Page 36 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 36
BV90 pg34,35,36,37_BV90 pg36 25/09/2016 00:42 Page 3
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 36
that I really read them. I was still kind of trying Dan [Tremonti] the artist, who is Mark’s brother, of vision as it is time for a major change to take
to understand what Myles was trying to say, has kind of always relied on artistic impression place. The crow can be looked at as the pass-
but it all sounded really cool and I was totally of the songs. It’s just one of those things that ing of the old and the birth of something new.
down with it. We’re all on the same page.” keep showing up in the artwork. As far as it re- With this in mind, we note that Alter Bridge ap-
ally having a deep-seated meaning behind the pear to be embracing change in 2016, with a
n social media, Brian had pointed to band and us trying to ambiguously portray this new record, a new record label and a new
Othe fact that within the facial features evil dark image, I mean, that’s really not what logo. We ask Brian if there are any other
of the album’s cover design is a crow. The crow it’s about. It’s kind of a more simplistic ap- changes fans can expect to see or hear from
has been a recurring presence within Alter proach that just keeps popping up, from Dan’s the band in this new chapter of its career. “Well
Bridge’s imagery over the years so we ask point of view of how he interprets a song.” that’s a really cool observation that you’re say-
Brian why it is an important symbol for the We mention to Brian how the crow can be ing about the crow; that’s really neat!” he com-
band. “That’s a good question,” he responds. portrayed as an omen of change. It is said that ments, before answering. “As far as additional
“It’s just been one of those repeated motif’s when a crow presents itself to you, it is remind- changes, no, I think we’ve pretty much made
we’ve had in the band with the blackbird, and ing you that you must look beyond your range as many changes as we possibly could for this
record. I think that going forward we’re always Back in July a listening party was held for could change’, it is a song about rising above
open to exploring different sounds and styles the album, where a group of lucky fans were your fears, believing in yourself and living
of music to incorporate into our own repertoire. asked to rate what they thought of the songs courageously.
For the most part, we’ll just keep doing what and which ones, in their opinion, were worthy Brian is no stranger to making changes in
we’re doing and if change does present itself of being a single. Brian tells us that the band order to conquer the things in his life that were
then we will certainly be open to it but, as far wanted to be able to give fans the chance to tying him down.
as predicting anything in the near future, I think have a voice and let them have an opinion in “I’ll get a little personal with you,” Brian
we’ll kind of stick to our guns and do what we the whole process. says earnestly. “A few days ago marked my
do best.” Were there any surprises with the feed- fourth year of sobriety. So, in the years previ-
back received or did it mirror the band’s own ous to that I think I dealt with a lot of fears in
rian tells us that the recording process opinions on the songs? “Well, it was kind of all an unhealthy way. For me, it was always a…”
Bfor ‘The Last Hero’ ran smoothly, with over the map!” Brian admits. “The one that re- he pauses briefly. “I knew there was always
Michael ‘Elvis’ Baskette, Alter Bridge’s long- ally stuck out as being a single was ‘Poison In kind of something going on with me; it would
time producer once again at the helm. “There’s Your Veins’. I think that we certainly listened to be just kind of an anxiety that was always
just a certain element of comfort in recording what the fans had to say, but you have to kind there. Once I was able to get sober and have
with him,” Brian says about Michael. “He’s of take into consideration that that’s their first a new lease on life, get out of a toxic relation-
been a great filter for the band and really real path of the album, and we understand that ship and get myself a healthy one, I replaced
pushed us to challenge ourselves and to try to there’s a lot going on there for a first listen. It’s those habits with healthy ones. I was then able
one up the album previous, so always just try- a lot to digest. It was really kind of all over the to cope with those kinds of fears in a more re-
ing to make a better record than we did be- place and I don’t think ‘Show Me A Leader’ was alistic way, rather than having to drink or what-
fore.” even close to any of the fans observations of ever, to make myself calm down. I think that
It has been three years since the release being a single,” Brian laughs. “But it gave them those fears that come with alcohol, you know,
of the critically acclaimed ‘Fortress’ album; a a voice to kind of throw out at us what they feel those fears were overcome for me through the
release that solidified Alter Bridge’s position as would be a good album track, whether it was process of getting sober.”
one of rock music’s greatest assets. Has the great, good, okay, or ‘this is definitely a single.’” During tough times we often look for words
band managed to successfully complete their of encouragement from our loved ones and
challenge of out-doing ‘Fortress’? Well, Black an favourite ‘Poison In Your Veins’ is people we respect. For Brian, the one phrase
Velvet believes they have. We also think that Fuplifting and motivational. Featuring that has stuck with him through his times of
the many fans who have been eagerly awaiting the lyrics, ‘Don’t waste another day; don’t let it hardship is, ‘Do the next right thing.’ He ex-
new music will agree. slip away. The world is yours to take, if only you plains, “If you do the next right thing, you really