Page 5 - Black Velvet Issue 86
P. 5

BV86 pg05:BV86 pg05  05/09/2015  01:40  Page 1

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 5

                             A (Musical) Note From...

                             Ryan Lilly - Screaming Eagles

                 Screaming Eagles were born off the back  sticks like you wouldn’t believe!  Ross Cullen, at Railway Recording Studio in
              of  a  few  other  bands  that  had  disbanded.  As we began jamming we realised pretty  Lisburn.  We  didn’t  have  any  preconceived
              Adrian and I have been side by side from the  quickly that we gelled perfectly together, we  ideas or direction for the new material, we sim-
              very start making music for the best part of 16  had very similar tastes in music and this made  ply jammed and formulated the tracks as we
              years  and  we’ve  known  each  other  even  it all the easier, it felt natural. We do get on well  went along, whatever felt good made the cut
              longer  than  that,  much  like  the  Angus  as a band. There are some of us who are ex-  and the songs that didn’t, well... didn’t.  Al-
              Young/Cliff Williams or Dave Mustaine/David  tremely driven, some easy going and relaxed.  though  songs  are  never  totally  discarded,
              Ellefson kinda thing.  Although we actually did-  There are the jokers and mood lighteners and  they’re put on the backburner for another time.
              n’t first meet through music but through sport!  there are the sensible level-headed (we know  We’ve realised that taking a step back for a
              When we were a lot younger we used to play  who we are!)... this gives us the perfect bal-  while from something that initially wasn’t quite
              football, each area of where we lived in Ban-  ance we think you’d need for this game.  working can help spark something again. We
              bridge had its own team which basically con-  Our debut album, ‘From The Flames’, was  don’t really know how other bands go about
              sisted  of  neighbours/mates  who  ran  about  revered by various press, critics, rock lovers  their  writing  process.  For  us,  it’s  a  case  of
              together  and  we  played  each  other  a  few  and fans from our own shores here in Northern  someone bringing a riff, a melody, bass line or
              times, he had a decent right boot on him. We  Ireland, throughout Europe and as far away as  drum beat and then it’s taken from there, and
              got talking one day and realised that we both  Japan,  South America  and  the  USA.  ‘From  the  fact  that  we  enjoy  dabbling  with  each
              played guitars so naturally we met up, com-  The Flames’ was a fitting title for the record, it  other’s  instruments  from  time  to  time  also
              pared music collections and swopped videos,  was the result of all our other bands’ demises  gives us a little edge, it helps us understand
              cassettes,  CD’s  etc.  Still  to  this  day  he  is  that  we  were  involved  in  at  the  time,  their  more what might work in a particular verse or
              adamant that he loaned me a VHS of G’N’R  crashing  and  burning..  From  these  embers  chorus, breakdown or ending and be able to
              Live in Tokyo ’92 and that I didn’t give him it  came those 10 tracks that paved the way for  communicate what we’re thinking.
              back. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on  Screaming Eagles! We had many highlights  ‘Stand Up And Be Counted’ has 10 tracks
              that one.                          during  our  last  few  years  together  playing  of full throttle rock ‘n’ roll and all our individual
                 There  have  been  numerous  personnel  some fantastic shows around the UK and Eu-  influences  are  prevalent  in  this  record. You
              come and go over the years with various dif-  rope.  A standout moment came in the incred-  don’t hear many bands say their newest offer-
              ferent band names. There was ‘Exit’, ‘McFly’  ible  start  to  2015  with  signing  a  licensing  ing isn’t quite as good as their last offering, it’s
              (they weren’t about at the time) and ‘Sound-  agreement with Sony Music Pictures in the US  always better. It’s funny that, because we think
              stone’ to name a few.  After Soundstone ran its  who wanted to feature our debut single, ‘Rock  that too... but we actually mean it!  We are re-
              course  we  weren’t  sure  whether  or  not  we  N’ Roll Soul’ in the first episode of the final sea-  ally looking forward to playing new songs, it
              were going to continue but there was always  son of the Hit American TV series ‘Justified’  gives our set so much more now and we’re re-
              that itch that couldn’t be scratched with being  with an audience of more than 4 million. We  ally excited to see how the record is received.
              just a bedroom guitarist. We knew deep down  had to pinch ourselves!  It was an extremely  Our first single/video called ‘Save Me’ was re-
              we had too much material and ideas for cool  proud moment for our label, fans, friends and  leased worldwide on Off Yer Rocka Record-
              rock n’ roll songs to hang up our guitars. So,  family.               ings and the album is now available via the
              the auditioning process began and we estab-  With such a successful debut comes the  usual outlets. Why don’t you go see what all
              lished our current line-up fronted by Chris Fry  pressure of the eagerly anticipated follow up.  the fuss is about and buy it? Best money you’ll
              (vocals) who I’ve also been friends with for  We  had  toured  and  played  consistently  for  spend... or your money back!
              years but he had other musical commitments,  nearly two years... the time had come to take  Thanks for taking time out to read this and
              no question he was always the frontman for us  a break from playing shows to spending more  hopefully see some of you at a future show.
              we just had to wait and bide our time. Our ver-  time in our rehearsal space to create another  Rock out and peace out!
              sion of ‘Animal’ from The Muppets, Kyle Cruik-  monster.  As was the first time round, again we  Ryan
              shank, came down to Banbridge to audition. I  were flowing with ideas. Between the four of
              remember an article on the Chili Peppers re-  us, we have a wide range of musical tastes,  For more info on Screaming Eagles visit
              calling their audition with Chad and how they  from Blues to Rock and Metal, Soul and even for more info.
              hadn’t seen anyone hit the drums as hard and  some  Pop  influences  and  this  is  evident.
              that was my first thought of Kyle. Still to this  ‘Stand Up And Be Counted’ had been written  In a band? Want to write a one-off col-
              day I’ve never seen anyone on the scene hit  and recorded in the early part of 2015 at Rail-  umn for Black Velvet? Get in touch. Email
              them as hard as he does, he goes through  way  Studios  with  the  help  of  our  producer,

                                                                                          SCREAMING EAGLES
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