Page 42 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 42
BV90 pg42_BV89 pg42 25/09/2016 01:31 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 42
pivotal expression when it Their Name Was Treason' fessional, Brand New and and Mike Cunniff's brilliant
comes to music. Six Time days, with Jeremy McKin- Sunny Day Real Estate. foot-stomping guitar riffs,
Champion truly adhere to non's heavily distorted vo- Even then, Ryan's talent is Dan Cunniff's hard-hitting
it, creating songs that cals that are as sharp as a extremely unique and bass, and Jordan Pugh's
thump the heart. Songs knife, reading you the side proves to us that good heart-racing drumming
that burst with verve and effects of toxic humans on music with heart and soul brings out the best in tracks
honesty, tracks that feature the label of life. From there, still exists. such as 'Burn You Up', the
stories of unrest and the we're led into 'Paranoia', YYYY headbanging opener to the
trappings of home. The the first single. This track Jessica-Lyn Saunders album, 'Lead Feet', a non-
band also describe life and adds the perfect blend of fiction story of struggling to
its upheavals. They convey grunge and anxiety while come out of a black hole,
BLACKBERRY SMOKE feelings of worthlessness, still holding down the beau- and 'Laika', the first single,
LIKE AN ARROW hopelessness and stricken tifully clean vocal duo that that the boys knocked right
(EARACHE) luck. The musicianship is is McKinnon and guitarist out of the park. Let's also
‘Like An Arrow’ is an key too, that bond and link Kevin Skaff. However, for not forget gems such as
album of classic/southern are mandatory. And those who miss the 'Home- 'Broken Glass', 'Kill Your
hard rock that is thoroughly through the music, Six sick' sound, there's a song Conscience', 'Stop Trying,
marinated in country. ‘Wait- Time Champion show that for you. While 'Exposed', Be Nothing' and 'Fossa',
ing For The Thunder’ kicks they’re tight. The EP be- 'Bullfight' and 'Reassemble' which contains pure, raw
off proceedings with both gins with ‘Lost’. It’s a re- could very well be com- emotion that's hard to find
big riffs and a stripped- markable start, classifying pared to 2005 A Day To Re- FINDING KATE in a lot of music in this day
down style that sees differ- that Six Time Champion member, 'Justified', IF I FALL and age. Only a few bands
ent elements going it alone are respecting their pop self-esteem booster 'We (FINDING KATE) can keep the emo and pop
– vocalist Charlie Starr, ac- punk roots. The guitar-dri- Got This', 'Same About ‘If I Fall’ is the debut punk genre alive but
companied only by a hand- ven track develops on with You' and 'Turn Off The album by Finding Kate and there's only one band that
clap rhythm, alternates that thumping drumbeat Radio' bring back chugged it is stunning. Finding Kate can mix the two together
lines with the guitars, and adding a certain punch. chords and clean vocals is fronted by Kate Pavli, an and make it sound so
Paul Jackson’s gritty guitar The lyrics are depressive that made 2009's release Australian-born, Cyprus- good, it should be illegal. If
solo largely dispenses with and describe failure. one of the heaviest pop bred and now London-liv- there's one album to add to
an instrumental backup. ‘Down’ contains one of the punk albums our ears ever ing female with a sultry and your autumn playlists this
‘Let It Burn’ has an infec- most infectious choruses tuned in to. One track, dominating voice. She year, it's 'Be Nothing.'.
tious rhythm complete with that the band have ever however, that stands out thanks Chris Charalam- YYYYY
honky-tonk piano, ‘What produced. The guitar lines the most out of the 11 (or bides on the album sleeve, Jessica-Lyn Saunders
Comes Naturally’ is more spark fury and the lyrics 13 if you bought the deluxe who composes the music.
of a foot-stomper, while are drenched in hopeless- edition) is 'Naivety'. Opening with ‘Drowning’, VANDERCASH
‘The Good Life’ sounds like ness. ‘Uneasy’ is a perfect Recorded at The Blasting there’s a dark, powerful SCARS & TATTOOS
a cowboy’s lament. Title acoustic song that pin- Room with Descendents pull. ‘White Lies’ continues (VANDERCASH)
track ‘Like An Arrow’ has a points Six Time Cham- drummer Bill Stevenson but Kate’s rock vocals open On the back of Vander-
more ominous, darker pion’s lyrical muscle. It’s and Jason Livermore, the up. She’s inspired by cash’s CD case it says
sound and a focus on the beautiful and haunting, Ocala five-piece really Evanescence amongst oth- ‘100% Rock Music’.
realities of life passing by. piercing the skin of the saved the best for track ers, and if you like Evanes- They’re not lying. This is
To round things off, there’s norm. Six Time Champion three, which brings forward cence chances are you’ll full-throttle, fast-paced, en-
a guest appearance by an have put their all into an EP a mid-1990's Descendents love Finding Kate. Songs ergetic rock. From the mo-
Allman Brother (Gregg) on that sparks a sense of anthem about getting older. such as ‘Forever’ and ment ‘Empty Highway’
slow burner ‘Free On The melancholia. Overall, 'Bad Vibrations' ‘Don’t Let Go’ are very kicks off, you’ll be tapping
Wing’. All in all, this is a YYYY has a song for anyone who emotive and impassioned. your feet or banging your
pretty good album. It has Mark McConville misses the heavier days of You can feel Kate’s heart head along in time. ‘Scars
energy, attitude, and hard- the band and who loves the opening and bleeding. For & Tattoos’ is a fun and en-
rocking country flair. What more laid-back feel and A a debut album, this is in- tertaining 14-track release
more could you want? Day To Remember are credibly impressive. Kate from this Swiss band. Tony
YYYY proving to their fans and sounds as good as any su- Scevola sings in English
Clare Huckett their haters that like a fine perstar and she should be and the band sound like
wine, they only get better gracing arena stages. If I they’re having a great time
SIX TIME CHAMPION with age. Fall? Dear Kate, you won’t playing raw, fist-punching
MORE THAN ME YYYYY fall – you’re going to fly… rock ‘n’ roll. There’s an ele-
(SIX TIME CHAMPION) Jessica-Lyn Saunders to the top! ment of 80s sleaze rock to
Brighton band Six Time YYYYY the songs. ‘Forever Is A
Champion fly the pop punk ANNA'S ANCHOR SBV Long Time’ and ‘Put A Little
flag on their new release NAUTICAL MILES Light On Me’ both see the
‘More Than Me’. It’s an in- A DAY TO REMEMBER (ANNA'S ANCHOR) pace mellow a little while
fectious contribution with BAD VIBRATIONS Emo is not dead, de- ‘Left Is On The Right’ is
startling lyrics throughout, (ADTR) spite what many may say, back to the butt-kicking,
words that will make the There have been many and Anna's Anchor is prov- turbo-charged ballsy aural
forward thinker ponder. bands over the years who ing that with their debut pleasure. The guitars are
And as an act the band have left their heavy roots album ‘Nautical Miles’. The particularly razor-edged in
have definitely worked ex- behind in exchange for up- life of the album is provided ‘Under The Gun’ and ‘The
tensively on putting words beat, squeaky-clean tones. by Marty Ryan, whose Boxer’, the latter a really
together with thought Not A Day To Remember, soulful voice and multi-in- grizzly, mean machine.
rather than stacking them though. In fact, they went strumental talent brings a While the production of the
up pointlessly. The work into the studio and fresh feel to the scene, BOSTON MANOR album isn’t quite as good
that has gone into the scrapped their clean, pol- along with good friend BE NOTHING. as some, the songs them-
record is credible. The ished sound that took over Brian Scally's drumming (PURE NOISE) selves are well-written, the
band take basic guitar lines their last two albums and providing an upbeat feel to Blackpool's Boston band’s enthusiasm and
and add volatile vocals and came out with a roaring a genre that's all about Manor knows how to mix passion for rock music
a snotty-nosed attitude. record, and in doing so wearing your heart on your the right elements together shines through and this re-
And with hurt bearing down have given fans one of sleeve. Songs like 'Hamp- to make their debut album lease deserves to have a
on them, with a weight on their best albums to date. ton' and 'Signal Tower', an- 'Be Nothing.' sound one of light on it.
their shoulders, they pre- 'Bad Vibrations' starts off thems of love and loss, can a kind. Henry Cox's power- YYYY
vail with hooks and a with the title track, throwing be compared to the early fully sweet, melancholy vo- SBV
steady input. Emotion is a listeners back to the 'And days of Dashboard Con- cals, along with Ash Wilson