Page 36 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 36

BV99 pg36_BV99 pg36  04/11/2018  23:26  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 36

                                                                 YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
                                                                                       YY Listenable, Just Y Poor

                                   These  Countless  Nights’  band’s second EP. Opener  falsetto  in  the  chorus,  acoustic version of ‘Dying
                                   saw  them  dabble  in  pop  ‘Alibi’  is  also  possibly  the  which possesses a delicate  Daze’ which is a fine con-
                                   rock,  this  time  they  have  strongest track of the five.  nature  that  juxtaposes  clusion to the record while
                                   dived  in  head  first,  fully  Killer riffs, a devil-may-care  against the driving instru-  sandwiched  between  the
                                   committed, and on the sur-  attitude, a bit of sleaze and  mentals underneath. ‘Bor-  aforementioned four harder
                                   face, the work is more than  a  burst  of  gang  vocals  –  rowed  Time’  brings  in  a  songs  ‘My  Gardenia’  is  a
                                   good, albeit quite different  this  must  be  a  live  syncopated  groove  which  welcome  and  enjoyable
                                   to what we have come to  favourite. The blues swag-  you’ll get hooked to imme-  change of pace and under-
                                   expect from the band. But  ger comes out on ‘Wrong  diately,  whilst  final  track  lines what a small tweak to
                                   this is still a rock album. It’s  Place,  Right  Time’,  com-  ‘Envy’ will leave you on a  the running order of ‘Flight
                                   not  another  example  of  plete  with  harmonica  and  high with it’s anthemic cho-  619’  may  have  made  as
              P.O.D.               your  favourite  rock  band  possibly saxophone. It’s a  rus and gallant riffing. ‘Can-  while having the correct in-
              CIRCLES              going  mainstream  and  beast of a track and there’s  vas’ packs all the punches,  gredients  is  key,  adding
              (MASCOT)             abandoning   everything  a  lot  going  on,  but  the  intertwining lush melodies  them  in  the  right  order  is
                 Life has truly come full  they  have  held  near  and  rhythm grabs you instantly  with crushing instrumentals  sometimes  just  as  impor-
              circle for US nu-metal trail  dear  in  favour  of  modern  and  the  guitar  solo  is  a  to create an alt-rock brand  tant.
              blazers  P.O.D.,  whose  pop music in the hope it will  corker.  Closer  ‘Said  And  that  identifies  them  as  YYYY
              tenth studio album ‘Circles’  be the difference they need  Done’ is slower-paced and  Blank Atlas.  Michael Coventry
              sees them not only doing  to finally ‘make it’. This is  toned  down,  not  quite  a  YYYYY
              what  they  do  best,  but  more  a  case  of  the  band  ballad but edging that way.  Athena Kam
              when they do what they do  using a pop element to try  It  gives  Wilf  Kite  the
              best, they do it better than  and  enhance  their  own  chance to stretch his vocal  FLIGHT 619
              most.  There  are  no  such  work - and indeed it does.  talents and is a good round  FLIGHT 619
              questions  with  ‘Rockin’  Underneath the often bub-  off.  Decent  EP,  worth  (MAD RABBIT MEDIA)
              With The Best’, a near per-  bly  and  punchy  style  of  checking out.  They say put your best
              fect start to the album, es-  music, which is the trade-  YYYY  foot forward and while fe-
              pecially for fans of what the  mark  of  ‘Rituals’,  is  the  Clare Huckett  male-fronted   American
              majority   consider   the  deeper  and  dark  side  to          rockers Flight 619 haven’t
              band’s finest work, ‘Satel-  their  lyrics.  Constantly         quite  done  that  with  their
              lite’, from the sharp end of  throughout  the  album  it        debut  album  they  have
              two  decades  ago.  The  feels  like  a  confessional           more than stuck their land-  THE VIRGINMARYS
              opening track is old school  from  lead  singer  and            ing.  One  of  the  biggest  NORTHERN  SUN  SES-
              P.O.D. at its finest, Sonny  rhythm  guitarist  James           flaws of ‘Flight 619’ is their  SIONS
              Sandoval being absolutely  Veck-Gilodi who uses the             choice  of  opening  songs,  (THE VIRGINMARYS)
              on  point  on  the  mic,  his  songs here to get so much        as, while ‘Less Of Me’ is far  The key to The Virgin-
              lyric  of  ‘I  take  offense  to  baggage  off  his  chest. At  from a bad song, it is per-  marys  is  their  concentra-
              pussycats  hanging  in  the  the  heart  of  the  confes-       haps the weakest track on  tion  on  their  message,
              lion’s den’ having just the  sions  is  more  than  just        the album and it is immedi-  allowing the lyrics to dictate
              right amount of venom and  heartache and failed rela-           ately  followed  by  ‘Dying  the style to an extent. This
              fire  to  give  the  song  an  tionships  but  detailed  ex-  BLANK ATLAS  Daze’ which, while a better  is a band with a social con-
              extra bit of bite, while the  planations as to the reason  CANVAS  effort,  is  outperformed  by  science  to  the  fore,  but
              crunching guitar riffs from  why, and this realism gives  (BLANK ATLAS)  the acoustic version of the  they also know how to write
              Marcos Curiel are sublime.  the  songs  a  harder  edge  Norwich   alt-rockers  song  at  the  end  of  the  a damn good tune. Open-
              While softer tracks such as  than you typically get from  Blank Atlas take a heavier  record.  However,  things  ing track ‘Look Out For My
              the album’s title track, ‘Fly  pop rock. ‘Hell’ offers lyrics  musical direction with their  then take a noticeable step  Brother’  is  stripped-down
              Away’  and  ‘Domino’  don’t  such as ‘You just couldn’t  sophomore  EP  ‘Canvas’.  up in terms of quality with  rock  that  emphasises  the
              quite  hit  the  target,  the  see  my  dark  side  with  With jagged riffs and a pen-  ‘Baby  Blue’,  ‘Love  Is  A  vulnerability of the words,
              band  encouragingly  turn  those rose lenses on’ and  chant  for  massive  cho-  Refugee   (L.I.A.R.)’,  urging unity amongst peo-
              the  heavy  dial  up  on  the more blunt ‘I never said  ruses,  there  are  certainly  ‘F.I.N.E.’, arguably the best  ple  and  concern  for  each
              ‘Soundboy   Killa’   and  I  would  treat  you  right’  some   headbang-worthy  song  on  the  album,  and  other. It’s also easy to see
              ‘Home’, which are a brutal  while ‘Holy’ is a fascinating  moments packed in. You’re  ‘Sick  Of’,  where  we  not  why this has become a live
              pair of tracks to wrap ‘Cir-  mix of the two sides of the  immediately greeted by at-  only  enjoy  a  marked  im-  favourite because it has a
              cles’ up on a high note and  album  as  a  quick  listen  titude-laden riffs in opener  provement  in  the  music  great  rhythm.  ‘SOS4UNI’
              leave you hoping the band  gives the impression of an  ‘I  Was  Told  This  Is  How  from the band, but we see  has a bigger, more frantic
              will continue to explore this  uplifting, upbeat song but  Wars Start’. The vocal har-  a significant increase in the  sound  with  a  rapid-fire
              harder and grittier side of  when you take the time to  monies act as the perfect  tempo and grit of the songs  drumbeat  that  gives  it  a
              their personality in the fu-  listen to the lyrics, such as  partner to the dirty riffing in  and  this  appears  to  high-  sense of urgency. ‘Get Me
              ture. It could be the secret  ‘I  know  that  underneath  the track, especially during  light  the  bands  strengths  Back  Home’  has  a  dirty
              of  P.O.D.  writing  the  next  your smile hide the nights  the chorus where they are  and  weaknesses,  the  for-  blues  vibe  and  a  foot-
              chapter of nu-metal’s his-  that  you  regret  and  the  sure  to  send  chills  down  mer  being  their  ability  to  stomping  rhythm,  given  a
              tory,  which  has  already  days you can’t forget’ it un-  your  spine.  Ferocious  in-  take  typical  US  radio  sense  of  desperation  by
              lasted  longer  than  many  covers a much darker side  strumentals pound into you  friendly rock and give it a  the  lyrics,  while  the  epic
              ever dreamt it could.   which  make  this  not  only  at  the  start  of  ‘Halfway  harder  edge.  Based  on  ‘Flags’  is  an  anthem  of
                            YYY    an enjoyable listen, but a  There’,  but  the  major  what we have here to judge  strength and survival in the
                    Michael Coventry  very  interesting  one  as  melody of the track brings  it would seem that Dakota  face of personal struggles.
                                   well.                in an element of freshness  Wilkinson’s voice is far bet-  It’s lyrically raw, honest and
              DEAF HAVANA                       YYYY    and  allows  the  light  to  ter  suited  to  the  band’s  ultimately uplifting, and the
              RITUALS                     Michael Coventry  shine  through.  Rolling  heavier tracks and more of  sound  is  huge,  more  alt
              (SO RECORDINGS)                           drums in ‘Sing For Some-  this in the future is certain  rock  and  intense  –  ab-
                 There is a great deal to  KIKAMORA     thing’ contrast against the  to  help  turn  even  more  solutely phenomenal. This
              enjoy from Deaf Havana’s  MASQUERADE      soaring vocals, and you’ll  heads but this is not to say  is a great album that leaves
              fifth studio album, ‘Rituals’,  (KIKAMORA)  definitely  be  tempted  to  there is not great potential  you wanting more.
              an  album  which  sees  the  Bristol’s   Kikamora  sing  along  to  the  ‘woah’s  for   the   slower-paced  YYYYY
              band  fully  embrace  their  serve   up   classic-style  before the chorus. There’s  songs.  This  is  proved  by  Clare Huckett
              pop side. If last year’s ‘All  bluesy  hard  rock  in  the  a  haunting  beauty  to  the  the   aforementioned
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