Page 10 - Black Velvet Issue 86
P. 10

BV86 pg10,11,12, 13 don broco:BV86 pg10  06/09/2015  01:20  Page 1

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                   n August Don Broco released their second album, ‘Automatic’. It’s the follow-up to ‘Priori-
                 Ities’, which well and truly put Don Broco on the map. ‘Automatic’ is going to take them even
              further. It blasted into the UK charts at number 6 and is an album full of hope, about living in the
              moment and taking all the opportunities you can. We took the opportunity to chat to the guys
              while they were on a little run of shows the week of the album release, where we chatted about
              dating shows, skydives, cutting up backdrops and flying around in a blissful existence.
                     e love a band that oozes determina-  Tom and Matt have learned not to let the little  itive,” adds Tom. “It’s about living in the mo-
                 Wtion – and Don Broco are bursting  things bother them as much and to look at the  ment and taking all the opportunities you can,
              with  it.  Tom  Doyle,  who  joined  the  band  in  bigger picture. “Especially when it came to the  forgetting about the things that don’t really mat-
              2012, begins by telling Black Velvet that they’re  songwriting,” says Simon. “We always used to  ter and just enjoy your time on this earth.”
              “probably more determined than ever at the  get hung up on small details which didn’t con-  The  album  opens  with  the  track  ‘Su-
              moment. What with just releasing our album  tribute to the actual feel of the song and the  perlove’. The video shows a range of people
              ‘Automatic’, and trying to promote it to as many  kind  of emotional connection that that song  doing crazy things and definitely forgetting the
              people as possible.”               makes to the listener. And with this album in  little things that don’t really matter while sat
                 “We spent so long writing ‘Automatic’ and  particular  we  started  to  realize  that  it’s  that  around a dinner table. Simon says, “As a video
              making sure that we were completely happy  emotional connection between the listener and  it  was  probably  the  most  viewed  in  a  short
              with it. We took every measure to make sure  the songs that is the most important thing by a  space of time – because I think there was an
              the tracks were perfect because we’re so de-  long way, so we started to really hone in on that  awful amount of anticipation about us putting
              termined that it’s a success - but it’s also an  and forget about all the kind of intricacies, “Oh,  out these first couple of songs from the record
              honest representation of who we are,” adds  this drum fill needs to be meticulously in time,”  so there was a lot of buzz and hype around it.”
              Simon Delaney.                     but “How does that make the listener feel?””  The band wrote ‘Superlove’ during a spon-
                 Over the last couple of years Rob, Simon,  “I think the record as a whole is quite pos-  taneous trip to Spain. Simon says, “We’d basi-
               DON BROCO
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