Page 15 - Black Velvet Issue 97
P. 15
BV97 pg14-19 Shinedown_BV97 pg15 31/05/2018 18:38 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 15
here is something different about image, throwing fans into a frenzy of excite- out for a specific reason”, says Brent. “The
TBrent. He’s had a haircut, yes. He’s ment. Envelopes containing notes printed thing about the launch and why we did it
got himself in great shape, yes. But it’s nei- with random addresses were also sent to a this way, the intent of this record is, it’s a
ther of those things. The one thing that re- select group of fans in the United States. very global record and when it gets re-
ally stands out is the fact that he actually These addresses turned out to be locations leased it’s going everywhere at the same
appears to be genuinely happy. That is not of billboards displaying a large black excla- time. It’s a big launch because it’s a big
to say that he’s never been happy of mation mark on a yellow background (the record and a big deal and we want to make
course, but there is definitely a different attention sign). Fans were unaware at the sure that people know that it’s a big deal.”
aura surrounding him today and one that time that this was giving them a big clue to Is this kind of build-up as exciting for
radiates contentment. It is not something the album’s title and cover artwork. When you as it is for the fans, or do you start to
that we point out to him, but as we progress fans used their smartphones to snap the feel nervous at this point? “Oh my gosh, I
through the interview the singer unknow- image on the billboard, they were directed revel in getting nervous!” Brent laughs.
ingly confirms our observation. to Shinedown’s website. “Like, if I didn’t get nervous then I wouldn’t
Although Shinedown made no secret of All would finally be unveiled on 7th be alive. I still, when I walk on stage, it’s al-
the fact that they were working on new March 2018, when the album title – ‘Atten- ways the same with me, the five minutes
music, prior to the album launch there was tion Attention’ - and artwork was an- right before I step out on stage I have a
a lot of mystery surrounding the sixth stu- nounced to the world. Music listeners also hundred butterflies in my stomach. That
dio effort. The profile pictures on every got to hear the lead single ‘Devil’ for the lets me know I’m alive!”
media account relating to Shinedown, in- very first time, as well as being able to see
cluding the band members’ personal ac- the accompanying video. ttention Attention’ is the first
counts, were changed to a solid black “Everything has been carefully planned ‘Aalbum which has been produced