Page 15 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
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BV103 pg12-15 sws interview_BV103 pg15 22/12/2019 20:13 Page 4
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had for a really long time. I was maybe not deal- seeing my previous band D.R.U.G.S. pop up, chaos of this world, that’s what life is all about
ing with my past as much and just kind of and when I had quit that band, I quit the whole for me, I think.”
sweeping it under a rug and then realizing later entire industry; that was it. I was like, ‘I’m never But, while Nick shines his light on others, he
on that that caused me more problems and gonna be in a band again, I don’t want to be on too has had bright, inspirational lights shone
more issues. So now I just view every day as stage again, I don’t want to be in the studio back on him. One fan, Troy, left such an impact
one day at a time. I don’t think about tomorrow. again,’ And all of that changed; I took two years on him at Warped Tour that he tweeted, ‘For as
I don’t think about yesterday. I just do what I can off from the road and started a completely differ- much of a fan as you are of us, I’m a big fan of
to live in the moment and be as present as pos- ent career path, which was great, I loved it. It yours, Troy. Meeting people like you makes
sible so that I can be the best me that I can pos- was a different door for me to open and to ex- what I do the best job in the world’.
sibly be – and not what I used to be or what I plore and then randomly getting a text from “Meeting that kid was just, there are some
can potentially be. I just want to ‘be’ – which is Kellin, ‘Hey, you want to come overseas and people that you meet; fortunately I get to meet
present.” play some shows?’ At that point in my life, I was lots of people all the time that leave amazing im-
Many people, particularly those that have like, ‘I’ll take a paid vacation, that sounds like pacts on me, I love hearing their stories, but then
had tough upbringings, can dwell a lot on their fun,’ and then suddenly, six years later now, they there are the special people whereas as soon
past, which can keep them in a negative state have me in this band still. That was something as you meet them, there’s something about
of mind. Likewise, thinking to the future and that I did not imagine was going to happen, but them that you can’t describe what it is, but
what may or may not happen can also make you there’s a beauty in that. There’s just taking life there’s something about them that you feel such
worried and anxious. one day at a time and not thinking ‘What am I a positive impact from, but also influences you
Nick says that thinking of the future left him going to be doing in six years from now?’ and in a positive way,” says Nick. “So when I met
uneasy. “It gave me acute anxiety, especially in just living in the present and letting things hap- him, he was just this little kid who was just a ray
my 20s, thinking about, ‘By the time I’m 30, I pen as they may. Just keeping a good attitude of sunshine, he had so much vibrancy to him, he
need to be this, I need to be married and have through all of that too.” was such a polite, kind soul, and immediately I
kids,’ or ‘By the time I’m 35, the band needs to felt just a connection to him. His dad was saying
be at this point and if I’m not that …’ You start n ‘Break Me Down’ Kellin sings ‘All the how much of an inspiration I am to him and
building these arrangements for yourself that Idrugs and the fame don't matter at all’. everything like that and it made me choked up
you really realize later on that you don’t have When we ask Nick if he agrees, and what mat- and emotional. Those kind of moments are what
control of. You have to just let life deal you the ters to him, he replies. “It’s definitely not drugs makes what I do, I have the coolest job in the
cards and whatever you’re dealt, you live with or fame. I don’t ever feel that was ever some- world. That goes back to, if I can leave a positive
that, but you do that on a day-to-day basis, as thing that I cared about in the first place any- impact on anybody, on one person, that I could
opposed to ‘Where do I need to be years from ways. When I started a band, it was just about die the happiest man tomorrow. This could all
now?’ ‘Cause you never know what’s going to making music and being around my friends and end tomorrow and I’d be like, ‘Cool, I’m grateful
happen, you never know what doors open and having a good time. And now, what’s most im- and I’m humbled that I got to do something that
what doors close and I’ve now found beauty in portant is, yeah, it’s my happiness, my wife’s affected people in a positive way.’”
that – of not knowing, and looking forward to happiness, the people around me, that they’re
that; the unknown, and being more optimistic to happy. I care more about the wellbeing of others Visit for more info.
that as opposed to pessimistic, how I was grow- now. And I think what’s most important to me in Their new album, 'How It Feels To Be Lost', is
ing up, I guess.” my life is just leaving a positive impact, whether out now.
We ask if anything exceptional happened it be on just the people around me, my immedi-
that he really didn’t expect. ate circle, or our fans. It’s just with all the crazy Words By Shari Black Velvet
“This band,” he replies. “This was definitely shit going on in the world, politics, or whatever it
something that I did not expect. It’s cool ‘cause may be, whatever I can do to just shine any sort Nick Martin Photo By Shari Black Velvet
I’m actually looking through the previous article, of positive light, through all the madness and the