Page 24 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 24

BV110 pg 20-24 All Ears Avow Interview.qxp_BV110 pg 24  13/06/2024  22:06  Page 5

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               the place that I would love to be. I wouldn’t say   those albums are Taylor’s albums. You can’t re-  ple will give us,” Claire says. “And, as long as
               I’m not doing what I want, because, obviously,   ally deny it, can you, just how impressive that   we’re still four mates having fun, that’s all that
               I’ve just spoken about how I am, but there’s so   is?”                really matters to us. However, if somebody
               much power in that, and I find that absolutely   Claire says she’d like to inspire others from   wants to offer us a main stage slot at Reading
               amazing. Even along the same lines as they’re   a sort of female guitar player/songwriter/pro-  Festival, I’m not going to turn it down!”
               supporting Taylor Swift at the moment. Taylor,   ducer perspective. “There are so few of us in   We hope they do, as All Ears Avow de-
               her songwriting, I don’t really listen to her, but,   the tech side of the music industry where I’m a   serve to get out there to more people. If you
               every time I do, her songwriting just sort of as-  producer. I think it’s like 2% of the industry is   haven’t checked them out yet, you most defi-
               tounds me. But then, I’m not really into that sort   made up of women and non-binary and that   nitely should.
               of music. It’s just something about the way that   shocks me. And, if I can be somebody that
               she constructs things and the things that she   proves that you can do it, and it’s not just a   Visit for more info.
               talks about, I find really impressive. And, from   boy’s club, or it’s not just for the boys, then
               a power point of view, that she’s owning every-  that’s the stance that I quite like.”   Words By Shari Black Velvet
               thing that she does. I read the other day that
               there are only nine albums that have sold a   or the time being, All Ears Avow are    Photos By Courtney Brock
               certain number… the highest number ever on   Fhappy to keep writing music and put-
               the Billboard charts on day one, and seven of   ting it out there “and playing whatever gig peo-

                ALL EARS AVOW
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