Page 35 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 35

BV90 pg34,35,36,37_BV90 pg35  25/09/2016  21:17  Page 2

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 35

          FOR A HERO
           FOR A HERO

               question.”                         what they want to report. They seem to pro-  kind of speaks similar to the way a lot of people
                  In politics, 2016 has been a historic year  mote  and  report  on  less  of  the  good  in  the  feel in the world today.”
               for both the USA and the UK. The current US  world and we just don’t know what is factual
               presidential election has featured one of the  and what is false out there. It’s just a tough  oing  into  the  making  of  ‘The  Last
               most discussed campaigns ever, while in the  world we live in with the media portraying one  GHero’, Brian tells Black Velvet that it
               UK  we  had  the  EU  referendum.  They  both  thing and then later maybe something comes  was not a deliberate decision to go and make
               share similar traits – both have seen a country  out as that it was actually not factual. You just  a record based around the hero concept. Ini-
               divided  and  both  have  used  fear  to  try  and  don’t  know  what  to  believe  and  I  wish  the  tially, the band was concentrating mostly on the
               drive the results. The media circus surrounding  media would report more on the good in the  music,  the  lyrics  followed  afterwards.  “The
               these campaigns has done little to help find the  world.”            music  was  already  completed  and  the  hero
               truth behind the lies. We wonder whether Brian  The lyrical content throughout ‘The Last  theme came much later when the lyrics started
               thinks the media should be held more respon-  Hero’ is very much an in-the-moment social  to come into play. I think collectively, as a band,
               sible in giving voters more factual and unbi-  commentary, with songs also discussing global  once that started to come into the picture, we
               ased information, so that people are able to  warming (‘The Writing On The Wall’) and ex-  all agreed that a propaganda kind of theme
               make a more informed vote.         tremists (‘The Other Side’). Brian points out  would be great for the artwork. It all just kind of
                  “Absolutely! I think the media is to blame  that ‘The Last Hero’ is not a political statement;  shaped up. The hero concept was just some-
               for a lot of the problems,” Brian states. “I think  it’s a reflection of what is going on in the world  thing that evolved over time through Myles. I
               that they focus in on things that are charged  today. “We’re not really a political band at all,”  think he was going through a lot of personal re-
               racially;  they  focus  in  on  things  that  create  Brian stresses. “In the main scheme of things  flection and experiences for himself and what
               drama and evoke a lot of emotion out of peo-  we just kind of all feel that we’re concerned  he was thinking. I don’t really have a lot to do
               ple. That’s  what  they  hone  in  on  and  that’s  about what’s on the horizon. So, I think that  with the lyrics at all, so it wasn’t until much later

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