Page 21 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 21

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              you that’s always searching for more. I think  and realise when you’re this close you are  down and out and someone is actually able
              that’s built into us and some people act on it  going to see the best and the worst of every-  to say the right thing or do the right thing to
              more than others.” Talking about the song in  body.”                   pull you out of that abyss that you might be
              particular, Neil explains, “‘Chasing The First  “Especially at 3am,” Barry jokes.  in. Someone that’s capable of doing that is
              Time’ is talking about anything - a drug, a re-  “Yeah, at 3am,” Neil laughs.   generally a sign of being loved to some de-
              lationship, that thrill of the first moment, that  They are referring to a conversation in  gree.”
              feeling  of  adrenaline  of  just  experiencing  the room prior to the interview commencing,  Lastly, we ask about the feeling ‘hopeful’
              something for the first time. As it happens  where Barry was being mocked by Neil, Brad  - When they are writing songs, do they think
              more and more, you get used to it, or it just  and Matt. While he comes across as the re-  about how they can inspire hope to the peo-
              doesn’t become a novelty anymore. I agree  served member of the group in interviews,  ple listening to their words?
              with Pete Wentz in saying it does sometimes  we are informed that in the early hours of the  “Yeah.  I  think  we  try,”  says  Neil.  “We
              feel a little bit less special; you know, it’s like  morning Barry turns into quite the conversa-  don’t  overthink  that,  but  we  always  write
              chasing the dragon - I think that’s kind of a  tionalist. Barry did admit this to be true.  something that is true to our hearts; some-
              heroin term - that first high is like, you never  “Your question is very time sensitive!”  thing that comes from our heart or our mind
              quite get back to that and I think that is an  Neil  jokes,  as  he  continues,  “Like,  late  at  about  our  lives,  the  struggles  in  our  own
              analogue for a lot of things in life.”  night it is probably Barry but in the mornings  lives and the lives of people around us. They
                                                 definitely not Brad, right Brad?” He looks to  are always based on facts or based on a true
                   arlier this year, the band launched an  Brad and says, “We don’t see each other, he  feeling that one of us or all of us are having.
                Einteractive playlist maker where fans  wakes up a lot earlier than I do. But, no, we  I think people are very sensitive to what is
              could choose lyrics that resonated with them  all have each other’s backs. We all respect  coming from a real place and what is con-
              to form a playlist on Spotify. A mood profile  each other.”            trived, especially in 2018 when there is so
              formed  from  the  lyrics  chosen  detected  What kind of things make them angry?  much contrived shit out there. As long as we
              whether the person was feeling sad, angry,  We ask.                    stay true to ourselves and write what is real
              loved or hopeful. Inspired by this, we decide  “I don’t know. I guess listening to people  to us it becomes real to the fans. They can
              to ask the band some questions based on  complain all the time bothers me a lot,” Neil  then kind of see their own lives in our lyrics.
              each of those emotions.            answers. “Just in general that is something  That is the personal connection that I think
                Asking when they are feeling sad, which  that irks me. We try not to be angry people,  has been so powerful between Three Days
              of  their  fellow  band  members  is  the  most  really. Being an angry person, you are only  Grace and our fans.”
              likely to cheer you up? the question is met  doing  yourself  a  disservice  by  walking
              with laughter. “Those are my only options?”  around angry.”                f you read the band’s current biogra-
              Neil responds. Cue more laughter as Barry  What makes them feel loved?    Iphy, the very first line reads: Outsiders
              asks, “Do they have to be in the band?”  “I don’t know what that feels like…” Brad  always leave enduring impressions. So, as a
                “I think everybody. We’re a team. We are  answers, in a sad voice. “I like my dog. My  final thought, what impact do the members
              all best buddies,” Neil answers. “We hang  dog makes me feel loved,” Brad states, “My  of  Three  Days  Grace  want  to  have  on  the
              out outside of the band and we have a good  children, dogs… I don’t know. That’s a good  people who listen to their music, or come to
              time doing it. I think for the most part we  question.” Brad looks around at his fellow  see  the  shows?  “To  feel  something”,  is
              have each other’s backs and we also give  bandmates, “Everybody is like ‘I don’t know’.  Matt’s reply, “to have fun, feel the song and
              each other space. If you don’t do that in any  Anybody? Loved?”        remember the experience.”
              relationship, if you break down the commu-  “What makes me feel loved?” Neil pon-  Visit for more
              nication  or  you’re  giving  someone  a  hard  ders.                  info.
              time every time they have a bad day, it does-  Matt  bursts  into  song,  “Sunshine,  lol-  Words By Sam and Penny Gower
              n’t work in a marriage, it doesn’t work in a  lipops and rainbows...”
              band, it doesn’t work in a work space. I think  Matt’s tuneful ditty is cut short as Neil is  Photos By Shari Black Velvet
              we all have mutual respect for each other  now  ready  to  answer,  “Just  when  you’re

                                                                                           THREE DAYS GRACE
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