  ple despite clear indications of his mental  thetic, if we could empathise more with peo-
              bar room brawling motherfucker, I hate him.   instability and his lack of kindness and em-  ple’s  situations.  If  we  could  just  take  a
                “‘Something  Wrong’  is  written  about  pathy and his want to turn the clock back, for  breath, if we could feel a bit more, be a bit
              Nigel Farage, most people don’t know that,  his own ends. It’s all about his own buddies.  kinder  without  being  judgemental,  that  is
              that entire song is written about that twat  I mean, look he’s fucking the same people  what I would want because I think most of
              and the way he has put a wedge between  who voted for him right now. Fucking them!  society’s ills could be cured if we could all
              people in this country. He has pulled our so-  Left  right  and  centre.  So  that’s  what  that  do that.”
              ciety apart under lies, misconceptions and  means and there are lots of examples of that.  Clearly  Toby  has  much  he  would  like
              absolute mistruths in my opinion. No exam-  I even include people like Churchill and peo-  people to learn from him, but for now we can
              ination, no critical thought and he’s done it  ple like that because as much as people say  at least learn that Wayward Sons are a great
              absolutely for his own ends and, as far as I  Churchill was the greatest Briton, he also  band formed of some great musicians and
              can tell, for people he wants to benefit. It’s  caused a lot of terrible, despicable things  spearheaded by one of Britain’s most under-
              nothing to do with community, nothing to do  through the banner of the empire. So none  rated rock stars. ‘Ghosts Of Yet To Come’ is
              with caring for people or having any sympa-  of our leaders have ever been squeaky clean  a great album packed full of great songs and
              thy for people’s plights, it’s to do with vi-  and we still manage to think they are great  as  they  are  proving  night  after  night  on
              ciousness, evil and uncaring positions. So  and  manage  to  hold  them  up  as  these  stage,  they  are  a  great  live  act  and  an
              they  are  the  people  I’m  talking  about  be-  revered people when actually we need to ex-  evening in their company is guaranteed to be
              cause that twat will not be there when the  amine them a bit closer and actually admit  a great one. We might not yet know of what
              chips come down, he’ll be running for the  that things have gone wrong and try to learn  the ‘Ghosts Of Yet To Come’ are, but we can
              hills.”                            from that. The innocents are always the ones  be pretty confident that great things are not
                Now  asking  about  celebrating  the  de-  who get beaten, the innocents are the ones  yet to come for Wayward Sons, because they
              ranged and bad ideas we ask Toby for some  screaming in the face of a bad idea!  are already happening.
              examples, another question met with a huge  “I  wish  people  had  a  greater  sense  of
              smile  and  a  question  of  his  own  of  “How  other people’s difficulties. I think it is very  Visit  for
              long have you got?” He says, “It’s the same  easy to sit at the bar and look out the window  more info.
              old thing, Trump again is a classic example  at some poor guy who is homeless picking  Words by Michael Coventry
              of how we celebrate the deranged. How did  up a fag end off the street and point a finger.
                                                                                                          Photos By Tony Mottram

                                                                                                WAYWARD SONS
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