Page 25 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 25

BV99 pg22-25 massive wagons_BV99 pg25  17/11/2018  20:02  Page 4

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 25
              was getting a little bit, like trying to get him  smile.               they? Things happen; it was a gutter, really.”
              off the radio and he just kept going on and  The  song  also  hints  in  its  words  that  On the subject of rock titans Status Quo,
              on. I thought, ‘This guy’s great! He’s got no  maybe it’s down to us to sort these problems  Massive  Wagons  had  the  opportunity  to
              fear of talking and talking absolute rubbish  we have. “I think you need to take a bit of re-  share a stage with them in the summer, an
              on  the  radio.’  He  was  brilliant  and  so  I  sponsibility for your own life sometimes. I  occasion made all the more special because
              Googled  him  and  I  thought,  this  guy  has  don’t think enough people do that and take  it was in their own backyard and unsurpris-
              done  so  much  in  his  life,  so  many  cool  responsibility for their own actions.”  ingly, Baz has fond memories of the day and
              things,  wouldn’t  it  be  great  if  somebody  ‘Last  On  The  List’  and  ‘Billy  Balloon  the show. “It was great, it was definitely a
              wrote a song for the guy about his life while  Head’ also discuss the importance of people  bucket list thing and it was close to where
              he is still alive? The song isn’t specifically  simply  being  nicer  to  each  other.  This  is  we live too. For them to come and play on
              about his life, it’s about other things, but the  something which Baz believes could make a  our doorstep was bizarre, especially Kendall
              chorus is about his life.”         difference.  He  tells  Black  Velvet,  “I’m  not  which isn’t known for its big gigs. They just
                On the 21st September the band posted  naïve. There are a lot of people in the world  sorta landed this big gig and we got con-
              a photo of Verdun wearing a load of Massive  and we’re all different for a reason, it’s what  tacted and asked if we’d like to support Quo
              Wagons merchandise and with a copy of the  makes the world. Maybe if we were all nice it  and we’re like, “Yeah, of course we do!” And
              album  with                                                                                 it  was  mega.
              his   song                                                                                  They  brought
              on, a photo                                                                                 their stage and
              Baz   con-                                                                                  their   produc-
              fessed   to                                                                                 tion,  their  set
              being espe-                                                                                 up, their sound,
              c i a l l y                                                                                 everything, and
              p l e a s e d                                                                               it  was  incredi-
              a b o u t .                                                                                 ble,  absolutely
              “ W e ’ v e                                                                                 incredible.”
              s p o k e n                                                                                    And,    of
              with   his                                                                                  course,  ‘Back
              family,  his                                                                                To  The  Stack’
              d a u g h t e r                                                                             was  a  part  of
              who   lives                                                                                 the  setlist  that
              with   him                                                                                  day   and   it
              and  looks                                                                                  proved  a  hit
              after   him,                                                                                with  the  Quo
              his son and                                                                                 faithful.   Baz
              a few other                                                                                 tells us, “Status
              relations,                                                                                  Quo has such a
              and we sent                                                                                 hardcore   fol-
              them  all  a                                                                                lowing, who are
              bit of merch                                                                                very   Quo.   I
              and  we  got                                                                                know     that
              that  photo                                                                                 sounds  ridicu-
              of him with                                                                                 lous,  but  when
              it  all.  What                                                                              we released the
              a  guy,  he’s                                                                               song  we  did
              a   dude!                                                                                   think, ‘How will
              He’s   on                                                                                   it go down with
              Facebook,                                                                                   the  Quo  hard-
              102 years old and his Facebook photo is of  would  be  unbearable,  but  in  my  head  it  core? It could go one of two ways.’ With so-
              him on a swing! He’s just a cool guy.”  works.  I  think  more  people  could  do  with  cial media being how it is, we put it out and
                When asked if Verdun is an example of  being a bit more nice. Then I wouldn’t have  all the Status Quo fan clubs loved it and took
              someone more people should be looking at  to deal with fucking arseholes!”  it on board. The year Rick passed, there were
              as an inspiration, Baz immediately concurs.                            so many people who died; Lemmy, George
              “I definitely think so. He clearly doesn’t take  ompleting  our  topic  of  influential  Michael, Prince - and Rick got clouded a little
              life too seriously. He’s a D-Day veteran and  Ccharacters from the album is another  bit. A few people wrote songs about Lemmy.
              there’s not many of them left now. Hard as  of the more obvious ones which comes from  Airbourne  did  for  example,  and  I  just
              nails.”                            the track ‘Back To The Stack’, a song dedi-  thought, ‘We’ll represent Rick here and see
                                                 cated to the late Rick Parfitt of Status Quo  what we can do,’ and that song has been the
                   he song also touches upon the way  and another highlight of ‘Full Nelson’, where  song that’s given us the biggest step-up. It
                Tsociety behaves today, a theme fre-  the band truly embrace their inner Quo. The  was the first song of ours which Planet Rock
              quently raised on the album in songs such  song also proved pivotal to their current suc-  played. They loved it and still play it regu-
              as the aforementioned ‘Billy Balloon Head’  cess as, when it was released as a single in  larly, and Earache contacted us because of
              and ‘China Plates’, but also in ‘Last On The  April 2017, it proved to be their most popular  that song, so it’s been a lifeline to us. Maybe
              List’, a song in which the band claims the  song to date and would play a key part in  Rick is looking after us and sending a bit of
              human  race  is  ‘making  a  mess  of  simply  them being signed by Earache Records.  luck down!”
              spinning through space’. We asked Baz to  “Rick and the band were a big influence
              tell us a little more about how he thinks we  to us,” Baz says. “What a guy. The whole  assive  Wagons  might  not  be  leg-
              are making such a mess of things.  image of him and his band; they seemed to  Mends just yet, but they have every-
                “I just get fed up; it’s like whenever you  keep  one  foot  firmly  in  where  they  came  thing needed to be ones soon. Massive riffs,
              listen to the news, it’s just misery and de-  from, in normality. They never became these  massive sound, massive levels of humour
              spair, arguing and falling out, blowing shit  ridiculous, iconic figures. He just looked like  and a massive ability to make you smile from
              up, discrimination and people starving,” he  a guy you would know having a great time  ear to ear. Whether you are listening to them
              tells us. “I don’t like going into specifics, but  making music for other people. They could  through headphones or, better still, live and
              I get fed up with listening to the bullshit that  have been a pub band and they looked like  in person, ‘Full Nelson’ is set to have you
              goes on in the world, to be honest. It just  they could play Wembley; it made no differ-  stuck in their grip for a very, very long time
              seems to me like we are making a big deal  ence.  Whenever  they  were  interviewed  or  to come.
              out of something which shouldn’t be such  they were on camera, it just seemed I could  Visit for more
              hard work. It’s not all a mess, don’t get me  relate to them and who they were. I thought,  info.
              wrong. It’s not all doom and gloom, is it?  well, we all do, they were great, that kind of  Words by Michael Coventry
              There are plenty of good things in the world,  no-nonsense music, it was just brilliant. And
                                                                                                      Band Photo By Ami Barwell
              we’re doing alright at least,” he adds with a  when  he  died,  well,  everyone  dies,  don’t  Live Photo By Bonnie Britain
                                                                                              MASSIVE WAGONS
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