Page 10 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
P. 10
BV103 pg08-11 Saint Asonia interview_BV103 pg10 27/12/2019 17:22 Page 3
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last couple of years,” he responds. “I’ve been thing to compare yourself to others, so I try to
trying to be more transparent about the things realise that and try not to let it bother me. But, I
that I do and the situations that I put myself in, mean that’s part of this with, again with social
in the past. I do like to share it with people and I media, that sort of thing is trying to be something
like to tell people where I’m at and where I’ve you know that you’re not, in the eyes of other
been. So yeah, the connection I do have with people. I think that it all kind of comes full circle
the people that I share it with, is definitely strong. and definitely comes back around to that whole
I think, personally, it makes those connections ‘flawed design’ thing.”
and those bonds stronger, at least within my
family and with my friends. Those are the ones he cover artwork for ‘Flawed Design’
where to me it really matters; those are the ones Tseems to portray a picture of a person
you want to be honest with. I do my best; I think meditating while surrounded by a world of
it’s a good thing to be able to sort of be trans- chaos. “That’s exactly what it represents,” con-
parent in a way, that’s for sure.” Adam goes on firms Adam. “Trying to find peace and balance,
to reveal that he is happier with who he is today. amidst a lot of chaos. That’s really what it
“I’ve grown tremendously as a person. Before, I means. Our intentions with that cover was just
was just a shell that was sort of walking around. to sort of have whoever’s looking at it to interpret
You know, I was a pretty selfish person,” he con- it the way they want to; but for me that’s what it
fesses. “I tended to just want to take care of my represents, trying to find some calm within the
own needs before others. I think I was just a dif- chaos.”
ferent person in general.” There is no denying that we are living in
chaotic times right now and we’re not just talking
nspired by Adam’s experiences on social politically. Within the last few decades, how rap-
Imedia, one of the main themes of the idly things have changed in the world. Increased
album is how we try to be, or strive to be, some- population, increased connectivity and ever
one or something we are not. There is a saying: changing technology. Our world has been
‘Someone else is happy with less than you changing so quickly that we’ve somehow be-
have.’ We discuss this with Adam. Would we be come distracted. Our focus on what is important,
more content if, instead of focusing on people our values, our moral compass has changed.
who have more, we reminded ourselves that We have been continuing to ignore the fact that
there are people with less, then ask ourselves our actions today have an effect on our world to-
how they would view our lives? morrow. We ask Adam what he would consider
“Yeah, absolutely,” he responds. “I talked to be humanity’s worst flaws and which flaw
about that only the other day with my wife. We does he think has caused the most destruction?
have so much more than so many other people “Well I definitely think the way that we have
on this earth and it’s really easy to take that for treated our planet environmentally is a…I mean,
granted. It’s a really good thing if you can get it’s becoming a nightmare. I think we really have
outside yourself and you can see it from some- to act fast on looking after our environment,”
body else’s eyes. It’s a really important thing. I Adam answers. There are some people who still
try not to take anything for granted because it do not believe that climate change is real. This
can be taken away so quickly. I think it’s impor- is something that Adam says puzzles him. “It’s
tant for people to try to walk in somebody else’s puzzling to know that people just don’t believe
shoes for even a few minutes.” in something that is proven scientifically. I do be-
We wonder whose eyes Adam would like to lieve that it’s not wanting to admit it and not
view life from. “Hmmm...That’s interesting,” wanting to hear what we have to do to make
Adam pauses momentarily. “You know what? changes, because it might take away from a
Honestly, I would really like to see myself lifestyle that we are currently used to. I think that
through the eyes of my two-year-old son. That’s is probably the biggest reason for it and it’s really
the kind of conversation I have with my wife sad. I mean, it’s proven that that’s a real thing
often as well; is, just to see how he looks at us. and a lot of people choose to ignore it. It puzzles
You know, that’s a really interesting one. If I was me and it makes me angry.”
able to see how he views me - in his own eyes - The environment is certainly a subject that
that would be really cool. I would love that!” has been a hot topic in recent years. Worldwide
we’ve seen various different measures being put
he songs Adam has had a hand in cre- into place to make us be more environmentally
Tating have done more than top the conscientious. From car manufacturers and their
charts. The lyrics he has written over the years consumers being led to combat harmful emis-
have become part of so many people’s lives; sions; campaigns to encourage people to stop
they have saved lives. When you hear his voice eating meat - or at least minimise their intake of
singing those songs, you can understand why it; to cutting down the amount of plastic we use
he has been called one of the most iconic post- and dispose of in our day-to-day living.
grunge singers of all time. It is no surprise that “I think those small things are steps forward,
some of Adam’s peers hold him in high esteem, but there’s a lot more we can do,” Adam ac-
looking up to and admiring him as a musician; knowledges. “I think a lot of people feel like they here comes a time when we all have to
this fact is something that Adam struggles with. want to see change but don’t necessarily want Tmake changes in our lives. Sometimes
“Honestly, it feels kind of awkward…It feels awk- to help and try to contribute to the change; I think by choice, sometimes not. But change is a con-
ward and, in a way, it’s definitely flattering at the that’s a big part of it. You know, for me, if there stant and can be necessary. We cannot change
same time,” the frontman reveals. “I’ve got so is an option to help I want to do that. I am con- the world without changing ourselves. Change,
many things that could be fixed, that I’m always cerned with where the planet is going to be and no matter how big or small, can make the
trying to work on, so it’s strange if somebody what shape the planet is going to be in years biggest impact. Take Adam for example, the
wanted to compare themselves to me.” and decades after I’ve gone. When my kid’s kids changes Adam has made and gone through in
Understanding how easy it is to compare are being brought up on this planet, what kind his own life over the past two years has enabled
yourself to others, Adam discloses that he does of shape is it going to be in? I’m trying to be him to become a more focused and happier per-
find himself doing the same. “I don’t have any- more aware of that. It’s something that I’m al- son. If change is essential for growth and devel-
body in particular that I could name, but I do look ways kind of working on and I think that’s prob- opment, then the evolution of Saint Asonia will
at different situations, different bands, at differ- ably one of the biggest things for humanity now. no doubt see them flourish.
ent levels of fame and success and I do com- I think that’s one of our biggest flaws, is not re-
pare how they’re doing it. Sometimes I compare ally caring about the environment as much as Visit for for more info.
where I’m at to where they’re at. I’m fairly quick we could.”
to recognise that that’s kind of an unhealthy Words By Penny & Sam Gower