Page 17 - Black Velvet Issue 97
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to the studio, these are demos at the time, change me because I don’t want to change.’ probably the only time that I can remember,
he plays it back. Of course, I think that it ‘Get Up’ is definitely a very powerful song in recent years, where I was probably
sounds amazing and it was everything I in regards our relationship with Eric. The stalling a little bit. Maybe I was afraid of
wanted to say. When the song ended I good news is that he was not mad and ac- what it was going to be like, even though I
asked, ‘Are you mad?’ and he was like, ‘I’m tually…that was a really, really great day for knew that the relationship was over.
not mad.’ I was like, ‘Do you know who it’s me and him because he feels very moved So...What that taught me was, is that that’s
about?’ And he said, ‘Yeah... It’s about me.’” by that song because it’s a statement of un- why I’m still single!” he laughs. “Until I’m
Brent smiles. derstanding.” ready, just be single!”
Brent goes on to explain in further de- We discuss Brent turning 40 at the start
tail. “Eric has what is considered clinical et Up’ also carries the lyrics, ‘Get of the year. He tells us that he feels better
depression. He is not afraid to talk about ‘Gup, get a move on, stop stalling.’ now than he has in a long time. “I turned 40
this. He is actually talking about it a lot We ask Brent when the last time he felt as in January and everybody, they were very,
more because of the album. He has that though he had stalled was. “That’s an inter- very sweet and quite endearing, they were
thing in his mind where he wishes that he esting question,” Brent responds. “The last like, ‘How do you feel? Do you feel okay? Is
could unscrew a part of his brain, reach in time I was stalled…erm” He sighs, taking a everything alright? Wow, 40!’” he laughs.
to that part and pull it out and throw it away. moment. “I’ll be honest with you...I was in “But I’ve got to be honest, on my 40th birth-
Like, he would do anything, you know, a relationship with a wonderful young lady day I appreciated the fact and I actually
those days that he wakes up and there’s no for about six years. We split up in 2016 and thanked the heavens and the universe, be-
reason that the sky is falling, but for what- it was an amicable split. I really treated it cause I personally think I look better than
ever reason it feels like it is. It is not some- like a marriage, even though we weren’t I’ve looked in years, I feel better than I’ve
thing that, if you don’t know how to respect married. I tried to do everything to be as felt in years. It really is just kind of a num-
a person that’s going through that, or you much of a gentleman as I could be. We’re ber, you know? I appreciate the fact that I’m
don’t know how to handle a person that’s still friends, she has her own life and every- definitely wiser. I’m always learning some-
going through something like that, it’s not thing, you know, it worked out for the best. thing, like I never stop learning, but I do feel
the person’s fault. A lot of times people But, I think I knew earlier on that it wasn’t like I’ve got a bit more wisdom.”
think that, people who say that they’re de- going to work out and I think that some-
pressed or that they have a problem with times when I look back at it, maybe I could ack to the music, there is a song on
mood swings or they’re bipolar, that you’re have gone a little faster and maybe not Bthe new album; ‘special’ - the title
just coming up with things that are wrong. had…” he breaks off. “I don’t want to be purposely all written in lowercase. The cho-
I can tell you first-hand, that’s not true. Eric painful or mean in regards to say that I rus includes the line, ‘Stop waiting on your
has to work at it. He can wake up some wasted more time than I should have, but I 15 minutes of fame, because you’re not
days and has to kind of put on a smile, be- look back at it and there are times where I special…’ “‘special’ is the one part of the
cause he doesn’t feel it inside. That’s not was like, ‘You know what, you knew that it record where I know that the audience will
because he’s unfulfilled, or that he doesn’t was going to be over and you tried to figure probably stop for a second and kind of look
love what he does, or he doesn’t love us or it out for like another two years. Really in around because they’ve been going
his wife or anything like that; it’s just some- the end, everything that happened is what through this journey and all of a sudden
thing he deals with on a daily basis. He you knew was going to happen.’ But, that’s this song happens,” Brent notes. “It hap-
doesn’t want to take medication because love and that’s life and those things hap- pens on purpose after ‘Get Up’ [there are
the medication, he’s right, it’s poison and pen. There’s no handbook to this, you know gang vocals featured in the song ‘Get Up’
he’s like, ‘I still need to be me. I can’t take what I mean? No one gave us instruction which can also be heard within ‘special’].
something in the hope that it’s gonna manuals when we were born. That was The ’15 minutes of fame’ and the ‘you’re not