Page 28 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 28

BV90 pg26-31 centre pages_BV90 pg28  25/09/2016  22:47  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 28
                     hen ‘Lucidity’ was released on Sep-  tems go. The band will perform at the Paradiso  course it’s kind of awkward because although
                Wtember 4th, 2006, it had been a project  in Amsterdam on December 10th. Prior to that  everybody’s practised the songs, the way we
              by keyboardist Martijn Westerholt, previously of  show, there will be a VIP birthday party, which  write songs we don’t all get in a rehearsal room
              Within Temptation. He had joined forces with  will include goodie bags, party games, birthday  and play them together. Martijn and Chris and I,
              Charlotte Wessels although chose to gather an  cake and acoustic songs. “We’ve got some very  we write the songs and have a basic pre-produc-
              array of other musicians to participate on the  old-fashioned  Dutch  party  games  that  we’re  tion and then everybody takes the songs and
              album. Things have changed a lot since then.  thinking about doing on the anniversary but we  starts refining their parts, so of course every-
              Delain became a full time band with official band  still have to figure out what we’ll do exactly, be-  body knows their parts but a lot of time we don’t
              members – Martijn and Charlotte are now joined  cause  we  started  it  and  we  thought  ‘Party  actually  play  the  songs  altogether  before  we
              by Tim Somers, Otto Schimmelpenninck, Merel  games’ and we thought “Which ones?” and at  have to start performing them live. Some of the
              Bechtold and Ruben Israel. Of the changes De-  one point we had so many, so now we kind of  songs we had just played together for the very
              lain have been through since their formation,  have to choose what we’re going to do,” Char-  first time an hour before people started walking
              Charlotte says, “I do think that the fact that we  lotte says. “But the more embarrassing the bet-  in,  so it was kind of nerve-racking,  but  there
              really do function now as a band. Of course we  ter.  We  have  one  where  you  have  a  nail  were very, very nice people there. We just basi-
              have been doing that from when we released  attached to your middle and you have to basi-  cally explained  what we were doing,  that we
              ‘April Rain’. We were kind of already there but it  cally to drop it in a little glass. The Dutch name  were getting ready, that we might fuck up, we
              started feeling more and more as a band over  of it is Shitting Nails. I swear it sounds a lot bet-  might start again… we didn’t have to, actually…
              the years. I remember that for a long time people  ter in Dutch. No, actually it doesn’t! But we have  it went pretty well. I think it was very nice for
              kept asking for photos of Martijn and myself to-  some  really  embarrassing,  ludicrous  party  them to have a look behind the scenes and see
              gether and at one point we were just going to  games so we’re probably bringing some of those  what  we’re  working  on,  from  rehearsing  the
              stop making them because this is a band and  to the birthday                              songs to taping all of
              everyone’s involved and everyone’s so invested.  party.”  “Everybody has ideas about your cre-  our  cables  so  we
              I think that, for me personally, from being within  W  e  ative  choices  or  what  you  choose  to  can recognize them
              the band, that is a very significant and positive  google  Shit-                          on tour. To see all of
              change. And of course our sound has changed.  ting Nails later spend  your  time  on.  You’ve got  to  be  that  happening  and
              I wouldn’t say it really changes but we’ve shifted  and  it  turns  made of stone not to let things like that  to  get  to  hear  the
              in different directions and we’ve tried different  out the Dutch  get to you at one point or another. Just  songs  for  the  very
              things. But I don’t think we’ve made a real radi-  name is actu-                          first time, because it
              cal twist in the way that we sound. I feel like  ally   Spijker- the fact that someone else has fire and  wasn’t  out  yet,  and
              we’re still trying to find the borders of what we  poepen.  We  chooses to kind of aim that at you, the  on the other hand, it
              want to do, what we can do, and creative tools  ask  if  they’ll                          was very good for us
              that we can use to achieve them.”   film  the  party  song is basically about choosing not to  to have a rehearsal
                One fan, Scott Johnson, wrote on Delain’s  games.  “We’ll be a doormat and I think that’s a very  that  had  the  actual
              Facebook page saying happy birthday to ‘Lucid-  film  them  but  healthy thing,” - Charlotte Wessels  pressure of an audi-
              ity’. ‘Thank you for being the album that has im-  we’ll put them                         ence, no matter how
              pacted my life more than any other album ever  through   a                                small. It was a lot of
              made’, he wrote. Charlotte ponders what could  good  screening  before  we  put  any  online!”  fun and I hope that they enjoyed being there as
              have made that album create such an impact.  replies Charlotte.        much as we enjoyed having them there.”
              “There’s  always  something  about  that  first  Out  of  the  many  items  that  fans  could  The band then held a ‘Moonbathers’ release
              album,” she says. “The thing that makes it really  pledge for on the PledgeMusic campaign, one  party at Café Stathe in Utrecht on August 27th
              special to me is when you do that first album you  of the most intriguing was whisky tasting with  and invited fans to go along. Charlotte and Timo
              basically have no expectations of musical direc-  Charlotte and Otto. They offer both Beginner  performed acoustic versions of songs such as
              tions of others that you have to keep in mind.  Whiskey Tasting and Advanced Whisky Tasting.  ‘The Hurricane’ and ‘Fire With Fire’. In ‘Fire With
              You have plenty of time to do everything be-  “When I was setting up the Pledge campaign, I  Fire’, Charlotte sings ‘Just kill them with kind-
              cause people don’t know you’re there, expecting  basically did a big brainstorm with the band,” ex-  ness’. Charlotte explains the song. “Especially
              anything, so there’s a lot of room and time for in-  plains Charlotte. “Of course we’re going to do  in this industry that we are in, everybody has an
              spiration and I think it was a very interesting  signed CDs and vinyl and the DVD itself, but the  opinion of what you do, how you do it. Every-
              album, not in last place because of the many,  nice thing about doing a campaign like this is of-  body has an opinion of how you should do what
              many people that worked on it. So many people  fering other perks that you really wouldn’t get  you’re doing. Everybody has ideas about your
              got to put their mark on that record. I don’t know  otherwise. We wanted it to be fairly personal.  creative choices or what you choose to spend
              of course for somebody else listening to it what  I’ve seen a lot of bands inviting people to band  your time on. You’ve got to be made of stone not
              is the thing that touched them, whether it’s part  barbecues but we rarely have band barbecues.  to let things like that get to you at one point or
              of an arrangement that really triggers their emo-  And then Otto and I are real whisky lovers. We  another. Just the fact that someone else has fire
              tional responses or whether it’s something in the  come together once in a while to basically sam-  and chooses to kind of aim that at you, the song
              lyrics that they can relate to or whether that just  ple all of the nice single malts that we have at  is basically about choosing not to be a doormat
              was the album that they listened to in a very  home and really make it like a tasting session.  and  I  think  that’s  a  very  healthy  thing,”  she
              awesome or a very sad moment of their life so it  We thought this could be something that could  laughs. “I am very much a person that’s raised
              gets significance through that association with  be so much fun to share with our pledgers. By  to not go into conflict with people, to always be
              it. I don’t know but for me, I’m always very hum-  now  we  know  quite  a  lot  about  it  too.  We’ve  kind to everyone, but there is a point where you
              bled and honoured when I hear things like that.  been to so many distilleries. We visited the Islay  should really say “Enough is enough,” and you
              It could be a part of the record that I take for  Whisky Festival so we thought it’d be very nice  shouldn’t stoop to the level of people who are
              granted  or  is  very  insignificant  in  a  way  that  as an unexpected perk to offer people a whisky  basically just bitching on everyone. There is a
              could be the most important part of an album for  tasting and we just give them a very nice collec-  time and place to say “This is how far that can
              other people. I have no idea but it’s wonderful to  tion of single malts to try and then for the ad-  go and this is where I allow this to touch me on
              hear things like that of course.”  vanced tasting sessions we’re really trying to get  a personal level and this is where I say “Fuck
                Since the band are celebrating ten years of  some rare bottles that you wouldn’t open unless  You”.”
              Delain, they wanted to do something extra spe-  you have an anniversary or a birthday. We just  A song with a similar sense of rebellion is
              cial. The band decided to set up a PledgeMusic  wanted to make it something special. We want  ‘Danse Macabre’. This song includes the lyrics,
              campaign in order to put on a 10th anniversary  to share something that we’re passionate about  ‘I said I’d walk the mile, not that I’d walk in line’.
              show and live DVD filming in Amsterdam. The  besides music. This seemed to be something  Charlotte says, “It’s got a similar sense of rebel-
              band  wanted  to  celebrate  the  milestone  with  that fit that idea. We’re really excited about it so  lion but that one was actually inspired by… there
              fans. Charlotte says she was excited on the day  I can imagine that we can really pass that ex-  were two songs which were inspired by a film
              the  PledgeMusic  campaign  went  live.  “I  was  citement on to other people as well.”  script. A friend of ours had written a film script
              very nervous and excited about the response                            and he asked us if we could read it and work on
              that we would get on doing a Pledge campaign  ut  before  that  anniversary  party,  we  some music for it. ‘Chrysalis – The Last Breath’
              and whether the result would be successful. I  Bhave the tour. And Delain recently in-  was one of them, just because I could really, re-
              was both curious for the opinions of people on  vited competition winners as an audience during  ally relate to some of the aspects in it. The other
              doing a campaign like that and what it was going  two production days where the band prepared  one is ‘Danse Macabre’. The film script is a teen
              to do, whether we would reach our goal.”  for the ‘Moonbathers’ tour. Charlotte says, “It  horror movie and one of the protagonists has an
                The band did reach their goal, so it’s all sys-  was  a  lovely  experience.  I  really  liked  it.  Of  encounter with death and has to make a clear
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