Page 10 - Black Velvet Issue 97
P. 10
BV97 pg10-13 Ledger_BV97 pg10 31/05/2018 19:00 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 10
The Brave
The Brave
The Bold
& The Bold
ometimes things are not as they seem on
Sthe surface. In a world becoming more
and more aware and knowledgeable about the
issues and effects of depression and its many
different forms, we are hearing, with increased
frequency, stories where those we might least
expect to suffer with such things to be those
worst affected, but, more promisingly, those
who have overcome such obstacles can go on to
be powerful inspirations to others facing the
same tribulations.
case in point is Jen Ledger. latest and perhaps boldest step with
AThe British-born star was just her own band, the simply titled
a teenager when she became a top Ledger, where she performs not from
female finalist in the United Kingdom behind the drum kit but out front as
Drummer Of The Year competition, a lead vocalist. Her debut EP ‘Ledger
success which helped her leave for EP’ has proved an instant hit, in part
America at the age of 16 for a schol- because of its infectious sound and
arship at the Living Light School of grooves, but also because of its
Worship in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for hugely personal lyrics and words
what should have been a 10-month which will likely hit home with the ma-
trip. But fate took a twist and, aged jority of those who listen.
17, a friend encouraged her to audi-
tion for the vacant role of drummer in o, on the surface, things look
US rock band Skillet. Not only did she Sto be going swimmingly for
land the part, but she has been nail- this bright-eyed and bright-haired tal-
ing it for the last decade. ent, but underneath is a young
And now her career has taken its woman who is very open about her