Page 19 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 19

BV110 pg 18-19 Halflives.qxp_BV110 pg 19  19/05/2024  16:51  Page 2

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19
                       hen Halflives headlined a show in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, in
                 W March, Linda Battilani (founder, singer, songwriter, keyboardist and guitarist) cried
              while on stage, wrapped in a rainbow flag, while being squished by her bandmates Gloria and
              Enrico. Linda later wrote that she felt ‘so fulfilled, so blessed,’ and proud and happy with how
              their first headline tour went. It saw sold out shows, with the musicians performing in the UK,
              the Netherlands, Germany, France, Hungary and the final night in Prague. It was the icing on
              the cake, but also the start of much more that is to come. Inspired by the tour and the band’s ‘In-
              ferno’ EP, released last year, which is full of raw feelings and emotions that Linda has said ‘burnt
              me like a fire, leaving me scarred forever,’ Black Velvet got in touch with Linda and asked a few
              questions, inspired by similar raw feelings and emotions.
              Black Velvet: You released ‘jealous' as a sin-  him.                   ing accomplished?
              gle. What makes someone jealous? Why do                                LB: I’m grateful I get to be a musician for a living.
              you think some people become more jealous   BV: In ‘everybody knows it’ you sing ‘You’re   It has always been my only goal and I’m so
              than others?                        making me stress out, I’m choking in anxi-  lucky I get to call this my job. Having a fanbase,
              Linda Battilani: People can be jealous of any-  ety, self doubt’. What makes you feel anx-  putting my music out there - teenage me would
              thing, actually. They can be jealous about some-  ious?                be really proud.
              one’s beauty, someone’s success - and that   LB : The apocalypse. I don’t even think it’s going
              becomes envy. But that’s not a feeling I really   to be an immediate and drastic event like we   BV: As we try to achieve success, we often
              share, and I’ve genuinely never felt and can’t re-  see in movies and TV shows (or maybe, yes, I   wish it was easier, and sometimes may want
              ally understand. Jealousy is more a feeling I un-  don’t know), but I feel it coming more like a slow   to give up. What would you say to someone
              derstand and feel in love. The way I see it, it’s a   death - which is even scarier, in my opinion.   else that is trying to do what they love, but
              sort of a passionate feeling. I also know people                       feeling that it’s hard to make a mark in the
              who claim they don’t know what jealousy is, and   BV:  You also sing ‘The world is burning   world?
              don’t feel this way, but I find this impossible!   down’. Is there anything we can do to stop   LB: That it’s hard indeed. But the key is that it’s
              Everybody feels jealousy in one way or another,   the world burning down?   an endurance game. If you hold on long
              we just don’t all experience it in the same way.   LB: I’m afraid the biggest change needs to come   enough, you’ll start seeing some of the results
                                                  from people in power. Stop caring about money   of your hard work. Keep digging and you’ll even-
              BV: Have you known people be jealous of   and profit for once and focus more on how to   tually find gold, right?
              you?                                solve the climate change issue. Or the capital-
              LB: In love, yes. For my career, who I am…   ism issue - but I hardly see that getting solved.   BV: How would you like to inspire others?
              probably yes, but no one ever tells you plainly.   In our little realities, we can do our best to try   LB:  A fan who was at my show in Prague trav-
              And anyway, there’s nothing to be jealous of, it’s   and make greener choices, like consuming less   elled all the way from Poland to be there. She
              so stupid.                          meat or going veg, buying second-hand   was at the meet and greet and when it was her
                                                  clothes/anything, giving a second life to material   time to take the picture, she thanked me and
              BV: You sing ‘the way you looked at her just   things when possible, buying local products, try-  Gloria for what we do, for what we stand for and
              makes me wish I shot her dead’. Do you   ing to consume less energy or choosing public   what we talk about. For being an ‘icon’ in the
              think jealousy in a relationship can be de-  transport when possible, etc. They’re just small   LGBTQ+ world. I never really thought I’d get to
              structive? Is there a way to work on jealousy   drops in the ocean and we can only hope that   be that for someone, let alone for a community
              and insecurities?                   one day the tide brings change.    of people, but it made me realize that’s what I
              LB: Yes, it definitely can be toxic and destruc-                       want. I want Halflives to be a safe space, to be
              tive. It’s always important to keep it in check and   BV: What makes you angry? What do you   a place where people feel represented.
              not go over the limit, but if it’s not understood   wish more people would care about?
              and you don’t feel reassured by your partner, it   LB: Less about money and trivial things and   BV:  You wrote that you cried on stage in
              can also drive you crazy. The way it works for   more about giving themselves, their children   Prague for the very first time, wrapped in a
              me, is to feel safe in my relationship and to know   and everybody else an actual future.   rainbow flag, while being squished by Gloria
              I can trust my partner, and, most of all, that I can                   and Enrico and while the whole crowd was
              feel free to speak to her and that she under-  BV: Going back to 2016, you released ‘May-  roaring. You said you felt so overwhelmed
              stands my feelings. That way, through commu-  day' and sang ‘I still don’t know if I can trust   by all these positive emotions. Do you feel
              nication, you find peace of mind.   anyone’. Do you think many people are trust-  like that positivity has lit an exciting new fire
                                                  worthy? Is there a way to tell if a person is   in you?
              BV: You released ‘EVERYTHING SUCKS!’ a   trustworthy?                  LB: For sure. After the tour, I felt so full of en-
              year ago. What do you think is the best thing   LB: Almost nobody’s trustworthy.  There’s no   ergy, like never before, started writing more and
              to do when you are going through anything   way to tell if someone’s trustworthy from one   felt more motivated than ever to keep going.
              that sucks? Is there anything that can help   look, they have to prove they can be trusted and
              you feel better?                    that takes time and commitment - and that’s   BV:  Going back to ‘Mayday’, you sang ‘I lost
              LB: Not being alone in it. Sharing the good   hard.                    who I am’. Have you found who you are
              things, but especially the bad things, is what                         now? Who were you in 2016 and who are
              makes it all… better, somehow.      BV: In ‘sorry mom x’ you sing ‘I’m my own   you now?
                                                  worst enemy’. Do you think you are too hard   LB:  I don’t know if we ever get to find who we
              BV: Have you had any disappointments,   on yourself? Would you say you’re a perfec-  really are, actually. In 2016, I was a dreamer,
              which you later realised were a blessing in   tionist?                 now I rarely feel this way. When you see too
              disguise?                           LB: Oh, I am, fortunately or unfortunately. Prob-  much of a reality you stop dreaming at some
              LB: The first producer I worked with - I consid-  ably nowadays, considering how fast content   point, and that’s really sad. Thankfully, there are
              ered him my mentor, and I still do. I had, and al-  has to be consumed (hello again capitalism/con-  some things that light that spark and wake up
              ways will have, a lot of admiration for him. Years   sumerism), you live a better life if you’re not a   the inner child sometimes (like the past head-
              ago, I was counting on him too much. Then, he   perfectionist and you’re just ok with putting as   liner tour!) so you get to keep dreaming – ‘cause
              started having less and less time for me, as his   much content out there as you can, no matter   without dreams, where would we go? How dull
              career moved forward and he started working   the quality of it.       would life be?
              for Italian artists signed to majors. So, I have
              been forced to look elsewhere but, most impor-  BV: A lot of people have negative thoughts   Visit for more info.
              tantly, I have been forced to start self-producing   and doubt themselves. But, on the opposite
              my songs. It made me feel very lost and alone   side of things, we all go through some amaz-
              for a very long time. But now I can count on my-  ing experiences and good times. What are   Words By Shari Black Velvet
              self and I got to realize I am good even without   you grateful for? What are you proud of hav-
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