Page 9 - Black Velvet Issue 97
P. 9
BV97 pg6-9 Skarlett Riot_BV97 pg09 31/05/2018 20:52 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 9
through working as a team it can some- “It’s that whole thing about being tight whole thing of the album again, that point
times mask any shortcomings an individual as a unit and it all comes down to that and of trying to better yourself and try to be a
has. This is another topic that is included looking after each other. It’s not like if I better person. It’s never too late to be a bet-
on the album. can’t play a song one night we’ll just not ter person at whatever you do.”
“I think everyone has weaknesses in- play it anymore, it’s like we’ll go into the re-
side and outside the band and not just us, hearsal studio and be bang, bang, bang, And it’s never too late to make a point
but everyone in general, not just us four,” over and over again and we will work on it, of taking more notice of an up-and-coming
he says. “I don’t think you should cover as a unit, to make sure we are the best that band such as Skarlett Riot and, given that
them up either. I think it’s about trying to we can be and our fans and our family get they are currently sounding better than
overcome them and that is the whole prem- what they deserve. We always work at it. ever, make a point of doing it as soon as
ise of the album, really. We all have bits We never just try and cover up our weak- you can.
where we can be kind of a nightmare. nesses because we want to work on some- Visit for more
Sometimes I can be like, ‘I can’t play this thing so that when we come out the other info.
bit’ or even just personal life stuff, not even side that it’s no longer a weakness and in-
music-related, and we all have to help each stead it’s a strength. And that’s not just with Words by Michael Coventry
other to overcome it. music, it’s with everything we do. That’s the
Photos By Zero Visuals