Page 37 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 37
BV90 pg34,35,36,37_BV90 pg37 25/09/2016 01:05 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 37
have nothing to worry about because your con- grew up in a small town here in Northwest “I think I was a sophomore in high school,
science will be clear. If you feel it’s the right Florida. I really wasn’t introduced to any kind I had a bass teacher and he gave me a bit of
thing to do, that it’s from your heart, then that’s of rock ‘n’ roll or anything like that until much affirmation and he just gave me a positive in-
the right thing to do…so just ‘do the next right later and I always kind of had a pretty normal fluence musically. He told me that he saw
thing.’” childhood. I was really involved with sports until things in me that were exceptional and that he
about, well, actually, all the way up to my junior thought I would be a great bass player. That
hen writing the song ‘My Champion’, year in high school.” was really the thing that pushed me to explore
WMyles was inspired by the encour- It was when Brian started getting involved more and to learn. It gave me a real passion
agement he used to receive during his child- with somebody that turned him on to the band for music. So, I just kind of took that and ran
hood. Being an underdeveloped child Myles Rush that he began experiencing different with it. But my school, my school here in Fort
found himself dealing with the frustration of friendships and found himself bonding with a Walton Beach, Florida, is great. It’s a real kind
having to work twice as hard to keep up with crowd of people that were really into music. of small tight-knit community down here and
his peers. We ask Brian what his school years This opened the doors for Brian musically and the school systems are great. I wasn’t really a
were like. “They were great,” Brian recalls. “I he started to play the bass guitar. scholar, you know, but I got through it and ba-
sically went on to college and still played nothing ever could, it’s like, it brings about years I thought of heroes as musicians,” laughs
music. I got through college and I got my de- emotions. When I listen back to some of those Brian, “I still look up to musicians but being a
gree. After I had finished college, that’s when I songs that I listened to in my youth, it brings musician myself, I don’t consider myself a hero
got a record deal with Creed and it just kind of back those emotions, it just brings back those so, you know… With what the world has gone
snowballed from there.” memories from long ago. As far as me being through, and is still going through today, a hero
considered a hero, I mean, I see people - faces to me is more of a definition of service and self-
nless you had been living under a rock - in crowds, loving the music and even some- lessness, than in my youth where I thought
Uduring the late 1990’s and early times you see people crying because the Eddie Van Halen was a hero, so that’s defi-
2000’s, you’ll know that Stateside Creed was songs have reached them in a certain way, or nitely changed in my opinion.”
one of the most successful rock bands of that you see a person with a blackbird tattoo and Heroes can have a huge impact on your
period. While Alter Bridge’s rise to the top has it’s like ‘wow, really?’ I mean, this music’s really life; they can help guide you, they can inspire
been slower than that of Creed, Alter Bridge resonating with a lot of people, you know? So you to be the person you wish to become and
has captured the ears and hearts of rock fans I understand how that happens because I’ve motivate you to achieve your ambitions. He-
over on this side of the Atlantic in a big way. been through it too, and it still happens to me.” roes can be found in all walks of life. “Tell me
Building up an army of loyal, adoring fans since Brian tells us that being a touring musician where are the heroes? Have we lost all the he-
2004, five years ago this army of fans grew too for the past 20 years has given him the oppor- roes?” Myles sings during the album’s closing
big for the Academy style venues and the are- tunity to meet some of his heroes. “As far as title track. The world definitely needs more he-
nas beckoned. Since then, the band have musicians, we’ve done quite a few shows roes. Our world is rapidly changing and in
headlined some of the UK’s biggest arenas with… I’ve actually played with my heroes – these times of uncertainty and restlessness,
and they have not looked back since. In No- Alice In Chains, Van Halen and we’ve played we can only hope that someone is out there to
vember, they will be returning to play their several festivals with Metallica – those guys help lead us into better times. But please re-
biggest European headline shows yet, includ- are all heroes still. But I’ve met all kinds of he- member this: we can all be heroes. Be inspir-
ing seven shows here in the UK. roes. Just recently I met... gosh, I’ve forgotten ing, be selfless, focus more on positivity and
We ask Brian how he feels about people the name of the naval ship, there’s a naval ship never forget that even the smallest gesture of
looking at him as their ‘hero’. “Well, it’s defi- that travels around the world, it’s like a Red helping someone can go a long way. Are you
nitely endearing and I really appreciate it. I Cross ship and it’s a big hospital, a travelling ready to be the change?
guess there’s humility that I was instilled with hospital that takes in all kind of refugees.
as a youngster, it still rings true,” responds That’s certainly hero activity!” Visit for more info.
Brian. “Being a musician and being able to How does his definition of a hero compare
reach a large audience musically… Music for now, from when he was younger? “I think it’s Words By Penny & Sam Gower
me at a very early age put me in a place that pretty much the same. Maybe in my younger Photos By Carlos Amoedo