Page 34 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
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BV99 pg32-34 With Confidence_BV99 pg34 03/11/2018 01:11 Page 3
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also love producing and songwriting. Songwrit- to physical objects. This is the idea behind ‘Mov- seen it, but I can also see the other side as well.
ing is a massive one for me. I’ve been getting ing Boxes’. Jayden expounds by mentioning, My first phone was a tiny little Nokia when mo-
more into writing for other people where I go into “The whole meaning behind this song is that we bile phones first came out, you know? So to me,
a room with some people and then we just cre- aren’t bound by physical things, and everything that’s the major point, and it’s really interesting
ate, like I said, something that didn’t exist previ- exists in your memory, and it’s ok for it to live to see that change, with also this sense of nos-
ously. And at the end of the day, we just have and exist there.” talgia because sometimes I think on that side of
this thing that now exists, we just gave birth to And this sentiment certainly seems to ring things it would’ve been better to develop and
this new creation. It’s harvest a relationship back 20, 30
the most magical expe- years. I don’t know… It’s a different
rience.” time.”
pening track ayden further takes us down
O‘That Some- Jmemory lane, being brutally
thing’ is all about the honest about his experiences of being
feeling when you first 17 and how it has shaped his current
meet someone, and beliefs. He confesses, “At the end of
you can feel the sparks being 17, I was super depressed. I was
fly. The whole relation- in a really bad place for probably half a
ship is going so well year and I just didn’t want to be here
that you might feel a anymore. I remember I felt so bad for
slight niggle of doubt my girlfriend at the time; on my 18th
that surely something birthday, I just sat in my room and cried
has to go wrong, be- and she didn’t know what to do, and do
cause it appears too you know what, I feel so bad for her.
perfect. Jayden puts But that’s something I still remember to
this feeling into words this day, is being in such a dark place.
on the track, and he ex- Now, I’m 25 and I’m in London, playing
plains, “That song is our second album in front of all these
about things going so people that care about our music. It’s
well that you feel like it one of the reasons mental illness is
surely has to fall back close to my heart, because the idea of
down. I like to believe that things don’t have to, true for Jayden, who remembers events without ‘it gets better’, it’s such a true thing. So I always
but I would be lying if I said that there wasn’t that having physical objects attached to them. In par- remember that part of growing up because that’s
doubt, you know, that fear, which is where that ticular, Jayden remembers the technology (or such an important lesson for me.”
song is driven. But that’s just humans.” the lack thereof) when he was growing up, and Considering this, it should not come as a
By now, it’s clear that ‘Love And Loathing’ is he has seen the way it has impacted romance shock that With Confidence have done a lot of
more introspective, and ‘more about humanity in modern times in everything, commenting, “I work relating to mental illness and have plans to
as a whole’, so we were interested in where think the way technology has gone, we’re so dis- continue with this in the future. Jayden remarks,
these experiences all rise from. Asking Jayden connected these days. People think that stuff “We’ve always spoken out about the stigma be-
what was his most memorable lesson from love, like Facebook, Instagram makes us more con- hind mental illness, and de-stigmatising that, so
he answers, “I think for me, personally, is to re- nected because everything is in the palm of your I think that’s something that we’re going to con-
member yourself and don’t forget yourself. I had hand, and you can talk to whoever you want, tinue doing and continue talking about, because
an experience when I was younger, I think I was whenever you want. But in my opinion, it kind of I feel like that’s so important. And I think we’re
maybe 19 or 20, and I was seeing a girl that I going to try to
was so infatuated with that it was just so easy be inclusive
to lose myself and get caught up in the relation- and try to be
ship and months would just get lost. And at the more involved
time, it seemed ok but we weren’t good to- in the music
gether, and it ended in this part where we were community.
terrible for each other, but I couldn’t even see it There are
because I was so caught up in it. So just re- things that I
member yourself and be your own person, and care about,
be able to live as an individual with someone by things that the
your side. I think that’s such a beautiful thing, boys care
you know, two people that complement each about, things
other rather than merge into each other.” that the band
We question Jayden on his fondest memory as an entity
of love. Thinking about this, it’s not long before now cares
he declares, “Definitely moments with my girl- about, that we
friend that I’m seeing currently. We’ve had mo- want to con-
ments where I forget that I’m on Earth, that I’m tinue pushing
a human being. All it is is that I’m so encapsu- forward with
lated by her and the moment, and I get lost in it and doing
and it’s this overwhelming feeling of love. Like more. We al-
those moments are just like otherworldly.” ready have
One of these otherworldly moments that stuff in the
Jayden talks about would have to be his first devalues human interaction because it’s so easy works to make this band an even bigger and
date with his current girlfriend. He reminisces, now. It’s not like talking to someone on a train, better thing than it was previously. So there’s
telling us, “We were meant to meet up the day it’s not introducing yourself at a bar anymore, it’s definitely stuff in the works.”
of Valentine’s Day and drink mimosas at 6am just sending a message to someone online and With this promise of stuff in the works, we’re
and then go hiking while we were drunk, and I don’t believe that humans were meant to inter- definitely excited to see what With Confidence
then bring a bottle of wine and get drunk on the act over a text message. Humans were meant get up to next. And whilst we wait, go pick up
hill while everyone else was being all cutesy; we to interact face to face, because that’s what in- With Confidence’s latest record ‘Love And
just wanted to be really drunk like hell. But we teraction is, and I think with this weird develop- Loathing’, for which you will feel a lot of loving
mismeasured our shots in our mimosas, and we ment of technology, I think that changes the way for. Visit for
got too drunk and ended up passing out at home relationships evolve and how they go down. To more information.
and never left.” me, it’s super, super strange, but it was kind of
interesting. I was born in 1992, I experienced Words by Athena Kam
oments such as this will forever remain this stuff, I was right at the point of technological
Mwith a person, and are not constrained advancement so I’ve been through it and I’ve Jayden with Black Velvet Photo By Athena Kam