Page 26 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 110
P. 26

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              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 26
                                   delight and is a perfect ode   definitive releases that you   HALESTORM   missed. This achieves both
                                   to a genre of music the   need in your collection.    LIVE AT WEMBLEY   in spades.
                                   man clearly loves so much,       YYYYY     (ATLANTIC)                      YYYYY
                                   and leaves you thirsty for   Shari Black Velvet   Some things in life are   Michael Coventry
                                   more.  And knowing him,                    unmistakable. You  can
                                   there is likely more to   REVENANT         hear just one second of
                                   come… when he finds the   WHAT  A TIME TO BE   sound and instantly know
                                   time!                 ALIVE                what, or who, it is. Such
                                                YYYY     (REVENANT)           was  the  case  when
                                          Michael Coventry   It's often the way that a   Halestorm stepped onto
                                                         new band will go all or   the iconic stage at Wemb-
              SLASH                                      nothing with their debut EP   ley Arena as headliners for
              ORGY OF THE DAMNED                         and kick things off with their   the first time, and when
              (GIBSON)                                   best effort and do every-  Lzzy Hale opened her
                 Say what you like                       thing they can to retain that   mouth to sing 'Raise Your
              about guitar god Slash,                    momentum throughout the   Horns' a capella, there was
              one thing you can never                    record. However, English   no question of who it was.   ONLAP
              accuse him of is being lazy.               quartet Revenant may   You also get the impres-  WAVES
              You'd forgive one of the all-              have played a master-  sion that, when, a moment   (AFM)
              time greats if he wanted to                stroke with their layout of   or so later, she cries "Hello   French alternative out-
              rest on his laurels a little               'What A Time To Be Alive'   Wembley", they are two   fit ONLAP formed almost
              these days, but instead,                   by hedging their bets at the   words she has longed to   two decades ago, and
              he's been a busy bee again   KRIS BARRAS BAND   start of this record and   say since she and younger   have a combination of EPs
              with his sixth solo album   HALO EFFECT    keeping the best for last.   brother, Arejay, formed the   and LPs under their belts.
              and, not for the first time,   (EARACHE)   That's not to say 'Coming   band when she was 13.   Their  new  offering,
              it's a little different. With   Released on 12th April,   Back  To Life' and 'Draw   From that point on, you just   ‘Waves’, is very much a
              ‘Orgy Of The Damned’, he   2024, Kris Barras Band’s   The Lines' are not a fine   need to strap yourself in for   hark back to the past as
              has, again, teamed up with   ‘Halo Effect’ entered the   way to get things up and   a rollercoaster ride, which   they wear their 90s influ-
              many of the industry’s   UK album charts at No. 5,   running. They are a great   is a celebration of how far   ences very much on their
              finest, but this time, it is to   showing how much support   introduction to the band,   the quartet have come   sleeves. 'Fever' is a belting
              produce an album almost   frontman Kris and his band   spearheaded by guitarist   since their debut album in   way to start, blasting into
              entirely of blues covers.   have built up over the past   and vocalist Sugarman   2009 and their first visit to   your ear drums with some
              This will not be to every-  few years. And it’s no won-  Sam, who is ably accom-  the UK and London, which   crushing riffs, which are
              one's taste and your opin-  der why, as the album is   panied on guitars by   saw them open for Theory   very much a staple of the
              ion of 'Orgy Of  The   testimony to the talents that   Matthew Hudson, and their   Of A Deadman at the far   album. This is followed by
              Damned' may largely be   the band possess. Collab-  twin harmonies are fittingly   more modest Electric Ball-  'Hypnotized', which stands
              determined on your affec-  orating with bandmate   and deservedly compared   room.  The energy which   out when it comes out of
              tion for the genre. The rea-  Josiah J. Manning, Kris’s   to rock majesty Thin Lizzy,   has moved them up the   the gates at a steady pace,
              son for this is that, by and   songwriting skills have re-  while fans of Southern and   rock ladder step-by-step is   but, when it reaches its
              large, Slash and co. have   ally produced some gems   bluesy rock will lap this up.   on display here and this   peak, it hits as hard as any-
              avoided veering too far off   on this follow-up to 2022’s   Revenant step things up,   live recording successfully   thing else on the album
              the original path.  This is   ‘Death Valley Paradise’   ironically,  by  stepping   captures how much the   and is sure to join your fre-
              very much a tribute to the   album. One listen to ‘With   things down a little with   night means to the band   quently-played list. 'Never
              greats rather than the mu-  You’ and you will definitely   'The Healer', a ballad, and   and their fans. Lzzy's roars   Ending Winter' shows an-
              sicians trying to create a   be with this band all the   what a ballad it is. Sam's   are not just raw, they are   other side to the band's
              unique spin on them. While   way. Strong, powerful riffs   vocal talents take the spot-  downright primal. The 17-  character with its melodic
              songs like 'Crossroads',   are the perfect base for   light and he really shows   song set list is a greatest   majesty.  At the midway
              'Born Under A Bad Sign',   Kris’s luxurious vocals.   his ability here. The saying   hits recap of the band's   point of the album, ONLAP
              'Papa Was A Rolling Stone'   There’s  a  sumptuous   of ‘less is more’ is certainly   finest work, plus an obliga-  produce another trick from
              and 'Killing Floor', sung by   rhythm and some excep-  the case with this beautiful,   tory drum solo from Arejay.   up their sleeves and that is
              Gary Clark Jr., Paul   tional  instrumentation.   stripped-back four minutes   Lzzy's interactions with the   the ability to work with oth-
              Rodgers, Demi Lovato and   ‘Savages’ secures Kris   of bliss. ‘Do you dream of   audience are so heartfelt,   ers. First is 'Ghosts', featur-
              Brian Johnson respectively,   Barras Band as one of the   freedom? Do you dare to   you feel she's talking di-  ing Lansdowne, which is a
              will likely be easily recog-  UK’s brightest hopes, with   believe?’ These are two of   rectly to you. The outbreak   cracker, but this is soon
              nisable, the remainder of   its solid rock output. ‘Se-  the questions pondered in   of 'Crazy On  You' in the   eclipsed by 'Never  Too
              the album probably won't   crets’ is another hit, which   this song and it creates   midst of 'I Get Off' is quite   Late', starring Kiiara, who
              be, unless you are a huge   features just the right   much for you to dream and   superb. The piano versions   some may recall from her
              fan of the blues. ‘Hoochie   amount of everything –   believe of this band's po-  of 'Break In', 'Shatter Me'   star performance alongside
              Coochie Man’, performed   passion, succulent lyrics,   tential. Following 'The   and 'Raise Your Horns' are   Chester Bennington on
              by ZZ  Top's Billy F. Gib-  hooks a-plenty, a vital beat   Healer', the band open the   quite beautiful and the   'Heavy', one of the final sin-
              bons is so bluesy, it's al-  and some climatic guitar   throttle again for the EP's   chaotic conclusion of 'The   gles released by Linkin
              most like a shade of black,   playing - a song we’ll be   conclusion and the respite   Steeple', with hints of 'I   Park.  The heartfelt lyrics,
              and is one of the songs   singing along to in arenas   in the middle gives 'The   Miss  The Misery', with a   ‘You keep smiling so they
              where Slash lets himself a   in decades to come. ‘Land-  Masquerade' even more of   fired-up crowd, who the   don't know,’ are words
              little more off the leash.   slide’ is another power-  a punch, the song boasting   band are eager to get   many will likely resonate
              'Key To The  Highway'  is   house,  which  heads   a blistering riff that you'll   every last drop of energy   with, and the song duly
              sung quite marvellously by   straight for your heart. The   have on repeat, before   from, are all fantastic. 'Fa-  steals the show. The album
              Dorothy and brings a wel-  album features renowned   'Rolling On My Back' con-  miliar Taste of Poison' re-  ends with reimagined ver-
              come injection of unique-  songwriters Zac Maloy and   cludes things in the best of   mains a spellbinding piece   sions of ‘Ghosts’ and
              ness  to  the  album.   Blair Daly, but every single   fashion.  The final track   of work, where Lzzy’s vo-  ‘Never  Too Late’, which
              However, it's the album's   song sounds top-notch and   builds into a wonderful ex-  cals soar higher than ever,   leaves a slightly disen-
              closer which offers the   it’s hard to tell which of   plosion of sound and sense   and the inclusion of 'Takes   chanting note.  Although,
              most intrigue. 'Metal Chest-  them had any outside influ-  that is so good, you'll likely   My Life' rewards the hard-  despite this, 'Waves' offers
              nut' is an instrumental   ence. In ‘With  You’ Kris   restart playing the record   est of diehards. Ultimately,   much to enjoy and, as our
              piece coined by Slash,   sings ‘I’m in love with the   as soon as it's finished, as   a live album has two objec-  favourite song suggests,
              which proves, if it were   pain’ – but ‘Halo Effect’ is   you'll be so eager for more.   tives: to act as a timely   when it comes to discover-
              ever needed, just how   definitely a case of no pain,   What a time to be alive, in-  souvenir for those who   ing great music, it truly is
              much creative juice the   and all gain. It’s an album   deed!   were fortunate to be there   'Never Too Late'.
              Stoke native possesses. It   that will stand the test of   YYYY   and to compensate those         YYYY
              ebbs and flows with pure
                                   time and one of those       Michael Coventry   who couldn’t with what they   Michael Coventry
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