Page 7 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
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BV103 tyler bryant_BV103 pg07 24/12/2019 19:32 Page 2
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have kinda been married to each other for over rguably the best song on 'Truth And he band released 'On To The Next' as
ten years, is what I tell everyone at least! So ALies' is the quite beautiful 'Out There', Ta single prior to the release of ‘Truth
that chapter in our lives is new at least and it's an acoustic track in which Tyler truly pours his And Lies’. So to conclude, Caleb tells us what
very important and great and that will only con- heart out. "It's a different one!” says Caleb. “It is next for Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown as
tinue to change things going forward and was a departure for us on the record, to have they continue to march forward. "We've got
change the songwriting and I'm looking forward that vulnerability and I think it allowed us to ex- some tours already planned which we can't talk
to the next chapter." plore new sounds. For me personally, there is about just yet for next year which we are really
These days, many people judge others by no drums except a bass drum so I got to play excited about and we are coming back to the
the ‘shape they’re in’. We ask Caleb about some keys on it and I think it was inspiring for UK and Europe. I think we have really found
times when he and the band have been judged us in the studio because we got new sounds our people over here. 'On To The Next' has
about the shape they've been in. "I've always which we had never done before." kind of become our motto. We enter every
been particularly diligent about not letting those And Caleb confirms that the song has show with the same mindset. If it's a stadium
kind of things get to me because the internet is struck a chord with many of their fans. "Tyler gig or if it's a club with 150 people, it's always
just a wild place and people can say things wrote that song a long time ago and it's lived the same mindset. We're gonna come in and
which are just wildly inappropriate. But yeah, on YouTube for years and he named it 'Re- burn the place down and we're going to move
that has happened, absolutely, and probably stringing And Singing' because he restrung his on to the next one! We're going to take some
happened on stage as well when things have resonator and wrote the song and so a lot of time off over the holidays to reset and recharge
been thrown at us, so I think it's a problem, our big fans, our diehards, have been saying and enjoy time with our families. We already
yeah, but do I think it will go away, probably ever since ‘You have to record that’. And this have some new songs in the works right now
not, you know what I mean? It's the internet, was records ago (the video was uploaded in so some recording will probably happen early
technology and it is what it is. I think the 2013), but we were always, ‘I don't know about next year as well. So yeah, we're still sorting
biggest thing is learning how to be confident that song, man. You know, we would never do some stuff out for the second half of 2020 but
and learning how to deal with it and shake it that,’ That song didn't really fit the mould of the we always get finished on the road and we're
off." band so it kinda found a place in the end. It al- immediately like ‘Alright, what's next?’ and we
And the latter quality is something Caleb ways made the album folder of demos every hit our management up to find out what's next
would encourage more people to try and do if year but for whatever reason it didn't make the and there are a lot of conversations happening
they can. "Why wouldn't you want to have that cut but this time we felt it was time to give it a and things still up in the air. But I'm excited, we
confidence and self-esteem to be strong in shot, it felt right in this setting, in this scenario love touring, meeting new people, seeing new
who you are and confident in the person who and for this album. It's definitely a favourite, we places, we're excited for what's next and we're
you are and shrug that kind of stuff off? Is that get told that all of the time. We don't play it in going to keep doing our thing and bringing our
easier said than done? Yeah, absolutely. I'd be our shorter sets, like a 40-45 minute set, but brand of rock ‘n’ roll to the world."
kidding you if I said that kind of thing hasn't we do in our headline sets and it's always a And we share in that excitement because,
bothered me in the past, but I think, for us, it is moment and it's always special because that if 'Truth And Lies' is a glimpse of what is yet to
important to keep moving forward because if song resonates with people in different ways come, the truth is the future for Tyler Bryant &
you get stuck in stuff like that you will only go and people interpret the lyrics in different ways. the Shakedown is looking very, very special in-
backwards." I've always loved that song and I'm glad we fi- deed.
nally gave it a shot." Visit
for more info.
Words By Michael Coventry