Page 12 - Black Velvet Issue 97
P. 12
BV97 pg10-13 Ledger_BV97 pg12 31/05/2018 23:53 Page 3
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and whether she had ever felt ‘chained’ within and gave me this opportunity which could have “Pretty much the entire EP has threads of
Skillet, she immediately tells Black Velvet, caused friction. I mean, they could have been me wrestling through that and the ups and
“No,.actually, Skillet has been the opposite of ‘I don’t want you doing that, I’ve got you playing downs of me finding my own feet in the last 10
that for me. John and Korey are the whole rea- drums for me and I don’t want you to be dis- years. Who am I? Who do I want to be? And
son why I’ve had any of these opportunities. tracted’ but instead they were like ‘You know am I going to let these things be something I
They chose to sign Ledger to their current what, we have a vision for this,’ and they have wrestle with forever or am I going to continue
label, they are the ones that trained me in writ- actually helped me achieve all of this. So the to step out and do things which stretch me?”
ing and in many ways they have also trained feeling of being held back, ‘no more small and
me to be an adult. I got into the band when I scared, no more broken beyond repair’, is oing back to the origins of her own
was 17, I didn’t even know how to pay my own more me struggling with my own insecurities Gband, something which has been in
bills, I couldn’t drive a car as I had just moved and my own doubt of, ‘I can’t do this, I can’t do the region of six years in the making, and tak-
to America; I’ve learned a lot from the Coopers. this, I’m not a good enough singer, I’m not a ing into consideration the amazing support she
“And not only did they hand me a career, good enough writer,’ all those things you think has had from John and Korey, she tells us
they have now handed me a second career disqualify you. where the initial spark for Ledger came from.