Page 39 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 39
BV99 pg39_BV99 page39 17/11/2018 00:13 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 39
It all kicks off with a on a crazy journey through as their musical tastes and very reminiscent of early All
blast of musical fire in the different styles, like an influences change, so too Time Low but with an
form of ‘Friends Of Bill’. It’s eight-tentacled, ten- can their sound and songs added bonus of an elec-
hot, sharp and savage – headed rock ‘n’ roll opus, and it’s not always to the tronic beat which compli-
and quite possibly our every part different to the liking of their existing fans. ments the excellent guitar
favourite track of the rest. You have the an- But fear not, because if work of lead vocalist Dean
album. Second track ‘King themic ‘That’s A Nasty your own personal pop Elliott and Julian Oeltjen
Rat’ is a soft and tender, Habit You’ve Got There’, punk heroes have steered sublimely, although these
lighters-in-the-air style bal- while ‘Petite Mort’ features in a direction which isn’t to songs should carry a warn-
lad for the band he loves. soulful female vocals from your own fancy then the ing because, regardless of
Ginger’s one of the most Yolanda Quartey. The answer may come from where you are when you
GINGER WILDHEART honest people in the music punkier ‘Waves Of Sad- Germany of all places and listen to them, you’ll want
G*A*S*S MARK II industry. He’s not afraid to ness’ is fist-blazingly revo- C For Caroline. While Ger- to be dancing. ‘The Great-
(ROUND) talk or sing about his is- lutionary while ‘Bloody many may not be a hotbed est Story (Ever Told)’ is a
You often hear the sues and this is why we Knees’ is a kaleidoscope of for this brand of rock and slower groove, but one
phrase ‘there’s something love him. ‘Alvarado On The experimental prog rock roll, their debut album, which still packs as much
for everyone’ bandied 2’, a mellow (until the cho- sounds. Released on his ‘Headstrong Heartstrong’, punch as a world champi-
around, but in the case of rus) acoustic guitar-driven own label, Ginger shows is a hotbed for great songs. onship boxing match and
Ginger Wildheart’s song, includes the lyric that he can do, and will do, The thing that immediately likely to be a top sing-along
‘G*A*S*S Mark II’ album, ‘one of these day I’m com- anything he wants. And he strikes you about C For at their live shows, while
this is most definitely true. ing home anxiety-free’, does it very well. Caroline and this record is ‘Neon’’s electronic element
This album is an arrange- while ‘Right In The Feels’ YYYY the energy bursting from its takes a greater role but
ment of 13 songs that Gin- sees Ginger sing about hu- SBV seams, something which is with it produces a unique,
ger wrote in 2014 as part of mans being ‘dirty and all the more remarkable and hugely addictive, track
his ‘G*A*S*S’ project, twisted and should never C FOR CAROLINE given the band consists of to their arsenal. The 10
where he released three be trusted’. ‘Don’t stop lov- HEADSTRONG HEART- just three members. ‘Head- songs on display leave you
songs every month to sub- ing the music,’ Ginger STRONG strong Heartstrong’ gets off hungry for more. What we
scribing fans. After releas- sings in the song of the (RECORDJET) to a solid start with ‘Break have here is stellar stuff
ing a collection of the same name. It’s a song Pop punk bands are a Of Dawn’, but the band and should be checked out
songs as ‘Year Of The Fan- with a hummable melody, somewhat unusual beast stamps on the throttle with by anyone with a passion
club’, now Ginger has while another ‘Don’t’ - as, more than any other what follows with the quite for pop punk.
picked a second set for a ‘Don’t Lose Your Tail, Girl’, genre of rock, they tend to excellent ‘Be My Caroline’ YYYY
new disc – ‘G*A*S*S Mark is a wonderful rollercoaster change their colours as and the scene-stealing ‘On Michael Coventry
II’. ride that takes the listener often as a chameleon and, The Dancefloor’, which is