Page 38 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 38

BV90 pg38 column_BV90 pg38  25/09/2016  02:04  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -   38

                             A (Musical) Note From...

                                                      JOsh kemp

                     ello Black Velvet readers! My name’s  reinforces how you feel at the time, so then  and positively.
                  HJosh Kemp, I'm a singer/songwriter  why is it a form of catharsis? I believe that it  Is it sensible to try and change something
               from Nottingham, and I want to ask: What is it  makes  us  feel  connected  to  something,  an  socially  or  emotionally  through  music?  Is  it
               about music that we enjoy?         idea or a person’s experience, an experience  sensible to exude positivity through music? Is
                  Is it escapism? Storytelling? Accessibility  that we share and relate too, which I kinda  it sensible and more accessible to moan about
               or honesty?                        think is our base desire with music. It’s to hear  things through music?
                  Maybe  I'm  over-thinking  and  it's  just  a  that how you’re feeling is how other people  People who historically have made a dif-
               catchy guitar riff, but I like to think that people  have felt/are feeling.   ference  socially  have  rarely  achieved  that
               find comfort in music and lyrics, whether it's a  I’m not sure that we actually listen to music  through music alone, it’s taken a huge commit-
               lyric they can relate to or a song that reminds  to make us feel happier but to confirm that we  ment through their personal lives too, mainly
               them of a certain moment; music can evoke  aren’t alone in feeling how we do, and when  politically.  Generally,  people’s  minds  don’t
               something in the brain commonly and fiercely.   you feel you aren’t alone it helps you to not feel  want to be changed, we seek to justify and to
                  Back in November I came to the realisa-  wrong for feeling how you do. After all they do  rationalise, not question why and revolutionise.
               tion that we are frequently bogged down by  say ‘misery loves company’. Is it simply con-  So how do we get through to people?
               negativity,  in  the  news  and  our  day-to-day  necting  to  someone’s  feelings  and  experi-  Start with a simple message - the world is
               lives. I think bad things are a lot more sensa-  ences that provides us catharsis in music or  what you make it. “The real voyage of discov-
               tional/memorable; as a result we are faced by  does music have the power to influence our  ery consists not in seeking new landscapes
               a  barrage  of  negative  stories  and  images  deepest moods and emotions by pulling on our  but in having new eyes.”
               every day. Negativity sells, and yet the spread-  memories? We already know that music and  A Sunday on the Brecons in Wales, or the
               ing of good things are often deemed cliche,  memory are closely linked, in 2009 a study on  Angel of the North in Newcastle. Seeing the
               boastful, too personal or alienating.   the  ability  of  music  to  invoke  memory  in  great urban expanse that is London from the
                  I've  just  released  my  new  music  video,  Alzheimer patients was led by Petr Janata, as-  top  of  the  Shard  or  hanging  your  feet  off
               'Imaginary Friend: What a Wonderful World',  sociate professor of psychology at UC Davis'  Brighton Pier. The Derbyshire Dales and York-
               shot on location around South East Asia. The  Center  for  Mind  and  Brain.  He  concluded:  shire  Moors,  or  the  old  underbelly  of  Edin-
               song is effectively a list, painting a picture of  "What seems to happen is that a piece of fa-  burgh. You don’t need to travel a thousand
               some of the incredible things I've been lucky  miliar music serves as a soundtrack for a men-  miles to see something remarkable, but famil-
               enough to see or notice about the world we  tal movie that starts playing in our head. It calls  iarity breeds indifference.
               live in, from big elaborate views like the emer-  back memories of a particular person or place,  There’s hypocrisy here, which is do ex-
               ald green waters of Halong Bay, the jungles of  and you might all of a sudden see that per-  actly  what  I’ve  just  said  you  don’t  have  to,
               Laos and the white beaches of Thailand, to the  son's face in your mind's eye. Now we can see  which is travel a thousand miles to find some-
               simple things like the dance of fire, or some-  the association between those two things—the  thing new. The whole point of my trip to Asia
               body laughing, truly and uncontrollably.  music and the memories.”   was to see things I’d never seen before, to see
                  After losing a friend to suicide this year it's  But did that help my friend? Did that make  a way of life very alien to my own and to ap-
               inspired me to open my eyes to the little things,  him question his impending decision or did it  preciate all the beautiful views, vibrant cultures
               the common things we see every day and it  strengthen his resolve?   and religious faiths I didn’t understand; to learn
               takes something truly devastating to make you  There’s  a  huge  amount  of  songs  about  and be a guest in another world. Which is just
               appreciate their importance.       sex, and people are really interested in how  as important as appreciating what you have, I
                  I remember going through an emo/no-one  that influences our children, but that opens up  think.
               understands me phase in my teens, and one  several  avenues,  because  the  majority  of  Josh Kemp
               thing it really taught me is the power that music  songs are written about two things, love and  Photo By Karina Lyburn
               has  to  influence  how  we  feel  and  also  the  heartbreak and severe sadness (aside from
               power it has to both help and hinder us. A par-  politically-based tunes, which by nature are  In a band? Want to write a one-off col-
               ticular lyric in a song you are listening to can  more inciting and inspiring). This all comes  umn for Black Velvet? Get in touch. Email
               make you feel better but more often than not it  down to what music can achieve. Negatively
                JOSH KEMP
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