Page 37 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 37

BV99 albums pg2_BV99 page37  05/11/2018  00:55  Page 1

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 37
                                   ‘Baby Let Me Go’ have a  In Japan’ is about the love-  and placing of the songs.  in contrast to the sorrowful
                                   poignant sweetness which  hate relationship of a band  While  none  of  the  track  lyricism, but the vocal har-
                                   allows  Tasha  to  show  off  with  the  music  business,  quality dips below a level of  monies  will  be  sure  to
                                   her dramatic capabilities as  seeing their hard work and  good, there are, of course,  pierce  you  with  emotion.
                                   much as her vocal range.  sacrifices  garnering  only  songs that are better than  You’ll find yourself singing
                                   Closer ‘Stranger Things’ in-  broken dreams. ‘A Place To  others and their positioning  along to the ‘la’s at the be-
                                   corporates  punkish  ele-  Belong’  tones  it  down  a  on  the  record  has  been  ginning of ‘Bouch’, which is
                                   ments,  a  strong  bass  notch for a powerful reflec-  done  marvellously  to  en-  packed with a sleazy swag-
                                   rhythm  and  powerful  gui-  tion on someone searching  sure repeated listens. The  ger  that  you  can’t  resist
                                   tars with another 180 at the  for where they fit after suf-  opening track is backed by  with  its  cheeky  licks  and
                                   bridge  where  the  tempo  fering  the  pain  of  child  the equally excellent ‘Fuel  dynamic rhythm work. The
              FIGHT THE FURY       drops  and  the  song  be-  abuse, while ‘Cult Society’  And Alcohol’, a song which  key  shifts  in  ‘Whiskey  &
              STILL BREATHING      comes  reflective,  backed  rages  against  censorship  is far more interesting than  Coke’  during  the  bridge
              (ATLANTIC)           by ghostly, wailing guitars.  and the passivity of society.  the  opening  line  about  a  brings out a playful side of
                 Fight  The  Fury  is  the  It’s brilliantly done. This is a  Brutal, aggressive, and tak-  black  box  in  a  car  sug-  the band, whilst ‘Dead In-
              new  project  from  Skillet  hugely  impressive  album  ing no prisoners – ‘Procre-  gests, while the hard-hitting  side’  leaves  the  EP  on  a
              frontman  John  Cooper.  which  grows  on  you  with  ate//Annihilate’  is  a  solid  ‘Animal’ does a grand job  high,  showing  off  every-
              Skillet guitarist Seth Morri-  repeat listens.  slab of metal.  of lifting the middle section  thing  that  the  band  does
              son is also in the band. Mu-      YYYY                  YYYY    of  the  record  where  the  well with its hooking chorus
              sically, Fight The Fury sees  Clare Huckett         Clare Huckett  quality of songs dips just a  and  frenetic  instrumental
              John embracing his heav-                                        little.  But  the  true  master  work.  Whilst  there’s  no
              ier side and allows him to  THE BRUTALISTS                      stroke is the final straight,  groundbreaking  material
              delve darker lyrically with-  THE BRUTALISTS                    which  starts  with  the  on  this  EP,  the  band  do
              out the kind of boundaries  (CLEOPATRA)                         hugely infectious ‘Born To  make  strides  towards  the
              that fans and critics expect  For a band formed by              Be  Great’,  which  will  be  pinnacle of their genre and
              Skillet to adhere to. While  ex-members  of  LA  Guns           embedded in your brain for  we’re sure it won’t be long
              you  can  expect  anthemic  (Mick  Cripps)  and  The            hours after you finish listen-  before they reach there.
              choruses,  the  energetic  Quireboys  (Nigel  Mogg,             ing and is followed by the        YYYY
              songs are carried by fero-  here on vocals) in 2017’s           quite awesome ‘Damage’,        Athena Kam
              cious  drum  beats  and  LA,  The  Brutalists  sound            arguably  the  highlight  of
              heavy  guitar  riffs.    ‘My  like they’re straight out of      the  album  thanks  to  the  DELAYED DEPARTURE
              Demons’,  ‘Dominate  Me’,  1970s  London.  There’s              amazing riffs and licks that  YOUR COLOURS
              ‘Still  Burning’,  ‘I  Cannot’  ska, reggae, early punk, a  CITY OF THIEVES  Ben Austwick produces on  (DELAYED DEPARTURE)
              and  ‘Lose  Hold  Of  It  All’  bit of sleaze. Thematically  BEAST REALITY  lead guitar. These are ham-  If  you  are  feeling  im-
              blend melody with rawness  they also go for the sort of  (FRONTIERS)  mered home by the sterling  practically angsty on your
              and  aggression.  When  disaffection  that  was  the  Good  things  come  to  drum work of Will Richards,  commute home from work
              Fight  The  Fury  unleash,  hallmark  of  the  era.  Reg-  those  who  wait  and  this  which  powers  them  per-  on a rainy evening this EP
              they  do  not  hold  back.  gae-tinged ‘Form & Func-  has been proven by Lon-  fectly. ‘Something Of Noth-  is  for  you.  The  Farnbor-
              There  are  elements  that  tion’,  for  example,  is  a  don   rockers   City   Of  ing’ is a brilliant conclusion,  ough  quintet’s  comeback
              are reminiscent of Five Fin-  condemnation of the sort of  Thieves,  whose  debut  especially with the lyric ‘we  EP  ‘Your  Colours’  is  the
              ger  Death  Punch,  Dis-  housing  estate  ‘streets  in  album ‘Beast Reality’ has  made  something  of  noth-  third addition to their cata-
              turbed  and  even  Slipknot  the sky’ that grew up at the  taken longer to arrive than  ing’’  which  rings  true  logue after a short hiatus.
              and Marilyn Manson. This  time and which were a trap  intended, but it’s here now  throughout ‘Beast Reality’.  The band write about their
              blistering  EP  leaves  us  for  many.  ‘Meet  Me  Half  and to be to blunt, it’s sen-  They  made  something  personal  experiences  of
              wanting to hear more. Let’s  Way’ has that hugely infec-  sational. Initially planned to  wonderful.   small  town  life.  Opener
              hope Fight The Fury bring  tious ska sound mixed with  hit  our  ears  in  2016,  the  YYYYY  ‘Neon Lights’ catches you
              an album’s worth of mate-  blues-rock guitar flair. ‘Jun-  delay has been a lengthy  Michael Coventry  straight away with its heavy
              rial to the world soon.  gle Nasty’ is equally infec-  one  for  the  Thieves,  but  instrumental intro and loud
                           YYYY    tious but more sleaze rock,  this 12-song barn-burner is        vocal. This song is rebel-
                       Penny Gower  examining the shadier side  poised to make up for any          lious,  catchy  and  upbeat,
                                   of  lowlife.  ‘Know  Your  lost time as it is packed full       possibly  the  best  on  the
              SMOKING MARTHA       Value’ is a nod to 70s-era  of banging tunes including          EP.  We  then  jump  into
              IN DEEP              synth-pop, while ‘Nutter’ is  opener  ‘Reality  Bites’,         ‘Who  Are  You?’  which
              (BAD REPUTATION)     pure  Cockney  pub-rock.  which is a near perfect in-           keeps the pace with a dy-
                 A scorching debut from  This album is bonkers and  troduction to the band. City   namic  vocal  range  and
              Australian   alt-rockers  brilliant.  It’s  The  Clash,  Of Thieves are the defini-  heavy  alt-rock  instrumen-
              Smoking Martha. The five-  Madness, a hint of Bowie,  tion of a no-frills, no-non-   tal. This track has similari-
              piece  combine  punk  ele-  Chas & Dave and the Sex  sense hard rock band and        ties in style to newer Bring
              ments,   classic   metal,  Pistols all mixed together,  it quickly becomes appar-    Me The Horizon and Mal-
              power  pop  and  melodic  and for all it’s a major 70s  ent that bassist Jamie Lai-  WHY EVERYONE LEFT  lory Knox. Title track ‘Your
              pomp for an album full of  throwback,  it  all  sounds  ley isn’t the greatest singer  THIS IS NOT A TEST  Colours’ picks back up on
              interest. There’s an intrigu-  fresh as a daisy.   you will ever hear, but he is  (WHY EVERYONE LEFT)  the heavier riffs and keeps
              ing contradiction in some of     YYYYY    an  excellent  rock  singer.  Hailing  from  Modena,  the heart-wrenching lyrics
              these  tracks,  much  of      Clare Huckett  His voice has just the right  Italy, this pop-punk quartet  intact,  while  ‘Too  Close’,
              which  are  dark  in  tone.               amount of grit to give their  are  sure  to  make  waves  the closing track, is a good
              Opener  ‘So  Lonely’  has  I AM PARIAH    songs that extra bite with-  with  ‘This  Is  Not  A  Test’.  continuation,  carrying  the
              grinding  riffs  and  an-  PROCREATE//ANNIHI-  out  becoming  a  drain  on  Packed  full  of  infectious  traditional  alt-rock  sound
              guished vocals, yet there’s  LATE         your hearing senses. The  riffs and bouncy melodies,  and  creating  a  dark  and
              a  hint  of  a  bounce  in  the  (I AM PARIAH)  band  gel  quite  superbly  it’s a slice of summer de-  emotional  theme  for  the
              rhythm which should sound  I Am Pariah are angry:  and  the  music  they  write  light  that  will  leave  you  EP. It is a good effort from
              wrong but really isn’t. ‘Ebb  at the ugliness of society in  accompanies his voice per-  yearning  for  the  warmer  the  band  and  will  be  en-
              Of The Tide’ encapsulates  general and at those indi-  fectly to make a real win-  days. Opener ‘Pick You Up’  joyed  by  their  fans,  but  if
              this  contradiction  both  in  viduals who always seek to  ning   team,   everything  brings a touching introduc-  they want to stand out they
              the  lyrics  about  a  Jekyll  destroy, in particular. Fortu-  works and fits so well to-  tion as vocalist Enzo Cap-  are going to have to ignite
              and Hyde character and in  nately,  they  have  chan-  gether.  This  is  perhaps  pucci soulfully croons over  a  spark  and  define  their
              the   complete   stylistic  nelled  that  anger  into  a  where the extra time it has  an acoustic guitar, before  own sound to get ahead of
              about-face from the heavy  ferocious  4-track  melodic  taken to hone ‘Beast Real-  full-throttled instrumentals  the game.
              melodic  to  the  minimalist  metal  EP  packed  full  of  ity’ has paid off the most.  slam into you with an infec-  YYY
              bridge.  The  acoustic  gui-  fast-paced riffs and rapid-  Another fantastic element  tious  energy.  The  vibrant  Becky Dorgan
              tars  and  strings  of  ballad  fire drums. Opener ‘Heavy  to the album is its pacing  energy of ‘Stand By’ stands

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