Page 13 - Black Velvet Issue 86
P. 13
BV86 pg10,11,12, 13 don broco:BV86 pg13 06/09/2015 01:43 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 13
good or incredibly destructive.” thinking about the little guy, the small bands, “Actually I’d want to teleport, that’d be
He’s particularly impressed with the way who rely on these royalties or these fees to easier,” says Tom after pondering the ques-
that Taylor Swift has used her power re- make sure they’ve got a living” and it was tion again.
cently. Apple launched a music streaming pretty amazing that someone could stand up “I don’t know, I think you’d miss out on
service, Apple Music, designed to compete to a company as big as Apple and have seeing a lot of cool stuff,” Simon says to
with Spotify. Priced at $9.99 per month, Apple take notice and actually change their him.
Apple offered a three month free trial. “From actions according to what she said. I thought “Ok, I’m sticking with flying,” says Tom.
a personal point of view, I think Taylor Swift that was pretty amazing. Fair play Taylor!” “But really fast,” adds Simon.
is very inspirational with the stand that she We end by asking the guys if they had “You sort out the world peace. I’ll be on
took on Apple Music recently. That was a re- the power to do anything what they would my way,” says Tom to Simon.
ally great example of how she has got to the like to do. “And we can fly around a peaceful,
top of the tree and how she can, even if it Tom replies swiftly, “Fly!” although lovely blissful existence,” concludes Simon.
wouldn’t make any difference to her whether Simon says, “That would be awesome. I’m
Apple offered this free three month trial with- going to say world peace to make yours Visit for more info.
out paying the artist, she stood up and actu- sound really trivial! Sorry!” He laughs while
ally told the world who probably don’t think Tom hangs his head. “But I’d love to fly as Words By Shari Black Velve
about it in those terms that “Look, you’re not well just for the record.” Tom & Simon Photo By Shari Black Velvett