Page 23 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 23

BV110 pg 20-24 All Ears Avow Interview.qxp_BV110 pg 23  13/06/2024  21:57  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 23

                   f you’re a musician, owning a record-  he band released the 9-track album,   path is just so important.”
                  Iing studio definitely sounds like a   T‘Feel The Push’, in 2022. The title   Another song on ‘Feel The Push’ is
               dream career. Even when you’re not tour-  track is about depression, although offers   ‘Hero’, a song about envy, jealousy and re-
               ing, you’re still working on your passion,   a message of hope to anyone suffering,   sentment. Claire says that the song was in-
               and making money from it. Claire explains   from the perspective of someone having   spired by a few people, not naming any
               how she came to own a recording studio.   come through it. Claire says the most im-  names. “Just sometimes, if I’m thinking
               “I’ve been working as a producer for maybe   portant thing to do when going through   about bands that had inspired it, there can
               five years or so now. I was working out of   something depressing is to talk about it.   be this notion sometimes, in some scenes,
               this studio and the owners, during the pan-  “I know it’s easier said than done, but   in some towns, where you’re enemies or
               demic, decided to call it quits. I sort of   just talking to somebody, whether it’s a   something, as opposed to being friends
               thought I was possibly having to give up on   friend or a family member, or some sort of   and holding each other up, and promoting
               music and go and get a desk job some-  a helpline, sometimes, just voicing a prob-  each other. They see it as some kind of a
               where or something. And Sean, my drum-  lem and saying it out loud, can make a   battle; if your band is doing well, then how
               mer, he appeared and went, ‘How about we   weight come off of you. And, if it’s far more   can our band do well? Something like that,
               take over it together?’ and so we did that.   chemical than that, then, hopefully, they’re   as if there’s not enough music to go
               And that was two years ago now. And yeah,   a person that can put you on the path to   around. I don’t know, it’s an odd concept re-
               it’s been absolutely thriving. We’re a re-  seeking the right help. It’s a tough one, my   ally, but yeah, I could probably take it in
               hearsal studio as well as a recording stu-  bandmates have all sort of suffered with de-  many different angles.”
               dio, and recording bands all the time, so it’s   pression. I think things that I personally   Does she think that social media makes
               great fun.”                        have been through have been more situa-  people more jealous because everyone is
                  Aside from working with Millie, Claire   tional. I lost my mum when I was 20 years   showing their best lives?
               has been inspired while working with other   old. We’ve all been through really tough   “Yeah, 100%,” replies Claire. “The likes
               musicians.                         times, but depression, on a very chemical   count. If you put up a social media post and
                  “As I said before, after I worked with   level, is not as understood as it should be.   it doesn’t get as many likes as this other
               Millie, I think I was very in a political mind-  Sometimes, just speaking through prob-  band or this other brand or this other influ-
               set and that’s what ended up with ‘Bird On   lems and stuff like that doesn’t always help   encer, I guess, or something like that, that
               A Wire’, for sure,” she says. “I like to think   if it’s a deeper issue than that, and, I think   suddenly means something about you and
               that we straddle genres a little bit in All Ears   people are getting better at seeing it as   your content, and it doesn’t, really. I don’t
               Avow, and every time I have a band come   more of a physical problem as opposed to   know… Algorythms, I suppose. But I think
               in that is maybe on the heavier side or   something that can just be solved with a   people look at that stuff the wrong way
               something, I’ll, all of a sudden, be writing   conversation. Do you know what I mean?   completely.”
               heavier riffs and heavier songs. And then,   Like the comparison with a broken arm or
               I’ll have a band come in who are really   something like that – if you’ve got a broken   hen we ask who Claire finds in-
               poppy, and, all of a sudden, I’m writing   arm, you wouldn’t hesitate to go to the doc-  Wspiring at the moment, she replies
               things like that. So, I think, even if it’s unin-  tors and get it fixed, but, because it’s some-  that she thinks Hayley Williams is amazing.
               tentional, everybody that I’m working with   thing in your head and you can’t see that   “I feel like that’s an obvious choice, but
               is having an impact on my creative brain –   it’s something that is, kind of, more physi-  what Paramore are doing, in that they’ve
               which is fantastic; I love it.”    cally broken, people don’t look at it in the   just got to the end of their record label and
                                                  same way. And, I think, having that under-  now they seem to be doing whatever the
                                                  standing, to then be able to get on the right   hell they want, I think that’s amazing. And that’s

                                                                                                ALL EARS AVOW
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