Page 41 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 41
BV90 pg41_BV90 pg41 21/09/2016 23:02 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 41
‘Motorkiller’, following their show modern dance pro- album, leaving the listener title, the songs delve into
prior 2009 release, ‘Sci- duction influences, particu- uncertain of what to think. the hero theme. The instru-
ence Friction’. Opening larly in the mixing of YYY mental intro leading into
with ‘Stole The Fire’, Elec- Keller’s vocals as he sings Yasmeen Frasso opening track ‘Show Me A
tric Fence immediately set “I’m insane, I’m gonna Leader’ builds up gradually
the stage for themselves change my girl”. The band STEELMADE before it explodes full force
with vocalist Jorge Coello experiment with both heav- LOVE OR A LIE 1:18 minutes in. The song
singing “I feed myself with ier rock elements and (TIMEZONE) demonstrates the frustra-
kisses ’n’ lagers”… “playing much softer sounds, such Swiss four-piece Steel- tion many of us are feeling
in a rock ’n’ roll band”. The as in ‘Traitor’, yet manage made recently released right now, that our coun-
BAYSIDE guys make it clear what to maintain a sense of mo- their distinctive debut tries are lacking trustworthy
VACANCY they are from the get-go – mentum and energy album ‘Love Or A Lie’ con- and efficient leadership. It
(HOPELESS) a classic rock and roll band throughout. It is a hard taining 11 defining tracks. is the first of some pretty
Bayside have always in both musical style and album to find fault in, which The album opens on quite feisty politically charged
been the band known for attitude. And they do a is even more impressive a philosophical note with moments. ‘Don’t tell us
putting the 'feelgood' in feel pretty good job of it, main- considering the band is still ‘Even Gods Have Ene- there’s no change, so self-
good records, so it's no taining a 70s Southern in the early days of its ca- mies’, during which ex-vo- ish and immoral, you’re to
surprise that the kings of rock-esque vibe throughout reer. Metorana will defi- calist Jack belts “what is blame,’ frontman Myles
Queens' music scene are the entirety of the tracks. nitely be one to watch out the saviour with no one to Kennedy seethes, singing
back with a bang. Their Title track, ‘Motorkiller’, for in the near future. Well save?” over the simple but about the highly-charged
seventh studio album, 'Va- puts across a sort of live done guys. effective guitar riffs. ‘Revo- debate of global warming
cancy', shows fans that fast, die young feeling, YYYYY lution’ shows the versatility on ‘The Writing On The
these 16-year punk rock whereas ‘I’ll Never Turn My Yasmeen Frasso of the band; beginning with Wall’. A wake-up call to
veterans are far from slow- Back On You’ demon- a melodic piano introduc- stop ignoring the fact that
ing down, while also giving strates Electric Fence’s MISS RABBIT tion and then transforming global warming is real, it is
fans a strong look into An- ability to succinctly produce TALES FROM THE BUR- into a song with a sound happening and we need to
thony Raneri's split with his a power ballad. Electric ROW reminiscent of thrash do something about it be-
wife and his time in isola- Fence have done well with (BUNNY) metal, it is certainly one of fore it really is too late. Mu-
tion. Jack O'Shea's this album. It’s not particu- Following the depar- the most dynamic and im- sically, if you were to blend
melodic lead guitar solos, larly extraordinary but it is ture of their previous drum- pressive tracks on the the components of Alter
as well as ground-shaking a solid piece of work, with mer, a Swiss girl- album. ‘We Are Bizarre’ is Bridge’s back catalogue to-
bass and drums from Nick well-written and produced dominated cover band de- another one to highlight. It gether and add political
Ghanbarian and Chris songs that tick the boxes of cided to reinvent them- is a catchy, head-bopping philosophy you will get
Guglielmo give the record what a classic rock album selves and begin writing song with a significant ‘The Last Hero’. Its songs
the perfect mix of happy is supposed to do. their own songs, giving rise amount of depth to the are heavy yet melodic and
and sad. Raneri's sweet YYY to the entity that is now lyrics. The topic of the feature plenty of guitar
and smooth vocals, how- Yasmeen Frasso Miss Rabbit. The band album later shifts into love solos that will melt your
ever, are what give 'Va- have found that being fe- and relationships as the face off! It is certainly in-
cancy' the emotion that male-led comes with being album name would sug- spiring lyrically too.
makes this album one of labelled as a “girlie band”. gest, initially with ‘Sweet The catchy ‘My Cham-
their best to date. Songs However, this is far from an Lady’, which introduces fe- pion’ overflows with the up-
like 'Two Letters,' a hard- insult; the unique vocals of male vocals and then with lifting message that there
hitting melancholy anthem Angela Willi and the gen- title track ‘Love Or A Lie’ will be many times when
with the band blending per- eral acoustics of the band which explores the insecu- you fall down, but keep on
fectly together, the post- have a sound that is in rities that can exist in rela- picking yourself up, you will
breakup distress in 'I've some places reminiscent of tionships. The album survive. ‘Poison In Your
Been Dead All Day', the the pioneers of all-female overall is good and has Veins’ continues with more
upbeat, foot-stomping bands, the Runaways. The created a platform for encouraging words to be-
'Enemy Lines' and 'Not album shows a range of Steelmade which has its lieve in yourself. The rous-
Fair', as well as 'It Doesn't METORANA exciting elements, from the own characteristic sound, ing ‘You Will Be
Make It True' offer listeners SICK SAD WORLD percussion heavy ‘Mother’s particularly in regard to the Remembered’ is a stunning
a mixed bag of treats. (FENIX) Boy’, with its synthesis of vocals. However, the band tribute to heroes – the peo-
While some may find the ‘Sick Sad World’ marks gritty bass lines and a killer already have a new vocal- ple who serve their country
theme of 'Vacancy' repeti- alternative rock band solo, to the more jazzy ist, Paul Baron, so it will be or community (soldiers, po-
tive in the music scene, the Metorana’s entrance to the ‘Moonlight’, which is all interesting to see the lice officers, firefighters).
band's ‘most difficult record musical world and honestly about the power and won- changes that will be made. While ‘Crows On A Wire’ is
to make’ is an 11-track is one of the most impres- ders of the night. ‘Tales YYY a scathing attack on those
wonder that shouldn't go sive debuts of recent times. From The Burrow’ really Yasmeen Frasso who build ‘heroes’ up only
unnoticed before the end of Upon listening to any one comes into full force with to tear them down. Closing
2016. track, it is clear that the ‘My World’; a track that with the title track which
YYYY band have a story to tell. mixes melodic with heavy runs a little under 7 min-
Jessica-Lyn Saunders And when all are put to- and is easily the best on utes long; ‘Who will save
gether through this brilliant the album. Miss Rabbit us in the end? Have we
concept album, it tells a have, however, done lost our last hero?’ are
story, allowing the listeners something slightly unex- questions that we all could
to follow a journey from the pected with the addition of do with the answers to.
mind of vocalist Ian Keller, male vocals. Firstly ap- The musicianship
as he comes to terms with pearing on ‘Untamed’, throughout ‘The Last Hero’
and moves on from a toxic which features Domo, it is outstanding; seriously.
relationship. Musically, feels shakey – experimen- Although this does not re-
Metorana demonstrate a tal. The harmonies do work ALTER BRIDGE ally come as a surprise, we
range of influences from well but it doesn’t feel quite THE LAST HERO are talking about Alter
various musical styles but right. Yet the album seems (NAPALM) Bridge after all. Musically,
ELECTRIC FENCE largely tap into alternative to pursue this with the final Alter Bridge is back the bar they set on the last
MOTORKILLER rock and punk, especially two tracks, ‘Dini Muater’ and with a lot to say! Three album ‘Fortress’ was ex-
(ROCKEST) in tracks such as ‘Johnny and ‘Scheisstag’ (German words to describe ‘The ceptionally high, yet the
Madrid-based rock- Said’, which shows their for shitty). Filled with rap Last Hero’, Alter Bridge’s band has well and truly
’n’roll quartet, Electric punky influence. In the gui- and male vocals, these latest creation are; deter- jumped over it.
Fence, recently released tar heavy ‘Angry, Madd and songs aren’t bad, but don’t mined, strong and epic. As YYYYY
their third studio album, Unconscious’, Metorana fit the general niche of the you can guess from the Penny Gower