Page 33 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 33

BV90 pg32&33_BV90 pg33  18/09/2016  02:30  Page 2

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 33

              name Airbourne. If they don’t, they will this fall’. So  tunes, so it was kind of in the midst of it all.”  record, he had it stolen from a balcony when we
              will this album turn Airbourne into that household  He  thinks  that  party  inspired  a  bonus  song  were actually making the album. It was the balcony
              name that they deserve? “I don’t know,” says Ryan.  called ‘Bombshell’. “It’ll come out on the special  of the engineer’s house, Mike Fraser, the apartment
              “I just hope it’s received by rock ‘n’ roll fans who  edition, I think. It’s pretty self-explanatory. It’s a  he was staying in. Luckily, two days ago, he got
              enjoy that kind of rock ‘n’ roll. I hope they get every-  song about sex and all that!” he says.  one that I think he loves more, in London.”
              thing they need out of it. The response so far is that                    Since  this  motorcyclist  helped  a  random
              people  are  coming  back  with  different  kinds  of  side from other songs about sex on the  stranger, catching the thief and getting her purse
              favourite songs, which I’m really pleased to hear. It  Aalbum, (‘Do Me Like You Do Yourself‘ being  back for her, we ask what the most awesome thing
              means the record shows a diversity for not just one  one example!), there’s a song on the album called  a  stranger  has  done  for  Ryan.  “When  I  was  in
              kind of rock ‘n’ roll fan but a whole genre of them.”  ‘Rivalry’. Is rivalry in rock ‘n’ roll good? Ryan says,  Japan once I was extremely hungry because we
                As mentioned, the band announced their sign-  “Rivalry in anything is good. Competition is good  hadn’t eaten for a while and went downstairs to find
              ing to Spinefarm Records in January 2015. They’re  in anything. Competition is healthy and businesses  food in the middle of the night and there was a
              new to the label but not all of the team. Spinefarm  wouldn’t boom if there wasn’t a bit of competition.  Japanese fan standing there with a freshly baked
              General Manager Jonas Nachsin had previously  It keeps you on your toes.”  cookie! So that was fantastic.”
              worked with the band when they were signed to  He tells us the song is about exactly that. “It’s  Note to fans, Ryan likes getting cookies – al-
              Roadrunner Records. He is proud to have the band  about rivalry, whether it be sports, a kid in school  though loves alcohol even more. “We generally get
              now at Spinefarm. Ryan also tells us, “We’ve got  who wants to listen to rock ‘n’ roll who doesn’t fit  given  gifts  in  Japan.  We  don’t  mind  a  bottle  of
              Morgan who we’ve worked with… she’s helped us  in, and sometimes even the teachers give him a  booze every now and again, that’s always good. Or
              a lot through the years. Morgan Thomas, with our  hard time for being different. That’s a rivalry. It’s  champagne. Or wine. Just throw it all down,” he
              press.  She  looks  after  us  when  we’re  out  there  wide open. The line is ‘this is between you and me,  says, as if to down a drink... or ten. Beer is defi-
              doing  a  lot  of  press,  and  a  lot  of  scheduling  to  this  is  a  rivalry’.  Everyone’s  passionate  about  nitely in the list of top pleasures for Airbourne –
              make sure it all works well, photoshoots and the  something and if you’re passionate about some-  and their drinking has also inspired a couple of
              shows, always making sure we don’t sacrifice the  thing you’re willing to fight for it.”  songs on the new album. ‘When I Drink I Go Crazy’
              show, and make sure we talk to everybody.”  He says there isn’t really any in-band rivalry  is a particular favourite of ours on ‘Breakin’ Outta
                The  band  set  to  work  on  the  new  album  in  with  his  fellow  members.  “Not  entirely.  Just  my  Hell’, while ‘Thin The Blood’ includes the lyrics,
              2015. In October, they gave fans a writing update  brother and I. Just day-to-day fights, but they’re so  ‘start to drink, I just don’t stop, love the buzz, it
              saying  ‘hard  day  at  the  office’,  posting  a  photo  usual now they just fall on a deaf ear.”  picks  me  up’.  The  long-haired  rockers  are  well
              showing the guys lay on the beach near Melbourne,                      known for their love of beer. They lent their song
              working on some songs. Nice office! “We wrote  ack in May, the band discovered the video  ‘Live It Up’ from previous album, ‘Black Dog Bark-
              them pretty much everywhere actually. The funny  Bof a motorcyclist catching a thief who’d  ing’, to a video that showed 100 Ways To Open A
              thing is, we did go to the beach just to try it out.  snatched a lady’s purse. The motorcyclist was lis-  Beer – and were happy to discover new ways to
              The weather was nice and we figured we’d go down  tening to Airbourne as he was riding along a busy  open  beers  after  watching  the  video.  The  band
              there and see if anything came out of it. We did get  street, as you can hear in the video on youtube.  have  incorporated  a  similar thing  on  stage  with
              a few ideas. But we were always writing. Some-  The band shared the video asking if anyone knows  Joel banging a can of beer against his own head to
              times at 3am at night, sometimes in a car, some-  ‘this hero of rock ‘n’ roll justice’, saying he gets free  open it. So when we end by asking what has been
              times  in  a  Bucks  party  in  Queensland,  just  tickets for life. Ryan says they haven’t yet found  the most awesome thing a bandmate has done for
              depending on where we were at the time.”  out who he is. “But I’m sure his name will come  him, it’s no surprise that Ryan replies, “Pass me a
                A Bucks party? Ryan explains, “We all went up  across our path at some point and we will honour  beer during the show, I guess.”
              to the Gold Coast in Queensland. Joel and I were  that for sure.”         Go see Airbourne live. There will be beer, there
              having a few drinks in our hotel room and we came  He adds, “We’re glad there are people like him  will be loud music and you may even find 100 ways
              up with one of the song titles. I’m sure it was only  that exist. It’s pretty gutless doing that.”  to rock while you’re there.
              a few minutes later that we were straight down-  We ask if Airbourne have ever had anything  Visit for more info.
              stairs to one of the bars. We just went up to drop  stolen  from  them.  “Joel  had  his  leather  jacket
              something  off  at  our  room  and  throw  on  a  few  stolen before the tour. Before we were doing the  Words By Shari Black Velvet
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