Page 27 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 27

BV110 albums pg27.qxp_BV110 pg 27  17/06/2024  20:44  Page 1

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 27
                                    through the cracks in the   out with another incredible
                                    street,’ reminds us of the   full-length album, the fol-
                                    quote ‘they tried to bury us,   low-up to 2022’s ‘Spirits’.
                                    they didn’t know we were   Opening intro ‘| Carnal |’
                                    seeds’.  This song really   begins quite intoxicatingly,
                                    blooms and blossoms, and   before a quote by  Alan   BON JOVI   Jovi’s former managers,
                                    brings about a philosophi-  Watts about not clinging to   THANK YOU,  GOOD-  his brother, Matt, and his
                                    cal air about how we go   life - and then a hefty piece   NIGHT: THE BON JOVI   wife, Dorothea. We hear
                                    through life and grow as we   of power, which leads into   STORY   how Jon started playing
                                    do so.               ‘House On Sand’ ft. Eric V.   2024 marks the 40-  shows, meeting his band-
                                      Jon shows his vulnera-  of I Prevail, which is fiery,
              BON JOVI              bility and love in ‘Kiss The   rabid, impassioned, and full   year anniversary of Bon   mates, climbing the ladder
              FOREVER               Bride’, a piano-led song   of industrial force. It turns   Jovi’s debut album, aptly ti-  of success, and achieving
              (ISLAND)              that was written for his   into a scathing attack on   tled ‘Bon Jovi’, and the   it.
                 2024 sees us all cele-  daughter’s wedding. It’s a   the senses. The first single   band  are  celebrating   There are fun mo-
              brating 40 years of Bon   slower ballad, perfect for   from the album, ‘If It   throughout the year with   ments and more serious
              Jovi and it makes sense   weddings  everywhere,   Doesn’t Hurt’, is pure per-  numerous releases, mem-  moments. We see monu-
              that their new album is titled   while ‘I Wrote You A Song’   fection. Vulnerable and   orabilia and activity. One of   mental moments, such as
              ‘Forever’.  The band has   is another slower-paced,   honest, something that   the highlights is ‘Thank   the time the band played
              been the soundtrack to our   heartfelt, romantic ode.   many can relate to when a   You, Goodnight’, the do-  the Moscow Music Peace
              lives for what seems like   ‘The People’s House’ has a   relationship ends. You can   cuseries streaming on   Festival in 1989. There are
              forever, and their music will   ‘Keep  The  Faith’-style   feel the pain when Jonny   Hulu in the USA, and Dis-  memories that every band
              most definitely stay in our   bassline and drum beat, al-  sings about ‘a different kind   ney+ in the UK and other   will have – such as their
              hearts forever.  This new   though ‘Walls Of Jericho’   of pain’, with instrumenta-  locations. Promoting the   tour bus breaking down in
              12-track album cements   soon overtakes it to be an-  tion that is imaginatively   series in advance, Jon Bon   the desert – but also mem-
              that fact and helps to con-  other highlight and an in-  creative, innovatively con-  Jovi, Tico Torres and David   ories that very few bands
              tinue their legacy.    stant mood-enhancer.  As   tinuing to push musical   Bryan, along with director   will have, such as being in-
                 The release kicks off   soon as it starts, you want   boundaries.   Gotham Chopra, ventured   ducted into the Rock and
              with the feelgood, sing-  to move and clap along. An   ‘Angel Song’, featuring   over to the UK for a   Roll Hall of Fame and play-
              along, ‘Legendary’.  The   energetic song made to be   David Draiman of Dis-  screening (or two) of the   ing three sold-out shows at
              song is vibrant and uplift-  a live anthem, with a group   turbed, is life-affirming, and,   series a month after its ini-  Wembley Stadium in the
              ing, and an immediate   chorus, catchy beat and   like the in-your-face ‘Blame   tial premiere at SXSW in   90s.
              favourite, with an attitude of   ‘na-na-na-na-na’s. We are   It On  The Drugs’, has al-  Texas.    We hear about the low
              gratitude and a big bag of   most definitely ready to be   most a theatrical element.   And the 4-part series   points of the band, when
              blessings. Definitely worthy   singing this one live, as the   ‘Freefall’ is bordering on   has been a hit with fans. It   they needed a break and
              of being the first single from   band perform on stage.   epicness, with a tone that   opens with an early audio   to go their own separate
              the album.              ‘Living In Paradise’ has   activates all five senses,   interview, before fast-for-  ways for a while, as well as
                 The pumping, soft rock   a catchy beat and chorus,   and is majestically soul-  warding to 2022, where the   Richie Sambora not turn-
              beat of ‘We Made It Look   and is another tune from   soaring.    now-legendary       ing up for a show and tour,
              Easy’ sees Jon reminiscing   the heart, with a feeling of   The band’s familiar   singer/songwriter  from   with Jon then calling Phil X
              about the band’s career.   contentment and fulfillment.   philosophical  interludes   Sayreville, New Jersey,   in to stand in for him – and
              ‘Look at us, blood on blood,   ‘Got my hands around her   come in the form of ‘| Head   Jon Bon Jovi is heard with   how Phil’s been a part of
              same today as it was, been   neck, but it’s done with re-  |’, ‘| Heart |’, ‘| Sight |’ and ‘|   a croaky voice, following   the band’s line-up ever
              a hell of a ride,’ Jon sings,   spect’ is the opening,   Sound |’, each featuring   recent surgery. Instantly,   since.
              as the band now reach their   tongue-in-cheek lyric to ‘My   spoken words by  Alan   you feel for him. He shows   And,  with  former
              4th decade. With core   First Guitar’, which starts   Watts, which pose food for   some old demos, reminisc-  bassist  Alec John Such
              members, Jon Bon Jovi,   the descent to the end of   thought, with musical back-  ing about his and the   having passed away in
              David Bryan and Tico Tor-  the album. The guitar work   grounds. ‘| Heart |’’s ‘power   band’s early musical ca-  June 2022, it was nice to
              res still together, it’s a tes-  that follows the lyric, ‘play-  of the river‘ is particularly   reer. We flashback to the   have a tribute to him.
              tament  to  everything   ing old KISS records, in my   thought-provoking and an   first time Bon Jovi ever   Jon talks about why
              they’ve been through to-  folks’ backyard, 17 years   otherworldly 3:45 minute   played Giants Stadium in   the Bon Jovi legacy mat-
              gether.               old, I’m a rock and roll star,’   cerebral journey. It, very   1989. If you’ve been a fan   ters. He’s vulnerable, hon-
                 ‘Living Proof’ is an in-  brings an added spark to   aptly, precedes ‘Down The   of the band since that time,   est, open and raw.  And
              fectious rocker and sees   the song. Final track, ‘Hol-  River’, where frontman   it’s a real blast from the   through it all, down-to-
              the band bring back the talk   low Man’, is a real mulling,   Jonny Hawkins sings about   past and a delightful jaunt   earth and extremely like-
              box, made famous in ‘Livin’   introspective song, with   metaphorically  being   down memory lane.    able. Even if you’re not a
              On  A Prayer’. Back then,   contemplative lyrics, asking   pushed down the river, and   The documentary is   diehard fan, you will come
              they were livin’ on a prayer,   ‘until you love yourself, how   drowning doubts out.   compelling, enlightening   away having a deep-found
              and now they really are liv-  can you love someone’,   ‘Give It  Time’ really   and fascinating. You’ll find   respect for this inspiring
              ing proof that hard work   and slide guitar. It ends the   goes straight for the heart,   yourself getting lost in his   and kind human.
              and talent can create suc-  album with a thoughtful, but   while ‘Run For Your Life’ is   words when Jon talks   Having been a follower
              cess and longevity. Another   melancholy, perspective.    another stunner, a mix of   about his vocal struggles,   of the band since the 80s,
              favourite for its harder rock   Overall, there’s some-  introspection and ferocity,   and it pulls at your heart-  this documentary definitely
              edge.                 thing for everyone on ‘For-  with Jonny telling us, ‘ev-  strings when you hear him   solidifies our dedication
                 The first couple of   ever’, and Bon Jovi show   erything is better when   working on his vocal ther-  and makes us proud to be
              notes of ‘Waves’ is reminis-  that you can’t count them   you’re dreaming’. If you are   apy following his operation.   a Bon Jovi fan, and
              cent of the line, ‘I wake up   out yet. They still know how   not a sweaty, melty mess   The original members   blessed to have experi-
              in the morning’ in ‘Blaze Of   to make legendary albums,   after listening to this album,   of the band are inter-  enced so much because of
              Glory’, before a rising drum   and this one will definitely   then there is no hope for   viewed, as well as current   them. Now, when can we
              beat rushes in, and the   be the soundtrack to many   you. The immensity of it is   members. We hear from   have a DVD of the series
              song then turns into a wist-  forthcoming life events of   almost unrivaled. Jonny   David  Bryan, Tico Torres   to add to our collection? If
              ful, swaying tune. It’s a   us all.        Hawkins, Mark Vollelunga,   and Richie Sambora, as   you haven’t watched it yet,
              smooth, passionate, glow-                  Daniel Oliver and Ben An-  well as Hugh McDonald,   you must. Thank you, Bon
              ing ride. ‘Seeds’ begins    Shari Black Velvet    derson have really outdone   John Shanks, Phil X and   Jovi. There’s a reason they
              modestly, before turning                    themselves with ‘Carnal’.   Everett Bradley.  There’s   are legendary – and this
              into a 5-minute epic, with a   NOTHING MORE   Words just don’t do it jus-  also input from New Jersey   docuseries helps show
              string-filled, climatic ending   CARNAL    tice - you have to listen to it.   inspirations  and  good   that.
              that gives you chills. ‘We’re   (BETTER NOISE)   Mind-blowing.   friends of Jon’s, Southside    YYYYY
              seeds, trying to find a place   Nothing More have     YYYYY     Johnny and Bruce Spring-   Shari Black Velvet
              in the weeds, busting                                           steen, as well as Bon
                                    done it again, knocking us   Shari Black Velvet
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