Page 25 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 25

BV110 pg25.qxp_BV110 pg 25  13/06/2024  22:21  Page 1

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 25
                                                                 YYYYY Excellent  YYYY Very Good  YYY Good
                                                                                        YY Listenable, Just  Y Poor

                                   ergy blasting through your   (in tracks like ‘Faces’, es-  punk rock experience. The   itching for more. The first
                                   speakers kicks off this al-  pecially) is clear to see   fusion of Mason, Luke,   half of 'Force Of Nature' is
                                   ternative album with open-  across the whole album,   Lee, Aaron and Josh is a   as good as anything you
                                   ing track, ‘Nothing Left’,   giving you an insatiable   finely-tuned collective, op-  will likely listen to in 2024.
                                   with undertones of elec-  craving for not only more,   erating seamlessly in a   The title track is a rip-roar-
                                   tronically intoxicating notes   but to see them perform   symphony of collaboration.   ing slab of classic rock and
                                   that leave you hanging on   live too. Crushed By   Lyrics like ‘Now it all makes   a perfect introduction to the
                                   Arran’s vocals word for   Waves have taken control   sense to me,’ in ‘Drop The   talents of frontman John
                                   word, as you are encour-  here, learning who they   Act’, and ‘I’ve lost my mind,   Hartwell and lead guitarist
                                   aged to open your mind.   are, and their capability is   jump ship, I'm falling every   Arran Day, who are a sub-
                                   The   track  ‘Optimistic’   demonstrated in every   night,’ in the final track,   lime pairing and bounce off
              SCREAMING EAGLES     evokes a sense of reflec-  track of this stunning   ‘Jump Ship’, showcase the   each other spectacularly
              HIGH CLASS ROCK ‘N’   tion with lyrics like ‘Why do   album. The boys are, quite   band’s knack for crafting   throughout the album.
              ROLL                 I let your opinion affect me   simply, masterful musi-  catchy and relatable songs   Their skills are likely to be
              (SCREAMING EAGLES)   so bad?’ and ‘Will it ever be   cians, who weave captivat-  that blend impactful lyrics   the first thing to grab the at-
                 Screaming Eagles re-  enough, it’s never good   ing narratives into each   with memorable melodies.   tention of anyone new to
              leased their third studio   enough, we don’t really   track, and across the   ‘Jump Ship’ accentuates   the band. The form of the
              album, ‘High Class Rock   give a fuck but you do’, a   album as a whole. So,   the guitarists’ expertise   title track continues in
              ‘N’ Roll’, towards the tail   track that makes you real-  whilst you’re left thinking, ‘I   mid-track, displaying mas-  earnest with 'The Family'
              end of last year, and it’s a   ize that it’s not worth hang-  just need to make this last,’   terful skills with precision   and 'Black Gold', where
              stonker. Packed full of glo-  ing on to others’ opinions   by hitting that repeat but-  and finesse, before the   their blues influences shine
              rious riffs, it’s ten tracks of   and that when you’ve   ton, this album, ‘More  To   track gently tapers off, em-  through and offer two
              full-on, horns-up rock ‘n’   made your bed, you have   Life’, is just the beginning   bracing a gradual, slower   cracking songs that will
              roll. ‘Thunder  And Light-  to lie in it. There’s certainly   for these truly gifted lads.   finish, accompanied by lin-  have your hips shaking
              ning’ comes thrusting out of   no getting out alive from   Prepare yourselves for   gering vocals that resonate   even if you are sitting
              the speakers, jumping   becoming a fan if you aren't   quite the journey ahead.   softly into the musical si-  down, before 'Testify’ intro-
              straight into your face and   already, with tracks like   YYYYY   lence. From the outset, this   duces some sleaze to the
              pulling your ears along for   ‘Won’t Get Out  Alive’, as   Sammie Lynch   EP, ‘Premonitions’, exudes   mix. ‘She tastes like sugar
              the exhilarating ride. ‘We’re   Dan and Andy cast a spell       irresistible rhythms that   and goes down like honey’
              gonna show you tonight,’   with their light fingers and         compels toe-tapping and   may sound like the latest
              Chris Fry sings, and this   expertly  demonstrated              head-bopping to the max.   lyric from Steel Panther,
              four-piece definitely show   prowess on their guitars.          Fortune  Teller has honed   but  These Wicked Rivers
              that they know what they’re   The album’s title track,          the skill in creating such   perform it with a level of
              doing. ‘Burn It Down’ is   ‘More To Life’, offers an en-        rhythms with the raw and   class which is, in itself, im-
              flaming fantastic, while   chanting start, as  Arran’s          emotional lyrics that take   pressive.  All this pales,
              ‘Public Enemy’ begins like   softer vocals initially lull       you on a journey, capturing   though, to 'When The War
              a bolt of electric lightning   you into a trance with this      your entire being. So, pre-  Is Won', where the pace
              over a fist-punching beat.   ballad-style tempo, before         pare yourself for an awe-in-  slows and this emotionally
              The title track has a classic   going full-throttle. Boys, we   spiring experience that will   loaded five and half min-
              blues rock vibe with a   hope you can hear our re-              leave you craving an en-  utes dazzles, none more
              slightly sludgy, hard-as-  sponse to letting you know   FORTUNE TELLER   core.       so than when John steps
              nails chorus. In ‘Hot Stuff’,   we all feel it too, as the   PREMONITIONS   YYYYY    aside and hands the spot-
              Chris sings, ‘all your love   electricity  is  buzzing   (FORTUNE TELLER)   Sammie Lynch   light to Arran, whose instru-
              makes  me  invincible’.   through the air already.   ‘Premonitions’ raises           mental piece is nothing
              These guys are definitely   This standout track takes   the pop-punk rock bar with   short of breathtaking.
              invincible when it comes to   you on a journey even at   this fast-paced, high-en-      But what makes this
              writing quality rock tunes.   the bridge section, taking   ergy EP from Fortune      song so impactful and
              ‘High Class Rock ‘N’ Roll’ is   both the track and album to   Teller, a five-piece band   noteworthy is because it
              exactly what it says. Go get   a whole new level, as ele-  hailing from Rhondda Val-  stands out from what
              it.                  ments of screamo hit   leys, South Wales. Form-                 comes before it. The com-
                         YYYYY     alongside heavier, grittier   ing in late 2022, Fortune         bination of further slow
                    Shari Black Velvet   guitars from Dan and Andy,   Teller comprises of Mason    burners, 'Just to be a Man',
                                    not to mention the artistry   Meacham (vocals), Luke           'Don't Pray for Me' and
              CRUSHED BY WAVES     of Tom’s delicate yet hard-  Jones (rhythm guitar), Lee         'Lonely Road', the latter not
              MORE TO LIFE         hitting skills on the drums,   Vaughan (bass guitar &           being out of place on a
              (DOWN    FOR   LIFE   before the track tinkers off   backing vocals),  Aaron   THESE WICKED RIVERS   Johnny Cash album, in a
              MUSIC)               into more electronic com-  Parfitt (lead guitar), and   FORCE OF NATURE   five-song stretch is a little
                 Hailing from Manch-  ponents, before coming   Josh Davies (drums). Fore-  (FAT EARTH)   heavy-handed, as 'The
              ester, UK, Crushed By   back around full circle into   seeing the need for an   'Force Of Nature' is a   Riverboat Man and 'Lord
              Wave, made up of  Arran   the main part of the track.   electrifying surge of energy   very apt title for the second   Knows', as good as they
              Prime (vocals), Dan Collict   Whether you feel as   to blow us away, there is no   full-length record from   are, are just not enough of
              (guitar), Andy  Hoskinson   though you’re ‘Close  To   preparing for just how cap-  Derby-based  quartet   a pallet cleanser to give
              (guitar) and  Tom West   The Edge’ or not, this aptly-  tivating this EP is, with its   These Wicked Rivers as   these songs the same feel-
              (drums) burst onto the   named track, with its high   effortless rhythmic beats   the songs it bears establish   ing that 'When the War is
              scene with their single,   energy, has a bridge sec-  pulling you in from the sec-  their blend of southern,   Won' provides, which is a
              ‘Ceiling’, in late 2020.   tion that builds anticipation   ond you press play. From   bluesy, with a tiny hint of   shame. Nonetheless, as
              There’ll be nothing left but   like no other. It elicits the   the first track, ‘Starting   country rock, as exactly   John cries in 'When  The
              admiration and the lust for   sensation of the pick-me-  Again’, right through to   that. It's fitting, as well, that   War Is Won', ‘I can walk
              more from the boys of   up you didn’t know you   ‘Jump Ship’, it showcases   the album coincides with   with my head held high,’
              Crushed By Waves after   needed, both physically   an array of melodic and   the band’s 10th anniver-  rings very true and These
              debuting their first album,   and mentally. In its entirety,   fast-paced guitar riffs, dy-  sary and affirms  that they   Wicked Rivers certainly
              ‘More To Life’, having put   this debut album is a mas-  namically flawless drum   are here for the long run,   can and most definitely
              their all into this adventure   terpiece, which projects an   beats and infectious hooks   and, with the quality of   should.
              that they’ve been on since   energy like no other, as the   that explode through to   tracks on offer here, it will   YYYY
              forming. A hurricane of en-  excavation of their minds   create a thrilling new pop-  leave fans old and new   Michael Coventry
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