Page 29 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 29
BV99 pg26-31 centre pages_BV99 29 17/11/2018 05:24 Page 4
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the floor with his eyes closed. “Actually, it That doesn’t just go for bad jokes; that goes fects everyone individually. We have faith
hasn’t been hard work; it’s been fantastic,” for in the studio as well. I think when you that this will touch people because it
says Scott. “We’ve loved every second of it. record a record, when you stop growing, touches us.”
We were just picking on him, by the way. We that’s probably when it’s time to quit. And The band have definitely touched many
were teasing. It’s been fantastic. Being back we’re still growing, so that’s good.” people with their music, young and old, male
with the original producer that did ‘Ad- According to Scotty, it’ll be a Southern or female. In July, Deano, the band’s merch
dicted’, the first few records, with Skidd rock record with some really good rock guy, posted about a kid called Elijah who
Mills; he’s an absolute genius to work with, songs on it. But what about subject matter? was brought to his first concert by his par-
so we’re loving it. And we’re taking our time Will there be anything that fans can relate ents. Elijah has autism. Deano wrote, ‘This is
with it, making sure it’s correct. We’ve actu- to? worth so much more to us all than all the
ally started this record three times and we “I hope it’s all relatable in different money in the world’.
get well into it, but were just not happy with ways,” says Scotty. “I started out as a Saving Scotty, who also has a son with autism,
the results, so we’ve started over, and this Abel fan first and that’s what drew me to it, says, “This gets me teary-eyed because
time we are in love with what we’ve done, so was the fact that songs touch on emotions music is special. The kid absolutely loved it.
we cannot wait to finish it and let everyone and each song touches a different emotion. But what was more special about it was his
hear it. But like I said, we’re not putting a We’re still going with that same format be- family, because he’s never been open like
deadline on it, we’re going to do it until it’s cause I’ll hear records sometimes and it’s that to strangers and he was giving me hugs.
right, and then we’re going to release it.” just the whole record is angry or happy or He was hugging us and his parents were cry-
With this new album, Scotty says he’s sad and that’s not who we are as a band, ing hysterically about it, how they were so
learned to relax a little bit and not take him- ‘cause humanity is not that way. Life is a happy about how it turned out; it’s bringing
self so seriously, which he says is helping rollercoaster of emotions and that’s kind of him out of his shell. For anyone who knows
him sing much better. “‘Cause I’m the sec- what we’re doing with the record. There are anything about autism, a lot of the children
ond singer, but I’ve been the singer for five songs that recreate our happiness, our sad- are very withdrawn and it brought him out.
years now, I’m not really new but still, ness, anger, hopelessness, joy, all of that. Music does that. My son loves music. He’s
recording, I get really nervous about it. Our We’re trying to incorporate all of that in it.” not very withdrawn but that’s because he
brotherhood has brought us together to Scott adds, “There was one, I was really gets to hang out with these fellas, you know.
where I’m relaxing and trusting in the band digging it, I’m not going to say the name of He was right. It was worth more than all the
and myself a lot more. That’s been a growing it, but Jason had written the bulk of it, and money to me, that exact moment. I’m getting
experience for me.” he was like, ‘You know that’s about you, emotional talking about this.”
“For me, I’m always trying to better my- right?’ I was like, ‘What?’ I listened back to it
self as a musician,” adds Scott. “I still warm and was like, ‘Dude, do you hate me that n ’15 Minutes Of Fame’ from the band’s
up every day. I play an hour and a half before much?’ and he goes, ‘No man, I love you that I2014 ‘Blood Stained Revolution’ re-
the show, and for me, I don’t really get to ex- much.’ I was like ‘Wow!’ It’s literally some- lease, Scotty sings ‘I’d never question it at
perience what it’s like to get better because thing for everybody in a Saving Abel song, all’. But what is something that Scotty him-
during the show I get so caught up, but then and the beauty of your perception of how self HAS questioned? He replies, laughing,
when I find myself in the studio and we’re you listen to a song is that there is no wrong “How in the world did I get here?! That’s an
recording everything, I can hear that I’m ac- or right.” interesting story, because, well, I’m a guitar
tually getting better. I’m coming up with new “Music is personal. It doesn’t matter player by trade, or I was… now I’m a singer,
ideas and we always push each other. You what we mean when we write a song or when and they called me to be their new singer
know, we’re always one-upping each other. we play the song, it’s just how the song af- and when I turned up, it was at Scott here’s