Page 7 - Black Velvet Issue 86
P. 7
BV86 pg06&07:BV86 pg07 08/09/2015 18:59 Page 2
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guy's shoulders during a set in Montreal. I've it for sure. ping out generic garbage over and over again;
also had to fight three pop culture-worshipping, xerox copycats stacked on top of each other.
French wannabe rap thugs one time in the BV: You’ve talked about the album (and All made for 15 minutes of fame and strictly for
snow. Definitely wasn't bloody, but a lot of song) being called ‘Electric Blood’ due to profit. Some ‘artists’ have 10 to 15 songwriters
swelling. Thankfully my homies from Cal- the spiritual kind of experience you have on on their single. Turn on the radio, everybody
abrese and The Ataris came to my rescue. One stage where your blood burns up like elec- sounds exactly the same. The common musi-
time in my previous band, on tour we were tricity. Do you think the audience and your cians can't survive, so a lot of people incorpo-
walking to a house we were crashing at and a fans get that feeling too? Have you ever no- rate whatever trend that's popular at the
large group of these Italian weightlifter Jersey ticed any surges of electricity from fans? moment just so they can try to sustain them-
Shore-type drunk dudes started talking shit. T: If I can help elevate the vibrational frequency selves. Everything has become so homoge-
There were around 7-10 of these aggro bro of a concert go-er, then my job has been done nized. Songs that are country, pop, rap and
dudes. They ended up jumping one of my band well. I have seen people lose their minds at rock all in one. Written and planned out by cor-
mates and when I rushed in from across the our shows. I have also seen people call us porate masterminds to appeal to all audiences
parking lot to help, I was hit by a tidal wave of "faggots" from the crowd and say shit like "Not to sell the optimum amount of units. A mono-
fists. I was beaten for at least a minute straight. gonna lie, when I saw you guys come out on- culture is a very dangerous thing. I don't think
When they finally left and we pulled our uncon- stage I thought you looked like a bunch of fag- Joe Strummer and The Clash could make it
scious bodies up, I started driving away and gots and thought you were going to suck, but today. There is a huge swelling in the under-
was passing out at the wheel due to swelling then you rocked my face off and you guys are ground right now and motherfuckers are just
from all the blows to the head. This whole thing awesome!" There's not a lot of bands doing waiting to break down the doors. Hopefully I'm
started 'cause the bro's said "What are you? A what we're doing, maybe a handful across the on the front lines when it happens.
bunch of fags?!" There are countless stories entire planet. Most people don't know what
like this. When people complain about racial kind of band we are; we're not a punk band or BV: Is rock ‘n’ roll your lifeblood? What
profiling or homophobes or being stereotyped, a sunset strip hair metal band. They just have would you do without it?
I just laugh. ‘Cause being a punk rocker in the no clue how to categorize our asses. My goal T: To me rock ‘n' roll is about sticking it to the
south and a touring musician, you get ha- is to elevate awareness and the consciousness man. And I'm all about that!
rassed from all races and profiled by the police of rock and roll to people across the world.
just as badly, if not worse than anyone else. BV: If you were a vampire and could suck
BV: What makes your blood boil in the the blood from anyone, whose blood would
BV: Have you ever thought of using fake music industry – and in general? you like to suck?
blood as a prop on stage like KISS, Motley T: Well, when the downloading epidemic hap- T: The best question by far! Kathryn Winnick
Crue, Alice Cooper? Have you ever had any pened, the music industry had nothing in place from the show Vikings. Woooffff. Scarlett Jo-
props? Or would you ever like any props in to stop it. Instead of finding new ways to make hansson, Marisa Tomei from My Cousin Vinny,
the future? money they started taking money from the Traci Lords from Cry-Baby... I'd like to suck all
T: You know, I love theatrical rock shows and if artist. Bullshit like 360 deals started coming to their blood and more.
I had the budget I would have a killer rock life. The artist suffered more than anybody.
show! If I could incorporate blood and props in Now the three or four major labels that control Visit for more info.
a way that fit the BITERS aesthetic, I would do the music industry for the most part, are pop-
Words By Shari Black Velvet