Page 12 - Black Velvet Issue 86
P. 12

BV86 pg10,11,12, 13 don broco:BV86 pg12  06/09/2015  01:39  Page 3

             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 12
             time. You need to live your own life as well.”  was going on back in the day,” says Tom.  matic’ via DonBrewco and posted a video
                                                   Simon thinks for a while about today’s  showing  themselves  throwing  the  pieces
                  he final track on the album is ‘Fur-  dating shows on TV. “Take Me Out’s quite an  into  the  air.  It  looked  quite  symbolic.  The
                Tther’  –  a  song  Rob  wrote  about  a  interesting one,” he says.  band also wrote ‘Priorities is dead, long live
             friend called Alex who passed away while in  “I  think  I’d  have  to  invent  some  really  Automatic’. The band wanted to alert fans
             Africa from malaria.               kind of crazy, really interesting thing in order  that ‘Automatic’ was coming out in the best
                Simon, Matt and Rob went to school to-  to go on there,” says Tom, since the show  way they could.
             gether so all knew                                                                           “We  thought
             Alex  from  school.                                                                       we’d  take  a  dra-
             Rob  told  Simon                                                                          matic  standpoint
             that he was going                                                                         on  social  media
             to write a song for                                                                       “Priorities   is
             Alex  before  doing                                                                       dead!””    says
             so.  Simon  says,                                                                         Simon.
             “He   was   like,                                                                            “We   by   no
             “What do you think                                                                        means  think  that
             about  writing  this                                                                      that album is noth-
             song about Alex?”                                                                         ing  to  do  with  us
             and it just seemed                                                                        anymore,  or  any-
             a very appropriate,                                                                       thing  like  that,”
             emotive  piece  of                                                                        says  Tom  regard-
             music.  And  it’s  a                                                                      ing   ‘Priorities’.
             story…  a  lot  of                                                                        “We  still  really
             people  have  lost                                                                        love playing all the
             someone and need                                                                          songs live but this
             to draw inspiration                                                                       is the next chapter
             and  need  to  feel                                                                       and we wanted to
             there’s  a  point  in                                                                     tell  people  that
             going forward and                                                                         that’s  what  we’re
             going   on   with                                                                         doing.”
             whatever   they                                                                              The   touring
             might  be  doing  in                                                                      backdrop naturally
             their  lives  despite                                                                     was with the band
             something terrible                                                                        everywhere,   at
             that  might  have                                                                         every  show.  “It’s
             happened, and I just thought it was a really  usually makes the male dater show a talent.  so nice because if we hadn’t done that it’d
             great message to put out there, and to write  “I could moonwalk on my hands or some-  just be sitting in our garage and get forgot-
             a song like that is also very therapeutic for  thing like that. I can’t do that but…”  ten. This way we can actually give it back to
             the artist. It’s great for Bobby to be able to  “I don’t have a mad, visual worthy TV tal-  people where it’ll mean something to them.
             put those thoughts and feelings down on a  ent,” says Simon.           It’ll be something sentimental. If they came
             page and have other people understand a  “Exactly,” replies Tom.       to a show, which most of them almost cer-
             big part of his life that he’s gone through.”  Tom says he’s watched Channel 4’s First  tainly did, it’s something everyone can take
                The  Don  Broco  guys  are  definitely  a  Dates. “That was actually really interesting  and think “Wow, I was a part of this band’s
             thoughtful, caring bunch. This summer Rob  to watch. I quite enjoyed that.”  career”.”
             and Matt took part in a tandem skydive for  “I never saw that,” says Simon.  Is cutting up a touring backdrop some-
             Teenage Cancer Trust in memory of Stephen  Tom explains the show to him. “Every-  thing they may do with every album release
             Sutton. Simon says, “I was on holiday. I was  one went into a restaurant and they’d never  now?
             in Portugal. I feel terrible! It was arranged  met  this  person  and  they  had  a  meal  and  “I  dunno,”  replies  Simon.  “It’s  quite  a
             very last minute. It was the week before. Rob  they filmed it covertly. Well, they knew they  nice thing to do I think. And the backdrop,
             and Matt were around and were lucky to do  were being filmed. You’d just see snippets of  it’s such an easy item to do that with. It’s
             it. I’d have loved to have done it. We were  it.”                      something that’s so easy to cut up and still
             lucky enough to meet Stephen. He was a re-  “That  sounds  interesting,”  replies  holds that significance in such a small scrap
             ally inspirational man and I think it’s incred-  Simon.                of material, I think it’s a really nice thing to
             ible,  the  legacy  that  he’s  left  behind.  It’s  “Some of the people they matched to-  do. I’m sure we’d do it in the future.”
             amazing.”                          gether were just… I dunno…”            They  comment  on  how  each  touring
                Rob sings about ‘miracle cures’ in ‘Auto-  “That sounds far more interesting than  backdrop is based on that particular album
             matic’. Do Don Broco think there ARE mira-  Take Me Out,” says Simon.  artwork.
             cle cures – not necessarily for cancer, but in  “Yeah, it was psychologically very inter-  “The  current  one’s  super-vibrant  and
             general?                           esting,” replies Tom.               colourful so when we do cut that one up it’s
                Tom replies, “I think one of them might  While many of the band’s high school  going to be far easier to actually see which
             be positive mental attitude. I think that plays  friends are past the dating stage and are set-  bit of it you’ve got.”
             a huge part in curing whatever it might be. If  tling down, buying houses and having kids,  “There’s a great big blue pool in the mid-
             you can’t get your head to do it, you’re not  Rob, Simon, Tom and Matt are all focused  dle so people will get a lot of the pool.”
             going to be able to get your body to do what-  heavily on the band. “We’re doing something  “People will be like “I’ve got a bit of the
             ever you’re doing. I think that kind of lyric is  that’s  obviously  really,  really  different  to  pool! Yes!”“ Simon says excitedly.
             mainly about taking chances that you would-  most of our peers,” says Simon. “All the lads
             n’t usually take or you might question taking.  we  went  to  school  with  and  most  of  our  he band released the single ‘Money
             So if it’s a miracle cure and you had it, of  friends  aren’t  doing  anything  like  we’re  TPower Fame’ in 2014. The song made
             course you’re going to take it, so why don’t  doing at the moment. We’re constantly on  it on to the deluxe version of ‘Automatic’ as
             you take other chances as well?”   the road and we’re constantly promoting an  track  11.  When  discussing  money,  power
                                                album or writing songs and doing all of that  and fame, Simon says, “I think they’re all a
                  here’s a whole range of subject mat-  stuff that comes with being in a band. And  double-edged sword. You can do so much
                Tter on ‘Automatic’. ‘Let You Get Away’  our friends are at the stage in their life when  with all of them. You can do so many amaz-
             is about the worst date Rob’s ever been on.  they’re getting mortgages, marriage, settling  ing  things  with  money,  so  many  amazing
             Would any of the guys in Don Broco ever go  down, having kids and it’s just a very differ-  things with fame, if you’ve got the influence.
             on a dating TV show?               ent avenue to where we are at the moment.”  If you’ve got a huge megastar celebrity who
                Simon  answers,  “I  think  Rob  would.  I                          is so famous that their influence can reach
             think Rob will try anything once!” He laughs.   rior  to  releasing  ‘Automatic’,  the  every corner of the world by just something
                “I  would  have  been  intrigued  to  have  Pband cut up the ‘Priorities’ touring  as simple as a tweet or a facebook message
             gone on something like Blind Date when that  backdrop to give to fans that ordered ‘Auto-  that can be incredibly powerful or incredibly
               DON BROCO
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