Page 5 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
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BV103 pg04&05 Halestorm_BV103 pg05  24/12/2019  19:19  Page 2

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              Black  Velvet:  Which  song  on  'Vicious'  en-  but we tour a lot and unfortunately that's what it  helps ourselves if we help each other.
              courages fans to live their best lives?   takes to make a living nowadays, so you have a
              Arejay Hale: Gosh, in terms of following their  choice. Are you going to stop or are you going  BV: In ‘Killing Ourselves To Live’, Lzzy sings
              dreams in life, I think 'Killing Ourselves To Live'  to  learn  how  to  maintain  being  on  the  road?  ‘We're going down with this ship’. Do you
              is a really good example of that. It's basically  We've gotten better at it and now we're pretty  think that is the case for you with the band
              about  the  amount  of  workload  that  goes  into  good where we can handle the workload, we can  or could you live without Halestorm?
              doing what you want to do. If you want to pursue  still manage to be rested and loose and limber  AH: Probably, yeah! (laughs) I mean, if I'm being
              your art and make a career out of it, on the sur-  and feeling good mentally too, and staying in a  completely honest, absolutely. I just love making
              face it looks all fine and great and amazing, be-  good, positive place and part of that is the other  music. I love writing, I love singing, I love creat-
              cause  people  generally  just  see  that  one  aspect of the touring which I mentioned. The  ing, so if I was doing Halestorm or any other kind
              moment where we are on stage which makes it  music and also the camaraderie, the band and  of of music I would be super stoked about it. But
              all worth it, but it's the other 23 hours of work  the crew, we're all very close as friends and I  this is the path my art has led me to and I am
              every day which go along with it. It's tough. If you  think that really helps; having a really good team  super stoked about it and thrilled about every-
              took away the music, the show, the camaraderie,  around you that you get on with because they  thing that this band has given to me. Maybe it
              everything that is cool about it and stripped it  are going to be right there the whole time, so  will lead to even crazier things in the future. The
              back to basically what it is, you know, the travel,  you’d better get along!  growth we've had in the UK is something I'm so
              very little sleep, you're not getting really good nu-                  proud of. It's actually more apparent to us here
              trition, you're in a different time zone every day,  BV: Do you think too many people kill them-  because  we  are  so  far  away  from  home  and
              a different city, a different airport, it can be really  selves working in order to live and are work-  when you are so far away from home you don't
              exhausting and gruelling after a while, but that's  ing so hard they don't enjoy their lives?  really expect anyone to really know who we are,
              what it takes and I think a lot of artists and a lot  AH: I'll be honest, I really don't know at all what  but we've been coming for a long time now. It's
              of bands don't really realise it and then when  it's like to live a normal life because I've been  ten years now that we've been pursuing things
              they experience it they are like ‘Oh, this is so  doing this my whole life. But yeah, I do see dif-  in the UK and Europe and every time we come
              much work, is it worth it?’ So, that is why we say  ferences culturally, like in our country (America)  over here the rooms and the crowds get a little
              if you really want to pursue your art and your cre-  everyone works a long work week, I've many  bit bigger. But it's been so gradual but because
              ativity and make a career from it you really have  friends who have regular jobs who are just trying  it's such a long trip for us to get over here, it feels
              to love it and make it your entire life and really  to make ends meet, and in other countries you  so much more apparent when we do. It sticks out
              embrace everything that goes along with it.   see people have longer lunch breaks, they work  more in our mind. We'll be like, ‘Last time we
                                                 shorter hours, more time off, places like Australia  were here we played this room and now it's this
              BV: Do you think people need to be vicious  and  New  Zealand,  I  think,  it  is  like  that.  I've  room’. We do tour more in the States, so it's
              in order to live their best life?  talked to a lot of people about this and there are  been probably more slow and steady over there,
              AH: Absolutely. I absolutely think you do. Being  a lot of cultures where they take a lot of pride in  but the music fans in the UK, they really love live
              smart, being aware and knowing how to have a  everyone living a nice life, working, but getting a  music and they really love coming out to see live
              good  sense  and  knowledge  of  everything  in-  nice wage, and without having to work them-  bands and so I feel the progression has been dif-
              volved. You can be the best songwriter and have  selves to death to achieve it, and I feel that a lot  ferent. They are both great in their own way, but
              the best songs but if you don't know how to get  in our country is about work, work, hustle, hustle,  yeah,  every  time  we  come  over  here  we  do
              it out there then no-one is ever going to hear it.  work, work and all just to make ends meet. So, I  make a fairly significant jump to the next-sized
              I think being vicious and being ruthless about  think we do have a lot of room for improvement  room and a lot of that is thanks to everyone over
              your  art  but  not  being  confrontational...  Of  on that in our country. We could do better with  here who loves to come out and see live music.
              course, you have to stand up for your art, but you  our healthcare system, our employment system  And, I think, in certain aspects, it's more than
              also need to be able to compromise and how to  and everything, I think there is room for improve-  people  do  in  the  States,  especially  with  rock
              play the game, so to speak. And that does take  ment everywhere, but I definitely know from first  bands.
              a lot of give and take and sometimes the hardest  hand experience that we've some room to im-
              thing about being an artist is to compromise and  prove on that.       BV: Lzzy sings ‘We might live forever’. How
              accept help from outside sources. I always feel                        confident are you that Halestorm's music will
              that the more success you have and the more  BV: Does this also apply to how people actu-  live forever?
              your music is out there and the more it's growing,  ally  ‘enjoy’  their  lives?  Are  people  killing  AH: Hmmm, will it live forever? I think we prob-
              you do have more room to have creative free-  themselves worrying about what they do and  ably are at a point now where we have made
              dom. But in the beginning, when no-one really  how they are seen by others?  enough of an impact that we can continue to do
              knows who you are or cares about you, you do  AH: I would say that does apply to a lot of peo-  this now. I don't think any of us are in fear now
              have to be more lenient, but at the same time  ple. When you see people post on Instagram  that it could all go ‘poof’ and tomorrow we'll have
              you also have to stick up for what you believe in,  you see them on vacation or living their best life  to  start  working  in  McDonalds  or  whatever!  I
              you have to find that balance. So yeah, a little bit  and sometimes it can make you feel ‘Oh, every-  think that fear has pretty much long gone now,
              of viciousness helps. It's good to have a little bit  one is having such a good time and I'm strug-  so I think, in that sense, if you are a fan of the
              of teeth. You just don't have to use them all of  gling,’ but I think people don't realise that a lot of  music it probably will live forever. For us, it was
              the time, just have them there and know when  people probably do put a lot of effort in making it  always  about  going  slow  and  steady,  it  was
              to use them.                       look like they are living this great life but you  never about trying to get huge really quick. It was
                                                 don't know what is going on behind the scenes.  always about trying to reach people one at a
              BV: Has there ever been a time when you  I can speak from my experience of being in a  time, just by putting out really good, honest and
              have felt being in Halestorm has been killing  band, because a lot of people probably look at  genuine stuff, and I think if you do put out really
              you? Has it ever gotten too much?  us and think ‘Oh, it's just a constant party. You  genuine stuff, you will get a genuine reaction and
              AH: Yeah, I mean we kind of had to learn and  guys are just out there constantly having a party  it affects people in a very personal way. So, I
              adapt to live this kind of lifestyle. I think it proba-  and having fun’ and we're like, ‘No, it's a lot of  would have to argue that I think the music we put
              bly really started hitting us between the second  work. You put in a lot of effort and work to be  out will live on as long as there are people who
              and third albums when things were really starting  able to do this,’ so I think it could be very similar  do connect with it, and hopefully they do. And,
              to pick up and we were really just kind of touring  to that.           of  course,  it  makes  us  all  proud,  absolutely.
              constantly, and in the middle of it you might not                      When you write songs you do it for yourself, self-
              notice it, but then afterwards you'd get off a tour  BV: Obviously, you share the stage with your  ishly, and for things you are going through and
              and you'd feel like you'd got run over by a 10-  sister, Lzzy. Are there often times where you  you never really expect anyone else to relate or
              tonne truck so you learn and adapt how to sur-  two feel like killing each other?  latch onto it, but it happens and we hear people
              vive out here. As a drummer, for me, it's very  AH: Not really, I just think we both don't really  tell us how our song ‘helped me through this time
              physical, I have to be really conscious about my  sweat the small stuff. Honestly, I don’t think we  in my life’ and it blows our mind every time be-
              health, I don't really drink at all. I don't really do  have the mental energy anymore to fight each  cause you really cannot believe it because to us
              anything extreme. I try to get a lot of sleep, try to  other  because  we  are  trying  to  maintain  and  it's almost like a public diary. But that's the power
              exercise, try to stretch, all these things. I priori-  keep this shit afloat like we have been doing for  of music and what is so great about it, because
              tise for those things cos I feel if you are in good  22 years now. We've been doing this for a long  it does have a lot of great therapeutic qualities,
              physical shape and good physical health it helps  time and we haven't killed each other yet, so  and, for me, songwriting helps me get through a
              you mentally as well. But there were times when  there is hope yet for us. When we were little kids  lot of things in my life, so I'm glad the songs
              we were young and wanting to party and wanting  we would spat about little things, but now, we're  which come out can help others with theirs."
              to celebrate that we were out here doing all this,  too old for that, let's just keep surviving. And it
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